四川省成都市九年级英语全册 Unit 8 Reading练习(无答案) 人教新目标版

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四川省成都市九年级英语全册 Unit 8 Reading练习(无答案) 人教新目标版_第1页
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四川省成都市九年级英语全册 Unit 8 Reading练习(无答案) 人教新目标版_第2页
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《四川省成都市九年级英语全册 Unit 8 Reading练习(无答案) 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四川省成都市九年级英语全册 Unit 8 Reading练习(无答案) 人教新目标版(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 Reading练习1. Today we are going to read an interesting article. First lets look at some pictures. “do you know Who he is? .Yes, he is Songxiaobo. He is very famous. But he has a problem. He cant hear. He is deaf.” Teach the new word “deaf”.2. Teach “blind”, “be unable to use his feet”, “disabl

2、ed” in the same way.3. They are all disabled, they must have some difficulties in their lives. Today, lets go closer to one of them, and meet her. Please open your book and turn to page 66. Whats the title of this passage? “Ill send you a photo of Lucky.” Who is Lucky?” Picture. Its a name of a dog.

3、 But its not a commom dog . Its a specially trained dog. Teach the word of “specially trained dog.”4. listen and imitate.5. after listening,answer the questions: 1) What kind of passage is it, a letter, an ivitation or an e-mail? 2) Who is the letter from? 3) Whom is the letter to? 4) Why does she w

4、rite the letter? 6. Fast reading,: choose the main ideas. Whats the passage about? 阅读选择Paragraph 1_Paragraph2 _Paragraph3_Paragraph4_Paragraph 5_A. Show her thanks B. thanks again for the help C. Why She needs a dog helper D. Feeling about having the dog E. How the dog helps her 7. Detail reading: F

5、ill in the blanks.8. Fill in the blanks. 阅读填空Paragraph 1(第1段): Show her thanksMiss Li 1)_ money to “Animal Helpers”Paragraph 2: Why She need a dog helper Li Smith is a disabled person who is unable to 2)_.Paragraph3: Feeling about having the dogAnimal Helpers 3)_ animals like Lucky to help disabled

6、person.Paragraph 4: How the dog helps herLucky can 4)_ things for disabled people.9. Learning stragies: according to the parts of the speech, guess the meaning of the word.10. Learning strategies : Guess the meaning.(根据上下文及词性猜划线部分单词的词义)a) Because I cant use my arms or legs well, normal things like a

7、nswering the telephone, opening and shutting doors or carrying things have always been difficult for me. (_)b) For example, I say ,” Lucky! Fetch my book,” and he does it at once. (_)c) You see, Im only able to have a “ Dog Helper” because of your kind donation. (_)d) Id like to thank you for sendin

8、g money to “Animal Helpers”, an organization set up to help disabled people. (_)11. disscuss: Who helped the writer. The dog, her friend, the animal helpers, or herself. Leading the students to understand: the god only helps those who need help. 12. Discuss: who other famous disabled people do you k

9、now? Whats their problem? What are they famous for?( Stephen Hawking, Beethoven, 千手观音,史铁生,张海迪). They got help from others, They also tried their best to help other people. When facing difficulties, the only solution is to face them , get over them and solve them.13. conclusion: according to the pass

10、age, who are they?14. Writing: WritingSuppose you are Miss Li, Li Smith, the dog, or a worker at the “Animal Helpers”. Choose one of them to write one or two sentences about yourself. (请以Miss Li, 或者Li Smith,或者这只小狗,或者动物援助中心工作人员的身份写几句话,介绍你自己. 从以上4个身份选择一个你感兴趣的身份写话)例如:1). Hello! My name is Lucky. Im a d

11、og. But Im not a normal dog. Im a specially trained dog. I can .2). Im a worker at the “Animal Helpers”. My work is to3). Oh, My name is Miss Li. I4).Hello! Im Liz Smith. I15. Homework: write a short passage and tell us how lucky changed the writers life,16. Tell the students: be always reading to help others.


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