江苏省永丰初级中学2020届九年级英语下学期期末复习 9A Unit 3 重点短语 牛津版

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江苏省永丰初级中学2020届九年级英语下学期期末复习 9A Unit 3 重点短语 牛津版_第1页
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江苏省永丰初级中学2020届九年级英语下学期期末复习 9A Unit 3 重点短语 牛津版_第2页
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《江苏省永丰初级中学2020届九年级英语下学期期末复习 9A Unit 3 重点短语 牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省永丰初级中学2020届九年级英语下学期期末复习 9A Unit 3 重点短语 牛津版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、9A Unit 3 重点短语(1) 【自主学习】一、背诵本单元一下重点短语(注:划线部分为四会单词)1使发疯drivemake sb. mad (madder,maddest)2打扰某人请勿打扰disturb sb.No disturbing.3与(没有)交流have (no) communication with sb.4处理青少年问题deal with teenage problems (dealt,dealt)5除了做别无选择have no choice but to do6完成练习complete the exercises7拒绝做这么多作业refuse to do so much h

2、omework8接受建议accept sbs suggestions (accept接受receive收到)9几乎没有时间用于爱好hardly have any time for ones hobbies10匀出时间做某事在空闲时间spare ones time to do in the spare time11打乒乓球play table tennis=play ping-pong12怀疑某人某事 毋庸置疑doubt sb.sth There is no doubt that13是否whetheror not14值得做某事值20元be worth doingbe worth $2015主动去

3、做给某人某物offer to do sth.offer sb. sth.offer sth. to sb.16在某方面给我一些建议offer me some suggestions on sth.17对有价值be of great value tobe valuable to18许多朋友时间plenty of friends time plenty of=lots of19(不)被允许去be( not )allowed to20对某人在某方面要求严格be strict with sb.in sth.21取得两者间的平衡achieve a balance betweenand22做任务do th

4、e task23两者之一(否定)也eitheror dont,either24看我的肚子 look at my stomach stomach-s25期盼一个没有家庭作业的假期look forward to a holiday without homework26尝试多做运动try to do more exercise27有足够的时间做某事 have enough time for to do34盼望早日收到你的来信look forward to hearing from you soon35复习考试 revise for exams36学习有问题 have problems with on

5、es study37陷入麻烦get into trouble38熬夜完成工作待在外面很晚去玩stay up late to complete work stay out late to play39没有足够的睡眠dont have enough sleep41获得高分 getreceive high marks43发出很大的噪音make a lot of noise44痴迷踢足球be crazy about playing football45准时交作业 hand in homework on time二、家长抽报课本9AUnit3p42-48所有四会单词以及重点短语20个,学生默写在讲义指定

6、位置, 9A Unit 3重点短语【自主学习】一、背诵本单元以下重点短语或句子(注:划线部分为四会单词)1. 没有勇气做某事have no courage to do sth. lose courage2. 实话告诉你to tell you the truth truth- truetruly3. 给某人匀出一些时间spare some time for sb.4. 注意到某人正在做 / 做某事notice sb. do/ doing sth.5. 在方面取得很大进步make much progress in6. 很多青少年辅导员plenty of youth workers7. 一些有价值的

7、建议some valuable suggestions valuable= of value8. 回复我的信reply to my letter reply-replied- replied replies9. 乐意之极。With pleasure.10. 不客气。Its a pleasure. Its my pleasure.11. 注意你的拼写pay attention to your spelling12. 受压力之苦suffer from stress suffer, suffered, suffered13. 尽管她受伤了,但是仍然坚持工作。Though she was hurt,

8、she still continued to work.14. 压力的原因the cause of stress15. 找个安静的地方学习find a quiet place to study16. 和朋友分担忧愁share worries with friends17. 只关心我的分数care only about my marks18. 让你父母看到你的进步let your parents see your progress19. 何时见他的朋友when to meet his friends20. 跟谁交谈寻求帮助who to talk to for help21. 叫她书虫call her a bookworm22. 这些嘲笑你的学生these students who laugh at you23. 以你的学业为荣be proud of your schoolwork24. 似乎比以前快乐得多seem much happier than before25. 朋友就是这样子的!Thats what friends are for!26. 感谢你倾听我的问题。Thanks for listening to my problems.二、家长抽报课本P133Unit3Vocabulary之后四会单词及以上重点短语20个,并自己批改订正。家长签字。



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