选修六 词汇总测

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《选修六 词汇总测》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《选修六 词汇总测(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、选修六 Unit 11.The word “honesty” is an a_ noun.2.An a_ country is always ready to start a war.3.His a_ is to be a successful writer.4.Youll soon be c_ that she is right , though you think not now.5.The prisoners a_ to escape, but failed.6.The keys are in the p_ of the boss.7.She was the f_ of everyone

2、s attention at the party.8.In the picture the tree is the s_ of live while the snake stands for evil.9.He has lost his b_ in the God.10.The expert p_ that there will be an earthquake in that area in the near future.选修六 Unit 21.If you taste some seawater, you will find it s_.2.We must consider a prob

3、lem in all its a_.3.Li Shizhens Bencaogangmu has been t_ into many languages.4.Most girls like wearing a d_ ring.5.The deep _(悲伤) she felt was obvious in the expression of her face.6.My friends were wearing two or three sweaters for extra _(温暖).7.No word can c_ my thanks to you at the moment.8.We ha

4、ve learned a new sentence p_ in this unit.9.An _(合适) method must be found to deal with such situation.10. Dont take it seriously, he was only _ (开玩笑)单词拼写A:1. They had to c_ tomorrows football match because of the bad weather.2. He studied the German market to find the _( 可能性 ) there for investment.3

5、. Two middle-aged passengers fell into the sea. _( 不幸地 ), neither of them could swim.4. Miss Lin made a very _(印象深刻的) speech at the meeting.5. American culture is u_ because it was formed and developed under special conditions.6. The lecture was so long and dull that most audiences got b_ with it. 7

6、. _(发抖 ) with fear, I made my way to the edge of the crater.单词拼写B1.The word “ honesty” is an a_ (抽象)noun.2.There are many art g_ (画廊)in New York. 3.Im afraid Ive never been much of a s_ (学者)4.They are to put on an _ (展览) of French paintings next week.5.The prisoners a_ (尝试) to escape, but failed.6.I

7、m afraid I have never been much of a _(学者).7.You look r_ (可笑的)in those tight jeans.8.The professor made a _ speech. ( 可能引起争议的)9.Was Johnson _ (同时代的)with Shakespeare ?10.Would you please let me know your p_ address( 固定地址 ) ?单词拼写C1 Some_ (青少年) have got into the habit of taking drugs.2 She hopes to get

8、 a job on the local newspaper and _(最后)work the Times.3 The doors opened _(自动地)as we approached.4 He played the piano for a bit of _ (放松) 5 Its _(不合法的)to park your car here.6 He put forward a plan for improving the rate of_(生产)。7 So I did wrong thing! Well, nobodys_(完美的)。8 A woman is _(怀孕的)for nine

9、months before a child is born.9 In fact,_(压力)isnt so bad a thing as it is often supposed to be.10. The man made a_(陈述) to the police.单词填空D1 The _(平均数)of 3,6 and 9 is 6.2 Gas and coal are _(燃料)。3 We had very little d_(资料)on that subject.4 The c_(气候)in north of China is different from that in south.5

10、The population had _(减少)from about 8300 000 in 1845 to less than 6600000 in 1851.6 A _(广泛传播的)epidemic affected eighteen western states.7 The food was enough in q_, but not very good in quality.8 The tsunamis (海啸)smashing into Indian Ocean coastlines, which killed 125 000 people in 12 different count

11、ries was a terrible c_.9 In c_ of a terrible earthquake the whole city was destroyed.10.There has been serious_(分歧)between the 2 political western States.单词填空E1. The _(背诵) habit must be formed when you are young.2. _(分析)the difficult sentences helps to understand the text well.3. The music is writte

12、n in a _ (节奏) of three beats to a bar.4. The songs of birds _ (唤醒) me.5. English is a _ (分支) of Germanic family of languages.答案A单词拼写:1.cancel 2.potential 3.unfortunately 4.impressive 5.unique 6.bored 7.tremblingB单词拼写: 1. abstract 2. galleries 3. scholar 4. exhibition 5. attempted15.scholar 16.ridicu

13、lous 17.controversial 18.contemporary 19.permanentC单词拼写: 1. adolescent 2.eventually 3.automatically. 4. relaxation 5.illegal 6.production 7.perfect 8.pregnant 9.stress 10. statementD单词拼写: average 2 fuels 3 data 4 climate 5 decreased 6 widespread 7 quantity 8 catastrophe 9 consequence 10 disagreementE单词拼写:13.recite 15.Analyzing 16.rhythm 18.awoke 20.branch3


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