2020年秋七年级英语上册 Lesson 36 Let&ampamp;rsquo;s Go to the Movie Theatre导学案2(无答案)(新版)冀教版

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2020年秋七年级英语上册 Lesson 36 Let&ampamp;rsquo;s Go to the Movie Theatre导学案2(无答案)(新版)冀教版_第1页
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2020年秋七年级英语上册 Lesson 36 Let&ampamp;rsquo;s Go to the Movie Theatre导学案2(无答案)(新版)冀教版_第2页
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《2020年秋七年级英语上册 Lesson 36 Let&ampamp;rsquo;s Go to the Movie Theatre导学案2(无答案)(新版)冀教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年秋七年级英语上册 Lesson 36 Let&ampamp;rsquo;s Go to the Movie Theatre导学案2(无答案)(新版)冀教版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 36 Lets Go to the Movie Theatre科目English课题Lesson36: Lets Go to the Movie Theatre!学 习 目 标知识与能力:New words: movie theatre price hero save Phrases: go to the movie theatre get to by bike take the train to过程与方法:speaking listening writing and practice情感态度和价值观:学习助人为乐的精神。重点:现在进行时态难点:掌握本课语言知识学法指导及使用说明

2、:课前预习,自主学习,教师指导。知识链接:叙事性文章的阅读与书写。学习流程:一预习案1.想去挽救_2.到达机场_3.乘坐出租车_4.骑自行车_5.在地图上_6.乘火车去动物园_二探究案1. The movie is about a hero dinosaur.movie 名词,意为“电影”,其同义词为film. “去看电影”可以表示为: go to see a film, go to the movies= go to a movie. 如:Would you like to go to the movies with me? 你愿意和我一起去看电影吗?The movie is interes

3、ting. 这部电影很有趣。2. 价格是30元。 The _ is 30 yuan.price 名词,意为“价格;价值”。常见的固定搭配有:the price of 意为“的价格”。如:The price of the bike is 2000 yuan. 这辆自行车的价格是2000元。at the price of 意为“以价格(出售)”。如:They sold the house at the price of 1500000yuan. 他们以150万元的价格出售这栋房子。询问价格时我们经常用How much + be + 主语?还也可以这样问:Whats the price of ?【注

4、意】形容价格的高低不能用expensive (昂贵的) 或cheap(便宜的),而是用high(高)或low(低)。可以这样记忆:物体有贵(expensive)贱(cheap), 价格有高(high)低(low). 3. This movie is about a hero dinosaur.hero 名词,意为“英雄”,复数为heroes。英语中以o结尾的可数名词变复数时,一般在后面加s, 如:zoo, kangaroo, radio等词汇。但有的加es, 如:tomato, potato。怎样记忆好呢?我们不妨这样试试:英雄hero爱吃西红柿(tomato)和土豆(potato)。Zhan

5、g Lili is a hero.张丽莉老师是一位英雄。4. Kung Fu Dinosaur wants to save Panpan.save 动词,意为“解救;储蓄;节省”。如:Please save water. 请节约用水。The machine will save us a lot of time. 这台机器将会节省我们很多时间。Can he save the girl? 他能拯救那个小女孩吗?5. Kung Fu Dinosaur fights the bad man.fight 意为“与搏斗;打架”,当做名词讲时,前面可加修饰词,表示程度。如: I had a big figh

6、t with Simon. 我和赛门大打了一架。当做动词讲解时,后常接with,即fight with 意为“与打架”。如:Dont fight with your younger sister. 不要和你的妹妹打架。(一). 根据括号中所给汉语用适当的词语填空。1. Who is the _ (英雄)in your heart?2. Can you show me the way to the _(飞机场)?3. This is a _(神奇的)bike. Do you want to ride it?4. Whats the _ (价格)of this new car?5. The _ (

7、旅馆)is not far from here.(二). 按要求改写句子。 1. How much is the pencil box? (改为同义句) Whats _ _ _ the pencil box? 2. Helen takes a taxi to the hotel. (改为同义句)Helen goes to the hotel _ _. 3. My hero is only four years old. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is your hero? 4. An old man gives Wang Le a magic pen. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Wang Le

8、 a magic pen? 5. The movie is about animals. (改为一般疑问句)_ the movie _ 备注(教师复备栏及学生笔记)我的反思:科目English课题Lesson35: Lets Go to the Museum!主备人吕军审核人吕军学案类型New lesson学案编号Yy20207635学 习 目 标知识与能力:New words: museum, hall,. famous, painting, boring, war, learn, history, area, gift Phrases: go to the museum, the Art

9、Hall, the War Hall, the Gift Shop, on ones left, the Rest Area, learn about 过程与方法:speaking, listening, writing and practice情感态度和价值观:了解中国历史,热爱祖国。重点:现在进行时态装 订 线难点:掌握本课语言知识学法指导及使用说明:课前预习,自主学习,教师指导.知识链接:参观博物馆,了解历史。学习流程:一预习案1.在博物馆_2.艺术展厅_3.许多著名的绘画_4.军事展厅_5.了解历史_6.休息区_7.求助台_8.3D展厅_9.科技展厅_10.礼品店_二探究案1. Lea

10、rn v. 学,学习I love to learn English我们喜爱学英语短语 :learn about 学习,了解,听到,获悉 learn by oneself 自学 learn from . 向.学习 learn by heart 记住;背诵2. at the museum 在博物馆Museum可数名词意为博物馆展览馆可构成专有名词短语 故宫博物院Eg. There are many interesting things in the Palace Museum.在故宫博物院里有很多有趣的东西。3. This museum has many famous paintings.这家博物

11、馆拥有很多著名的绘画。(1)famous形容词,意为“著名的,有名的”The Great Wall is famous.常与be动构成固定打配:be famous for 因而著名eg.He is famous his song,be famous as 以(身份或职业)而出名 eg.Luxun is famous as writer.他因他的歌曲而著名。鲁迅以作家的身份而出名4. Thats boring, Jenny! 詹尼,那很无聊! boring 是形容词意为无聊的。可用来描述活动或事情,或表达对某一活动的看法,常用做定语或表语。 Eg. He had a boring holiday

12、.( 作定语)The story is boring.(作表语)三即时练习1. 我想要参观博物馆I want to_ _ _-.2. 这个博物馆有许多名画。This museum has many_ _ _.3. 我们正在找战争馆。We _ _ _ the War Hall. 4. 丹尼,你要去哪里?Danny, _ _you going?5. 杭州以西湖而闻名。Hang Zhou _ _ _West Lake .6. 你是怎样获得这个消息的。How do you _ _ the news.7. 这个电影很无聊,我不想看它。This film _ _,I dont want to see it .8. 回家之后,他什么也没做After _ home, he did nothing.四课后完成1. We are going to the Art Hall first. (特殊疑问句) _2. Go s



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