初中英语 单词归类记忆素材

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《初中英语 单词归类记忆素材》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初中英语 单词归类记忆素材(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、初中英语单词归类记忆1. countries(国家)China ( Chinese); Japan ( Japanese); America/ the USA ( American); France( French/ Frenchman); Australia (Australian); Germany (German); England/ the UK ( English/ Englishman); Canada ( Canadian); Brazil (Brazilian); India ( Indian); Russia ( Russian)2. colors(颜色)blue, gree

2、n, red, brown, white, black, yellow, purple, pink, orange, gray/ grey, blonde, fair(白皙的), light(浅色的), dark(深色的)3. Animals(动物)chicken, hen, dog, pig, horse, cat, bird, elephant, tiger, panda, monkey, mouse ( mice), lion, butterfly, insect, spider, koala, snake, sheep (sheep), wolf (wolves), cow, duck

3、, rabbit, giraffe4. Sports(运动)basketball, soccer (football), baseball, volleyball, tennis, ping-pong ( table tennis), badminton, running, jumping, swimming, dancing, skating, walking5. Clothes(服装)sweater, coat, jacket, trousers, shorts, shoes (sports shoes), socks, shirt, T- shirt, cap (hat), skirt,

4、 dress, blouse, gloves, scarf6. months(月份)January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December7. Weeks(周)Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, weekend, weekdays(工作日), school days, school nights8. Jobs(职业)student, teacher, driver,

5、doctor, dentist, nurse, worker, singer, artist, scientist, cook, policeman, policewoman, writer, reporter, farmer, basketball player, actor, actress, waiter, waitress, engineer, pilot, pianist, violinist, musician, magician, banker, general9. Body(身体)hair, eye, mouth, nose, ear, tooth (teeth), head,

6、 hand, shoulder, arm, face, heart, stomach, leg, foot ( feet), knee, back10.Relatives(亲属)grandparents, grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, parents, sister, brother, daughter, son, cousin, aunt, uncle, friend, wife, husband, pen friend, classmate11. Food(食物)noodles, dumpling, fish, egg, chicken

7、, meat, beef, mutton, rice, ice-cream, salt, vegetables, tomato, potato, carrot, cabbage, bread, junk food, cake, mooncake, hamburger, sandwich, potato chips, sugar, biscuit, honey, butter, porridge, pizza, onion12. Drinks(饮料)water, tea, coffee, milk, juice, green tea, black tea, coke, cola, orange,

8、 beer(啤酒), wine(葡萄酒)13.(形状)round, circle, square14.Vehicle(交通)bus, train, bike, plane, car, subway, boat, ship, taxi, motorbike15. Fruit(水果)apple, orange, banana, grape, strawberry, pear, watermelon16. Weather(天气)sunny (fine), rainy, cloudy, windy, snowy, hot, cold, warm, cool, wet17. Feelings(感觉)ha

9、ppy, unhappy, sad, mad, crazy, proud, nervous, worried, uneasy, bored, interested, surprised, excited, relaxed, scared, satisfied(感到满意的), disappointed(感到失望的), moved, cruel, angry18.Direction(方向)under, on, in, left, right, in front of, behind, next to, near, across, from, across from, between. and.,

10、beside, over, north, east, south, west19. Diseases(疾病)ill, toothache, stomachache, backache, headache, flu, fever, cold, cough, sore throat, sore back20. Subjects(学科)Chinese, math, English, science, history, physics, chemistry, music, art, computer, P.E. geography, Japanese, French, politics (政治), b

11、iology(生物)21. (餐具)chopsticks, fork, bowl, plate, cup, knife, glass, bottle, dish, scoop, pot, napkin22. building(建筑)hospital, school, post office, library, supermarket, cinema (movie theater), bank, house, room, museum, park, zoo, garden, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall, playground, gym(体育馆)23.fur

12、niture(家庭用具)TV, table, chair, sofa, bed, desk, radio, fridge, bookcase, clock, telephone, mobile phone, camera, tape player, CD player, handbag, backpack24.(乐器)piano (pianist), violin (violinist), guitar, drum, erhu, (musician)25. Rooms(房间)kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom, classroom, lab/labo

13、ratory, restroom, meeting room, study(书房),music room26.学习用品pen, pencil, pencil-box, bag, schoolbag, backpack, book, textbook, notebook, dictionary, eraser, ruler, knife, pencil-sharpener(卷笔刀)27.人称代词I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them28.物主代词my, your, his, her, its

14、, our, your, their, mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs29.指示代词this, that, these, those30.反身代词myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves31.不定代词some (something, somebody, someone), any (anything, anybody, anyone), nothing, nobody, no one, everything, eve

15、ryone, everybody, all, each, both, many, much, (a) few, (a) little, either, neither, other(s), another, none, one32.不可数名词water, news, money, advice, weather, milk, bread, meat, information, tea, rice, beef, medicine, air, soup, mutton, sugar, salt, honey, butter, coffee, cotton, silk, steel, 33.既可数又不可数的名词time( C:次数,倍数;U:时间),work (C:作品;U:工作),paper (C:报纸,试卷;U:纸),chicken(C:鸡;U:鸡肉),fish(C:鱼;U:鱼肉),glass(C:玻璃杯,眼镜;U:玻璃)34.形容词(1) ful: beautiful, careful, thankful, wonderful, helpful, meaningful, hopeful, useful, colorful(2) ous: delicious, famous, dangerous, serious, h



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