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1、Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Period 5 Section B (2a-2e)班级: 组名: 姓名: 【学习目标】1.熟练掌握词汇:enter,support,choice 了解词汇:get in the way, professional2.掌握句型:(1) Teenagers often think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want.(2) I think I should be all

2、owed to decide for myself.(3) My parents have always taught me how important it is to work hard at school and enter university.(4) Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream.3.训练快读和精读两种阅读方式,培养从文中获取和处理信息的能力。发挥能动性,自觉地运用阅读中出现的新的语言知识。4.学会换位思考,理解父母对自己的关爱。【学习重点】训练快读和精读两种阅读方式,培养从文中获取和处理信息的能力。【学习难点】

3、发挥能动性,自觉地运用阅读中出现的新的语言知识。【学习过程】一、 目标呈现1、创设情境通过看课件展示:Teaching aims 解读目标二、 自主合作学习任务一:会读写本课时的5个单词及短语。完成短语:1练习某人的业余爱好_ 2。妨碍_3担忧某人的成功_ 4.一名专业跑步运动员_ 5做一个决定_ 6.努力工作的重要性_7在校队里_ _ 8.进入大学_ 9实现梦想_ 10.关心某人_ _11对认真_ _ _ 12.花更多的时间在功课上_ _13做出选择_ _ 14.有一个机会做某事_ _15梦想的工作 16.支持你的梦想 学习任务二 :完成2b 快读、回答下列问题1. What are Liu

4、 Yu and his parents talking about?2. Does Liu Yu agree with his parents ideas? 认真读文章,判断下列句子的正 (T)误(F)。(1)Sometimes our hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork.( ) (2) His parents allow him to train as much as he would like to.( )(3) His parents have taught him to do what he enjoys instead of the im

5、portance of working hard.( )(4) Liu Yu is serious about running in order to (为了) achieve his dream.( )(5) His parents think he needs to spend more time on his homework.( )(6) Liu Yu thinks he will succeed if his parents allow him to make this decision for himself.( )学习任务三:完成2c,2d & 2e1. Read the pas

6、sage again and answer the questions.Discuss in groups & show in class. 2.Complete your own sentences by yourselves. Show them in groups then in class.三、 展示质疑 独立思考、小组讨论、班级展示解疑、教师点拨1.成功 n. adj. adv. V. Eg.(1) He _(成功) in passing the exam. (同义句) He passed the exam . (2) His speech is a great _(成功).(3)

7、He is a _(成功) businessman(商人).(4) They finished the work _(成功).(5) Failure is the mother of (成功).归纳: 作主语;be后n.前用 ;v.后用 v. 作谓语 in doing sth.成功做某事 = do sth 2.have nothing against doing sth 不反对做某事 Be against sth/doing sth 反对某事/做某事Eg. 父母不反对我玩游戏,但必须在适当的时间并能及时停下来。My parents computer games. But I must do i

8、t in the proper time & stop it in time.村民们反对在这里建工厂。The villagers the factory here. 3.实现梦想:(the dream) the dream the dream 深度理解2b1.再读文章提出有疑惑的地方。2.背诵文章。四、巩固构建.用括号中词的适当形式填空。(检测一下本课单词掌握情况,动动脑筋!)1. If we work hard, we can _ (achievement) our dreams.2. We have nothing against _ (run).3. Though the work wa

9、s difficult, we _ (success) in finishing it.4. Our teachers and parents often tell us the _ (important) of English. 5. He has _(teach) us P.E for three years.6. He needs _ (spend) more time on his homework because _ (become) a professional sports star is a difficult dream.7. What _ (happen) if he do

10、esnt end up as a professional runner?8. His parents wont allow him _(train) so much.II根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Working hard is one of the best ways to _ (实现梦想).2. I stopped laughing when I realized Jane _(对认真)it.3. I think some bad hobbies can _(妨碍)your studies.4. Students should _(允许做决定)for themselves.5. This is the only way he will realize _ (学习的重要性).


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