九年级英语上册 单词巧学妙记 第5组 冀教版

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1、第5组attackv. 攻击;袭击【例句】They have attacked a number of people off the beaches of America.它们袭击了美洲海岸的许多人。The taxi driver was suddenly attacted from behind yesterday.昨天那个出租车司机被人从后面突然袭击。African. 非洲 South Africa南非warnv. 警告;提醒【例句】She warned me about the dangerous road, so I crossed it carefully.她提醒我这条马路很危险,因

2、此我过马路小心翼翼。He was warned of the danger. 他已得到危险的警告。【用法】warn not to do sth.“警告不要做某事”。例如:We warned them not to go skating on such thin ice. 我们警告他们不要在这样的薄冰上溜冰。appearv. 出现;露面【例句】When a shark appears, a bell rings to tell the people to get out of the water. 一旦鲨鱼出现,铃就响,告诉人们上岸。A dog suddenly appeared out of

3、the house. 一只狗突然从房子里出现。*watchtowern. 监视塔;瞭望塔【例句】In some places there are watchtowers on the beaches to warn people about sharks in the water. 在有些地方,海滩上建有监视塔来警告人们关于水中鲨鱼的情况。【助记】watch(观望)tower(塔)watchtower(瞭望塔)alikeadj. 相似的;相像的【例句】Not all sharks are alike. 并非所有的鲨鱼都一样。Their excuses were all alike. 他们的借口

4、全都一样。【用法】alike是形容词,意为“相似的,相像的”。不能修饰名词。例如:You and your brother are very much alike. 你和你弟弟长得非常像。ableadj. 有能力的;能干的 be able to能;会【例句】Ill be able to write faster. 我会写得更快。The writer hasnt been able to finish the book.那个作家一直没能写完那部书。【用法】be able to“能”,相当于情态动词can的含义,常与动词不定式一起使用。例如:He is able to speak Spanish

5、now. 他现在能讲西班牙语。be able to有各种时态,而can作为情态动词只有现在和过去两种时态。例如:He was able to/ could sing only an English song last year. 去年他只会唱一首英文歌。The writer hasnt been able to finish the book.那个作家一直没能写完那部书。在表示否定猜测时,只能用can,而不用 be able to。例如:That cant be your bag.那不可能是你的书包。neatlyadv. 整洁地【例句】If the pen writes too fast, h

6、ow will you be able to write neatly?如果(用)这种钢笔写得太快,你怎么能写得整洁呢?He put the books on the desk neatly. 他把这些书整齐地放在课桌上。ownv. 拥有;所有【例句】When he was only ten, he built a chemistry lab for himself.在他才十岁的时候,他就为自己建起了一个化学实验室。A hat that nobody will own. 一顶无人认领的帽子。【助记】owndown(adj.向下的)town(n.城镇)spiritn.精神【例句】He is in

7、 good spirit. 他很愉快。The spirit of the Olympic is “swifter, higher, stronger”. 奥林匹克精神是“更快,更高,更强”。【助记】spirit精神,属于不可数名词,spirit作“情绪,精灵,妖怪”讲为可数名词。inventorn. 发明者;创造者【例句】When he was 22, he moved to New York to be an inventor. 当他22岁时,他搬到纽约,成了一名发明家。His father is a very famous inventor. 他父亲是个有名的发明家。try out试验;尝

8、试【例句】He would keep trying out different ideas until he invented what he wanted.他从来没有放弃过。他一直不停地验证不同的设想,直到发明出他设想的东西。He is always trying out his new ideas even if he is already eighty years old. 即使他已经八十岁了,但是他还总是在实验他的新想法。pupiln. 小学生;学生【例句】Toms mother taught him to read and write, and she found him to be

9、 a very good pupil. 汤姆的妈妈(自己)教他读写,她发现他是个非常好的学生。Bill and Jim are pupils in the same school. 比尔和吉姆是同一所小学的学生。【助记】pupil(学生)people(人民)build(built,built)v. 建立;建造;建设【例句】He built a model ship out of wood. 他用木头造了个模型船。The highway from Beijing to Shanghai was built. 从北京到上海的高速公路建成了。at the age of 在岁时【例句】At the a

10、ge of 12, he started writing his own newspaper. 在12岁时,爱迪生开始编写自己的报纸。Children usually begin school at the age of seven.(when he was seven.)儿童一般在七岁上学。【用法】at the age of 12when he was twelve表示“在十二岁”。prinv. 印刷;印制【例句】He printed the newspaper and sold copies on the trains. 他印出报纸来拿到火车上去卖。trackn.(火车等的)轨道;跑道【例

11、句】Edison saw a little boy playing on the railway tracks at a station. 爱迪生看到一个小男孩正在火车站的铁轨上玩。Track No. 1 is for Chicago. 一号轨道是通往芝加哥的。【助记】track(轨道)attack(v.袭击)frightenv. 惊恐;吓唬 frightenedadj. 受惊的;害怕的【例句】A train was coming near quickly, and the boy was too frightened to move. 一列火车急驶而来,这个小男孩吓得(呆立着)一动不动。Yo

12、ull find that I dont frighten easily. 你会发现我不是轻易就害怕的。【助记】fright(n.惊骇)enfrighten(害怕的)【用法】frightened害怕的,可作表语也可作定语用。例如:A frightened girl is crying. 一个受惊的女孩正在哭。afraid害怕,只能作表语,而不能作定语,后接of短语或不定式短语。例如:She is afraid of the snake.她害怕蛇。rush out冲出去【例句】Edison rushed out and carried the boy to safety. 爱迪生冲过去将他带到安

13、全的地方。He rushed out of that room. 他从那间屋里冲了出来。safetyn.安全【例句】They ran to safety, away from the fire. 他们跑到安全的地方,远离了大火。Please do it with safety. 请放心去做。【助记】safe(a.安全的)safety(n.安全)telegraphn. 电报【例句】He taught Edison how to send messages by telegraph. 他教爱迪生学习怎样用电报发送信息。Shall I telephone or telegraph? 我是打电话还是打

14、电报?inventionn. 发明;创造【例句】With the money he made from some of his earlier inventions, Thomas Edison opened up his own lab in New Jersey. 用一些早期发明所赚到的钱,爱迪生在新泽西创办了自己的实验室。TV is a great invention because it brings our world into each family. 电视是一个伟大的发明,因为它把世界带进了每个家庭。【助记】inventinventor(发明家)invention(发明,创造)o

15、pen up开设;开业;开放【例句】A new factory will be opened up in my hometown.在我的家乡将开设一所新的工厂。My brother opened up a computer company last year.我哥哥去年开办了一家电脑公司。lifetimen. 一生;终生【例句】During his life time, he had 1,093 inventions. He never gave up. 在他的一生中,他有1093项发明。The doctor saved many people in his lifetime. 那个医生一生中救了很多人。New Jerseyn.新泽西(美国州名)graduatev. 毕业【例句】What do you want to do after you graduate from school? 毕业后你想做什么?He graduted at Qinghua University. 他清华大学毕业。turn down调低【例句】Could you turn



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