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1、分类号 TP311.1 密 级 U D C 编 号 10486 硕 士 学 位 论 文个人知识管理平台下共享资源的个性化推荐: 学 号: 指导教师姓名、职称: 教授:计算机软件与理论:软件工程二一二年五月郑 重 声 明本人的学位论文是在导师指导下独立撰写并完成的,学位论文没有剽窃、抄袭、造假等违反学术道德、学术规范和侵权行为,否则,本人愿意承担由此而产生的法律责任和法律后果,特此郑重声明。 学位论文作者(签名): 年 月 日摘要随着互联网的发展和网络资源的急速增长,为了满足人们对于个人知识、信息进行管理的需求,个人知识管理平台应运而生。同时为满足人们随时随地在任意平台下均可进行个人知识管理的需



4、。关键词:个人知识管理系统 个性化推荐 内容推荐策略 协同过滤推荐IIABSTRACTWith the rapid growth of the Internet and network resources, personal knowledge management platform has emerged to satisfy the needs of personal knowledge and information management. Meanwhile the emergence of cloud notes can satisfy the demand for using pe

5、rsonal knowledge management in any platform .Large amounts of information of cloud notes come from the modified knowledge by the users. Resources sharing can maximize the value of knowledge and achieve the purpose of resources sharing among users. However,the information location is too difficult to

6、 realize resources sharing. Therefore,information personalized recommendation is proposed to solve the difficult problems which indicated to be of great value.This paper relies on the cloud storage of personal knowledge management projects by the cooperation of East Netscape and laboratory. On the b

7、asis of the analysis of cloud personal knowledge management platform, system architecture, the logic level and workflow, as well as the characteristics of the combination of personal knowledge management platform, the design of this paper provides an ideology sharing of the personal knowledge resour

8、ces in Cloud notes. The difficulties of position of information caused by the mass of information give rise to resource sharing which on the basis of personalized recommendation platform and client user personalized resource recommendation as well as similar friends.The design is in the service of p

9、ersonal recommendation based on sharing resource by analyzing personal knowledge management of client storage users as well as the characteristics of notes. The main work content consist of the frame design based on custom designed demand which is subdivided as data processing, recommendation layer

10、and client layer. Whats more, process recommendation design and three-layer mode as well as functional module are also included. On the basis of content and recommendation strategy, the recommend module gives rise to candidate resources, prediction score, Top-N, thus the resource recommendation take

11、s shape. The users clustering realizes user recommendation and communities by computing the similarity of the users. Consequently, there comes into being a platform for resource sharing and communication.After all, the paper has realized the key module of resources personalized recommendation, whats

12、 more, the feasibility of the results have been tested by experimental data sets which accordingly reveal that resources personalized recommendation indeed does good to the personal knowledge resources management and possess the valuable significance. Keywords: personal knowledge management system,

13、personalized recommender, Content-Based recommended strategy , Collaborative Filtering目 录摘要IABSTRACTI1引言11.1研究背景及现实意义11.2国内外研究现状21.3论文研究内容41.4论文研究目标51.5论文研究结构52个人知识管理和个性化推荐概述72.1个人知识管理的概念72.1.1知识的定义72.1.2个人知识管理的定义72.1.3个人知识管理的原则82.1.4个人知识管理的目的92.2个人知识管理工具102.2.1常用个人知识管理工具102.2.2个人知识管理工具缺点122.3个性化推荐1




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