安徽省安庆市2020届高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 听力原文

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1、安庆市2020届高三第三次模拟考试英语试题听力Text 1M: How would you like your meat cooked, maam? We can do anything from rare to well done.W: Id like it medium-rare with spicy sauce on the side, please.Text 2W: I thought you were going to that concert this weekend. Shouldnt you be on your way to the stadium by now?来源:学。科

2、。网Z。X。X。KM: Thats next weekend. This weekend I will enjoy an art exhibition with my mom in town.Text 3M: Bobby, can you stop talking when your mouth is full? And can you sit up in your chair, please?W: And how many times have your father and I told you? Dont eat with your hands!Text 4W: Grandpa, how

3、 come your hair looks so different in this picture?M: Well, because I was a lot younger then. You see, when you get older, you start losing your hair. Dont worry, though. Its different with girls.来源:学|科|网Text 5W: I need your help moving my new table into the apartment this weekend. M: Ill be back at

4、 my place on Sunday. Will we need to pick it up with my truck?W: Yes. Theyre holding it at the furniture store where I bought it from.Text 6W: Why do you listen to that music? Why not listen to classical music?M: Classical music is the music of the past and this is the music of the present.W: But ca

5、nt you turn it down? It hurts my ears.M: Its electronic music. We live in an electronic age. I do like some classical music. Some of it is very clever.W: I dont understand your music.M: When you were 18, you probably liked the music of your time. Things change.W: When I was 16, a year younger than y

6、ou, I attended a classical concert. Ive loved that music ever since.Text 7来源:学科网M: Are you going to be home at 3:00 p.m. today, or are you staying late at work?W: Im not staying late, but I was going to stop by the grocery store on my way home. Why?来源:Zxxk.ComM: I have something being delivered arou

7、nd 5:00 p.m., and I want to make sure someone is there to receive it.W: Oh, okay. I can be home by 5:00 p.m., but the kids will both be home from soccer practice by then. One of them could sign for it.M: No, they cant, because it is a box of wine. The delivery person will need to see identification

8、to make sure the person signing is over 21 years old. Our kids are not old enough yet.W: Fine. I will hurry home before the wine arrives.Text 8来源:学科网ZXXKW: I think I want to become an expert on computer safety, but the schools that I want to apply to dont have that major. I know that there are some

9、private colleges that offer it. Should I send applications to those places, too?M: I dont think thats a good idea, honey. You can consider that as a career, but I think you should study a broader subject in school.W: Like what?M: Well, what would be a learning requirement for a computer security job

10、? W: Computer science! M: Definitely. But lets go even further. Do you know what you should learn well in order to be good at computer science?W: Math?M: Yes! W: But I dont know if I want to major in math. It seems like it would be so hard!M: Its okay, honey. You dont have to only study math. But yo

11、u do need to have a solid background in it. Choosing computer science as your major is good, but you should also take plenty of math classes. No matter what you plan to do, Im behind you, my little girl.Text 9M: Hey, Lisa. I am glad I catch you before you go in. Now we can go in together.W: Hey, Joh

12、n. Im surprised to see you here. What made you come tonight? I thought you said you were busy when I asked yesterday. Did you plan to go to your grandparents house change? M: Well, I did say that originally. However, I want to be honest now and tell you that I lied to you. I really wanted to come to

13、night, but I was scared. I have never been on a roller coaster before.W: Dont apologize for that. Im sorry that I put you into that position. I wouldnt have invited you if I had known you were scared. I never meant to make tonight stressful.M: No, its my fault. I really never had the opportunity to

14、fix my problem before, so I didnt know what to do. But I came tonight to face my fears directly!W: That is very brave of you. Im glad to be here with you while you do that. Besides, the towns holiday celebrations have much smaller rides. It is a good place to start. Lets buy some tickets and enjoy t

15、he celebrations.M: Thank you for being so understanding. You are a really great friend. Let me buy the tickets for us to thank you.Text 10M: Today is the third day of my weeks holiday in Paris. The journey here was very long and I felt tired because I didnt get much sleep on the plane. But I was exc

16、ited when I got in the taxi and I could see the Eiffel Tower from the window. It really is quite an impressive sight. The weather here is a little bit cold, and sometimes rainy. So I had to buy a new umbrella because I forgot to bring one. The traffic is very bad, so usually I like to walk if I can. But its a big city, so it can get ve


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