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1、书面表达思维拓展:一句多译练习例一 . 写请假条。情景:我生病了,明天不能上学。1. Im ill. I cant go to school tomorrow. (太简单!句子松散)2. Why cant I go to school tomorrow? Because Im ill!(疑问句) 3. Im ill and I cant go to school tomorrow.(并列句)4. Ill be absent from school tomorrow just because Im ill.5. Im so seriously ill that I cant go to scho

2、ol tomorrow.(so.that句型)6. I cant go to school tomorrow because Im ill.(表原因的复合句)7. I cant go to school tomorrow because of illness.(用Owing to或者due to)8. Owing to illness, I cant go to school tomorrow.9. I cant go to school tomorrow due to illness,10. My absence from school tomorrow is due to my illne

3、ss.11. I cant go to school tomorrow on account of illness.(用介词短语)12. Im ill so I cant go to school tomorrow.(用so、thus或者therefore等)13. Im ill, as a result, I cant go to school tomorrow.14. I cant go to school tomorrow as a result of my illness.15. Being ill, I cant go to school tomorrow.(用分词作原因状语)16.

4、 I cant go to school tomorrow. Thats because Im ill.(用表语从句)17. Im ill. Thats why I cant go to school tomorrow. (用表语从句)18. I cant go to school tomorrow. The reason is that Im ill. (用表语从句)19. Im seriously ill, which makes me unable to go to school. (用定语从句)20. Im seriously ill, which makes it impossibl

5、e for me to go to school.21. Im seriously ill, thus making it for me go to school.(用分词作结果状语)22. How I wish I could go to school tomorrow! But I cant because Im seriously ill.(用虚拟语气)23. Im ill. Thats the reason why I cant go to school tomorrow. (用定语从句)24. It is because Im ill that I cant go to school

6、 tomorrow.(强调句型)25. The reason for my absence from school tomorrow is that Im ill. (用表语从句)26. What I want to tell you is that Im ill and I cant go school tomorrow .(用主语从句、表语从句、并列句)27. My illness prevents me from going to school tomorrow.28. I have disease, which prevents me from going to school tomo

7、rrow. 例二. 他说英语太快了!让我大吃一惊! 1. He speaks English so fast, and I am surprised. 2. He speaks English so fast and it is surprising to me. 3. He speaks English so fast and it is a surprise to me. 4. He speaks English so fast, at which I am surprised. 5. He speaks English so fast, which is a surprise to me

8、. 6. He speaks English so fast, which is surprising to me. 7. He speaks English so fast, which makes me surprised. 8. He speaks English so fast that I am surprised. 9. So fast does he speak English that I am surprised. 10. So fast does he speak English that it surprises me. 11. His fast English spea

9、king is surprising to me. 12. His fast English speaking is a surprise to me. 13. His fast English speaking makes me surprised. 14. His fast English speaking surprises me. 15. How fast he speaks English, which is surprising to me. 16. How fast he speaks English, which is a surprise to me. 17. How fas

10、t he speaks English, and it is a surprise to me. 18. How fast he speaks English, and it is surprising to me. 19. What a fast English speaker he is! It does surprise me. 20. It is he who speaks English so fast, which surprises me. 21. It is his fast English speaking that surprises me. 22. That he spe

11、aks English so fast is surprising to me. 23. That he speaks English so fast surprises me. 24. That he speaks English so fast is a surprise to me. 25. I am surprised that he speaks English so fast. 26. I am surprised that he speaks such fast English. 27. I am surprised that he speaks English with fas

12、t speed. 28. I am surprised by his fast English speaking. 29. I am surprised by his English speaking with fast speed. 30. It is surprising to me that he (should)speak English so fast. 31. It is surprising to me that he (should)speak such fast English. 32. It is surprising to me that he (should)speak

13、 English with fast speed. 33. It is surprising to me that his spoken English is so fast. 34. It is a surprise to me that he (should)speak English so fast. 35. To my surprise, he speaks English so fast. 36. To my surprise, he speaks such fast English. 37. To my surprise, he speaks English with fast speed. 38. To my surprise, his spoken English is so fast. 39. When he speaks fast English, I am surprised. 40. When he speaks English fast, I am surprised.例三. 2002年普通高等学校招生全国英语统一考试书面表达试题最近,你校同学正在参加某英文报组织的一场讨论。讨论的主题是:公园要不要


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