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1、四川省宜宾市南溪二中2020学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题(无答案)姓名 班级 得分 听力部分(20分) 第一节,听下面5段对话,从题中所给的A B C三个选项中选出最佳答案,每段对话读两遍。( )1. Whats the matter with Lucy?A. She has a fever. B. She has a cold. C. She has a headache.( )2. Where are they talking?A. In a restaurant. B. In the post office. C. In a clothing shop.( )3. How long

2、can the man keep the book? A. Only two weeks. B. For two months. C. Before next Friday.( )4. Which is cheaper? A. The storybook. B. The dictionary C. They cost the same.( )5. What was Lin Tao doing at four yesterday afternoon? A. He was playing basketball. B. He was playing football. C. He was readi

3、ng some books.第二节,听下面几段对话, 选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题( )6. What does Rose often do on weekends?A. Surf the Internet.B. Watch TV.C. Go shopping.( )7. What does Rose like to do on the Internet?A. Watch movies.B. Read news.C. Listen to music.听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题( )8. Why is Bill making a robot?

4、A. Because he likes making things.B. Because he wants to help his mother.C. Because it can help him do his homework.( )9. What does Bills father do?A. He is a teacher.B. He is a writer.C. He is an engineer.( )10. How long will it take Bill to finish the robot? A. Two years. B. One year. C. Three yea

5、rs. 听下面一段对话,回答第11至第12两个小题( )11. When will Marcia have a party?A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.( )12. What will the girl bring to the party?A. Some food. B. Some CDs. C. Some flowers.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第15三个小题( )13. When did Mary get the autograph?A. Last Sunday. B. Last Saturday. C. Last Frida

6、y. ( )14. What was Mark doing at that time?A. Watching a football match. B. repairing his bike. C. Doing his homework. ( )15. When will the football star leave the city?A. This Sunday. B. This Saturday. C. Next Saturday第三节 听一篇短文,然后根据短文内容将人物和其可以做的活动搭配。短文读两遍。A. volunteer in an after-school study progr

7、amB. visit kids in the hospitalC. clean up the city parkD. help coach a soccer teamE. give out food at the food bank( )16. LiLei ( )17. Tom( )18. Mike( )19. Mary( )20. Bill笔试部分(100分)二单项选择。(15分)( )1. Students shouldnt go to school _breakfast. Its bad for their health.A. with B. without C. for D. by (

8、 ) 2. - -What did your sister do?-She_the bus at the bus stop and went home.A. got to B. got up C. got down D. got off( ) 3.Ihavegotabadcold.Ifeelterrible. A.Allright. B.Isthatso?C.Sorrytohearthat.D.Imafraidso.( ) 4. Wouldyoumind_themusicalittle?Dontyouthinkitstooloud?.Sorry!Illdoitinaminute.A.turni

9、ngon B.turningoffC.turningup D.turningdown( )5. There is only milk in this glass. Please give me some more. A.few B. little C. a few D. a little ( ) 6. HowdoyoulikeLiYundi? Acoolguy!Hismusic_reallybeautiful. A.tastes B.sounds C.smells D.looks( ) 7. heoldmanlives_,butheneverfeels_.A.alonelonely B.lon

10、ely;aloneC.alone;alone D.lonely;lonely( )8. Tom,itscoldoutside._yourcoatwhenyougoout. A.Takeoff B.PutonC.Putaway D.Takeaway( )9.-Couldyoupleaseturnoffthelight?-_.A.Yes,Icould B.No,Icouldnt.C.Itdoesntmatter. D.Yes,sure.( )10.I_someofmyfreetimeplayingbasketballforschoolteam.A.spend B.cost C.take D.pay

11、( )11. Weallfeel_afterhearingofthe_news.A.excited,excited B.exciting,excitingC.excited,exciting D.exciting,excited( ) 12.-Ifyou_anewidea,pleasecallmeassoonaspossible. -Sure,Iwill.A.keepupwith B.catchupwithC.feedupwith D.comeup with( ) 12. Itsimportant_ingoodhealth. A.keep B.keeping C.tokeep D.keep( )14. - ? -I have a fever. A. Whats wrong? B. Whats matter? C. What are you doing? D. Whats it?( )15.He doesnt like swimming , I dont like, . A. too B. also C. either D. neither三完形填空。(10分) (要根据上下文哦!)


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