八年级英语下册 Module 5 Cartoon stories Unit 1 It&ampamp;rsquo;s time to watch a cartoon导学案(无答案)(新版)外研版

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八年级英语下册 Module 5 Cartoon stories Unit 1 It&ampamp;rsquo;s time to watch a cartoon导学案(无答案)(新版)外研版_第1页
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1、Module5 CartoonsUnit 1-1Its time to watch a cartoon .学习目标:1.知识目标:识记有关第一单元的单词与词汇cartoon handsome smart sky fight(fought) cool hero humorous cant help doing some thing laugh lesson2.能力目标:听懂描述卡通人物话题的对话3.情感目标:通过了解卡通人物,体会勇敢,关爱的力量。一、Free-talk&情景导入方法:Show a video and answer the questions 1. Whats the name

2、of the cartoon?2. Whats this cartoon about?”3. What do you think of the cartoon?A: Whats your favourite cartoon?B: My favourite cartoon is kung fu pandaA: Why do you like it ?B: Because it is very lovely and funny. I cant help laughing when I watch it! What kind of cartoons do you like?A: I like Sup

3、erman .Superman is cool and brave.目的:通过观看短片,迅速吸引学生的注意力,进入要学习的主题。 二、知识探究(1) 、设问导读方法:看,听,然后小组合作讨论。1. Look at PPT and learn the new words.2. Listen to the tape, finish Activity 2.3. Listen to Part 3 and answer the following questions. 1) What are Tony and Daming talking about?2) What cartoons are menti

4、oned?4. Read the conversation and mark T or F 1). Daming and Tony have finished their homework. ( ) 2). Spiderman can fly, but he cant climb up buildings with his hands and feet. ( )3). At last Daming and Tony watch Tom and Jerry together.() 5.Read the conversation again and do Activity 3(二). Read t

5、he conversation, find the phrases and sentences, then translate:1.fight sb _ 2. keep doing sth_ 3. cant help laughing _4.I dont think we agree_5.humorous cartoons_6.Its time to do sth _. Listen to the Activities 3 and 6, and then work in pairs to practice the conversation, and act it out.目的:训练记忆,听力、

6、及小组合作的能力。4、 巩固训练方法:学生独立完成。2. Do Activity4.目的:检测学生对于本课的掌握程度五、拓展延伸Finish A 7Homework:Make up a new dialogue.目的:能力提升。板书设计Unit 1 Its time to watch a cartoon .l 课后反思:Module5 Cartoons Unit 1-2 It s time to watch a cartoon.时间 主备 教学方法:学习目标1.知识目标:识记有关第一单元的单词与词汇 2.能力目标:听懂对简单卡通人物话题的描述的对话3.情感目标:通过了解卡通人物,体会勇敢,关爱

7、的力量。学习重难点To listen to and talk about Cartoons.学习过程:方法:独立完成,然后小组互查。一、温故互查. Read the conversation in pairs. Translate the phrases or sentences:1.fight sb _ 2. keep doing sth_ 3. cant help laughing _4.I dont think we agree_5.humorous cartoons_6.Its time to do sth _.目的:检测掌握短语情况二、巩固训练方法:独立完成,然后小组互查。1.根据上

8、下文用合适的单词完成对话,每空一词。Tony: I saw a really nice ._(卡通) on TV yesterday morning.Betty: What cartoon is that? There were two on TV yesterday, and I saw 2. _(两者都) of them.Tony: It had a mouse in it.Betty: I know. There was a mouse. It only ate a special 3._(种类) of cheese.Tony: And it had to find the places

9、.Betty: Yes, it was 4._(非常)funny. But I saw a cartoon last Sunday. It was much funnier.Tony: 5. _(什么) is it called?Betty: It is called Tom and Jerry. Tony: Oh, I see. 2. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Its six oclock now. Its time _ (get) up. 2. Keep _ (try) and you will make it.3. The little boy cant help _ (cry) wh

10、en he cant find his mother4. Im too tired. Why dont we _ (stop) to have a rest?5. I like reading _ (humor)cartoons in my free time.目的:检测掌知识点握情况。三、拓展延伸题组一补全对话根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子,并将其字母标号填入对话相应的空白处,使对话完整,(Mike and Bruce have just finished homework.)Mike: Now its time for us to play. Do you have any good

11、 ideas?Bruce: 1. ?Mike: Sounds great. Is there a cinema near here?Bruce: Yes, there is .Its only five minutes walk from hereMike: 2 ?Bruce: I like the films about cartoons.3 ?Mike: I like films that are sad.Bruce: What do you think of horror(恐怖的) films?Mike: 4. .Bruce: Why do you enjoy them?Mike: 5.

12、 .Bruce: Oh, I dont think they are exciting. I think these films are not fit for young people. A. I enjoyed them a lot.B. How about seeing a film.C. What about you? D. What kind of films do you like.E. Because I think theyre exciting.题组二 完型填空Monkey King plays tricks Almost all Chinese, young or old,

13、 have heard of the Monkey King. The Monkey King character 31 Journey to the West, a book written by Wu Chengen in the Ming Dynasty. The 32 tells what happens along the way when the Monkey King 33 Monk Tang to find lost Buddhist classics(佛经). But it is the superhero, Monkey King, 34 catches peoples a

14、ttention. People love him because he is 35 , never afraid of anyone 36 powerful than he is. He goes to the Dragon King to get the golden cudgel(金箍棒).He brings 37 to the party held by the Queen of Heaven. He is never scared by monsters even those stronger than himself. People are also amused by his cleverness. He plays tricks(骗术)on monsters by transforming(变形


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