matable常用指令(Matable common instructions).doc

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《matable常用指令(Matable common instructions).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《matable常用指令(Matable common instructions).doc(41页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、matable常用指令(Matable common instructions)ASCII code values of absolute values, modules and characters of ABSACOS anti cosineInverse hyperbolic cosine of acoshAcot arccotAcoth inverse cotangentACSC arccscAcsch inverse cosecantAlign start graphic object geometry location toolAll all elements are nonzer

2、o to be trueAngle phase angleDefault variable name for the result of ANS expression calculationAny all elements are not all zero is trueArea areal graphArgnames function M file nameASEC cutAsech inverse hyperbolic secantAsin anti sineAsinh inverse hyperbolic sineAssignment of assignin variablesAtan

3、tangentAtan2 four quadrant inverse tangentAtanh inverse hyperbolic tangentAutumn red and yellow autumn mapAxes creates low-level instructions for axis objectsHigh level instructions for axis control axis scale and styleB BBar two dimensional histogramBar3 3D histogramBar3h 3D horizontal histogramBar

4、h two dimensional horizontal histogramBase2dec X decimal to decimalBIN2DEC binary to decimalBlanks creates a space stringBone blue black and white color map arrayBox frame coordinate axisInterrupt instruction for break while or for ringBrighten brightness controlC CCapture the current graphics befor

5、e capture (version 3)Cart2pol rectangular coordinates change to polar or cylindrical coordinatesCart2sph rectangular coordinates into spherical coordinatesCat concatenation into high dimensional arrayCaxis color scale calibrationCD specifies the current directoryCdedit starts the user menu, the cont

6、rol callback function design toolCdf2rdf complex eigenvalue diagonal matrix turns into real block diagonal matrixCeil rounding toward positive infinityCell creates cell arrayCell2struct cell array converted to frame arrayCelldisp display cell array contentInternal structure diagram of cellplot cell

7、arrayChar converts numeric, symbolic, and inline classes to character objectsCumulative probability function of chi2cdf distributionInverse cumulative probability function of chi2inv distributionProbability density function of chi2pdf distributionChi2rnd distribution random number generatorChol Chol

8、esky decompositionClabel equipotential line identifierCLA clears the current axisClass learns object categories or creates objectsCLC clear instruction windowClear clear memory variables and functionsCLF cleanup graph objectClock clockColorcube three rich color crossed color graph matrixColordef set

9、s color default valuesColormap color graphBases of colspace column spacesClose closes the specified windowPermutation permutation vector of colperm columnComet like trajectory map of cometComet3 3D comet trajectoryCompass ray diagramCompose for composite functionsCond (inverse) condition numberConde

10、ig calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and gives the condition numberConditional number estimation of -1 norm condestConj complex conjugateContour equipotential lineContourf coloring equipotential lineContour3 3D equipotential lineContourslice 4D slice equipotential line graphMultiplication and

11、 convolution of conv polynomialsCool blue tone map of coolCopper bronze toning chartCos cosineCosh hyperbolic cosineCot.Coth hyperbolic cotangentCplxpair complex conjugate pair arrangementCSC.Csch cschCumulative sum of cumsum elementsCumtrapz cumulative trapezoidal integralCylinder creates cylinders

12、D DDblquad double numerical integrationDeal allocation measuresDeBlank delete the space character at the end of the stringDec2base decimal conversion to X systemDEC2BIN decimal to binaryDEC2HEX decimal conversion to sixteen hexadecimalDeconv polynomial elimination and deconvolutionDelaunay Delaunay

13、triangulationDEL2 discrete Laplacian differenceDemo Matlab demoDet determinantExtraction of diagonal elements of diag matrix and creation of diagonal matricesDiary Matlab instruction window text content recordingDiff numerical difference and symbolic differentiationThe accuracy of setting symbolic v

14、alues in digits symbolic computationDir directory listDisp display arrayDisplay displays overloaded functions of object contentLinearized model of dlinmod discrete systemsDulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition of dmperm matrixThe DOS executes the DOS instruction and returns the resultDouble converts other

15、 types of objects into double precision valuesDrawnow update event queue forcing Matlab refresh screenDsolve symbolic computation for solving differential equationsE eDisplay of instructions executed by echo M filesEdit startup M file editorEig for eigenvalues and eigenvectorsEigs specifies several ei


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