Management Standards and Procedures for timber harvesting.docx

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1、Management Standards and Procedures for timber harvesting operations in Victorias State forests 2014 The State of Victoria Department of Environment and Primary Industries 2014This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. You are free to re-use the work under that

2、 licence, on the condition that you credit the State of Victoria as author. The licence does not apply to any images, photographs or branding, including the Victorian Coat of Arms, the Victorian Government logo and the Department of Environment and Primary Industries logo. To view a copy of this lic

3、ence, visit http:/ 978-1-74287-897-3 (online)ISBN 978-1-74146-265-4 (Print)Accessibility If you would like to receive this publication in an alternative format, please telephone the DEPI Customer Service Centre on 136186, email customer.servicedepi.v

4、 or via the National Relay Service on 133 677 .au. This document is also available on the internet at publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is

5、 wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication.ProcedureManagement Standards and Procedures for timber harvesting operations in Victorias State for

6、ests, 2014Date issuedOctober 2014Version1CommencesLast revision dateReplaces Management Procedures for timber harvesting operations and associated activities in State forests in Victoria, 2009. Fire Salvage Harvesting Prescriptions October 2009. Statewide prescriptions for commercial timber harvesti

7、ng in fire management zones 2012. Any mandatory timber harvesting operation prescriptions contained in: o forest management plans; oro amendments or additions to forest management plans via regional guidance documents such as the Prescriptions for harvesting uneven-aged forest in East Gippsland; or

8、o the Native Forest Silviculture Guidelines; oro coupe finalisation procedures ; oro Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 Action Statements.AuthorityMinister for Environment and Climate ChangePrepared byLand Management Policy DivisionRegistry File NoFS/09/3217ScopeAll managing authorities, harvesting

9、entities and operators operating in State forestReview scheduleAs requiredNoteAll printed copies of this document are uncontrolled. The latest version is available on the DEPI website, for

10、seeking exemptions or temporary variations211.5Review of Management Standards and Procedures222.Planning and Record Keeping232.1FMZ and planning information232.2Communication and engagement232.3Forest Coupe Plans242.4Coupe Size and configuration252.4.1Clearfall, seed tree or shelterwood 1 coupes252.

11、4.2Shelterwood 2 coupes262.4.3Thinning coupes262.4.4Single tree selection coupes262.4.5Uneven-aged coupes262.4.6Salvage coupes262.4.7All coupe types263.Water Quality, River Health and Soil Protection273.1Waterway classification273.2Soil Erosion and Water Quality Risk Assessment273.2.1Statewide273.3W

12、aterway Protection283.3.1Statewide283.3.2Bendigo FMA293.3.3Mid Murray FMA303.4Slope303.4.1General slope restrictions303.5Water supply protection areas304.Biodiversity324.1Habitat Retention324.1.1Statewide324.1.2Benalla/Mansfield FMA and North East FMA324.1.3Bendigo FMA and Box-Ironbark forests in th

13、e Midlands FMA.324.1.4Central Highlands FMAs334.1.5East Gippsland FMA and Gippsland FMAs344.1.6Horsham FMA344.1.7Midlands FMA, except the Box Ironbark forests344.1.8Mid Murray FMA344.1.9Otway FMA354.1.10Portland FMA354.2Fauna364.3Flora364.4Vegetation communities364.4.1Box Ironbark364.4.2Heathland364

14、.4.3Montane Riparian Thicket374.4.4Oldgrowth374.4.5White Cypress Pine, Buloke, Grey Box, Yellow Box and Grey Box vegetation communities374.4.6Snow Gum and Swamp Gum374.4.7Rainforest canopy species384.4.8Rainforest field recognition and delineation394.4.9Rainforest protection measures404.5Pests, weed

15、s and diseases404.5.1Diseases404.5.2Weeds415.Other values425.1Historic Places425.2Huts425.3Landscape435.3.1Central Highlands FMAs435.3.2East Gippsland FMA435.3.3Gippsland FMAs445.3.4Midlands FMA445.3.5Mid Murray FMA455.3.6North East FMAs455.4Giant trees455.5Apiary455.5.1Bendigo FMA455.5.2Gippsland Forest Apiary Plan Area465.6Recreation465.7Researc



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