高考英语一轮复习课时跟踪检测54 试题解析(整理)

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1、学 海 无 涯 课时跟踪检测课时跟踪检测 54 B8 Unit 5 单项填空 1 Not having enough to eat many people died from in the search for the new land A hungry B thirst C strategy D starvation 答案与解析 D 根据 not having enough to eat 可知许多人死于饥饿 可排除 B C 两项 A 项 hungry 为形容词 所以选 D 项 2 your major you ll have to take general education classes

2、 in your first two years of college A In spite B No matter C Regardless of D With regard to 答案与解析 C 句意 不管你的专业是什么 你都要在大学的前两年接受普通教育课 程 regardless of 不管 不顾 符合句意 in spite of 尽管 不管 不顾 no matter 不 论怎样 不要紧 with regard to 关于 至于 3 She tried to explain what had happened but he her several times A bothered B s

3、poiled C cut D interrupted 答案与解析 D 句意 她努力想解释所发生的一切 但被他打断好几次 interrupt 打 断 插话 bother 麻烦 spoil 宠坏 cut 切 4 Let s that there is a selection this month What is the result likely to be given the latest opinion polls A assume B announce C assist D approve 答案与解析 A assume 假定 设想 符合句意 announce 宣告 assist 协助 帮助

4、approve 同意 5 He was when the customs officers found drugs in his bag A argued B fought C persuaded D arrested 答案与解析 D 句意 海关人员从他包中发现毒品后 把他逮捕了 arrest 逮捕 符合句意 argue 争论 flight 打架 persuade 说服 6 I wonder if you are satisfied with my proposal But I prefer to see a n one before making a decision A alternati

5、ve B another C other D others 答案与解析 A 根据句子意思可知回答者希望能有选择的余地再做决定 故用 alternative 供选择的 其他的 7 This is of no practical at present but such a prospect is not impossible A quantity B significance C character D fashion 答案与解析 B 句意 这一点目前还没有实际意义 但不是没有这种可能的 be of no significance 无关紧要的 quantity 数量 character 特点 fa

6、shion 时尚 8 Everyone should and save a little money each year for when he retires A look forward B look up 学 海 无 涯 C look ahead D look into 答案与解析 C look ahead 为将来打算 符合题意 look forward 期望 look up 向上看 查阅 look into 调查 9 She is only a n not a friend of mine A acquaintance B familiarity C announcement D fa

7、mily 答案与解析 A 考查名词词义辨析 句意 她不是我的朋友 只是一个熟人 acquaintance 熟人 familiarity 熟悉 announcement 通告 宣布 family 家人 家庭 10 It was a bad year for the film industry both quantity and quality A in terms of B in case of C as a result of D in face of 答案与解析 A 考查介词短语辨析 句意 这一年对电影业来说无论是数量还是质量 光景都不好 in terms of 从 方面来说 in case

8、 of 如果 假使 as a result of 由 于 in face of 面临 11 It at the crossroads he was killed in the accident the other day A is that B was that C is where D was where 答案与解析 B 考查强调句型 本句是强调句型 被强调部分是地点状语 at the crossroads It was is that who 是强调句的基本类型 不存在 It be where 的类型 12 You have made a few spelling mistakes in

9、your composition but it is fairly good A on the whole B generally speaking C above all D on the one hand 答案与解析 A on the whole 大体上 总体上 generally speaking 一般而言 above all 尤其是 on the one hand 一方面 根据语境可知选 A 项 13 Neither virtue for wealth nor change freedom for power A express B betray C show D say 答案与解析

10、B 考查动词词义辨析 句意 不要出卖美德以换取财富 也不要用自由 交换权力 betray 出卖 符合句意 express 表达 show 表明 say 说 14 Production at the factory was for two hours because there was no electricity A interrupted B disturbed C missed D lost 答案与解析 A 句意 由于没有电 这家工厂的生产停了两个小时 15 They carried out of the cause of the problem A analysis B storage

11、C stress D significance 答案与解析 A 句意 他们对问题的原因作了分析 analysis 分析 storage 储存 stress 压力 significance 重要性 意义 完形填空 I can still remember when I met my best friend She had just moved into the neighborhood and her grandmother brought her down to 16 me I hid behind my mother and she hid behind her grandmother 17

12、 to look at each other Soon we lost the 18 and started playing with each other In the 7th grade I first lost touch with her She was 19 family problems and I 学 海 无 涯 deserted her to be with the 20 people None of my new friends liked her as much as I did because they knew she had 21 However every summ

13、er we 22 always sit at each other s house watch soap operas and talk about all the boys we liked It was last year when I noticed the problem I guess I was 23 devoted in high school to 24 she needed someone there Anyway she made a new best friend and so did I Then I didn t know why 25 she started cut

14、ting herself She then was diagnosed 诊断 with clinical depression At first I was very 26 but we still stayed in 27 I wanted to be there with her since her new best friend basically 28 her and people were calling her 29 Yesterday she came to me and said I never knew what a best friend was 30 you the on

15、ly person would stop me cutting I 31 your help so much and you didn t even know you were 32 me We both cried And I guess a kind of 33 from my life so far is never to give up on your friends Even if they aren t as cool as others or people think they are crazy they need 34 there If you desert them you

16、 will only be 35 yourself 16 A follow B meet C join D support 17 A scared B annoyed C worried D delighted 18 A temper B interest C confidence D shyness 19 A taking up B getting through C going through D making up 20 A happier B cooler C stronger D cleverer 21 A problems B shortcomings C partners D disabilities 22 A should B could C would D might 23 A much B too C only D just 24 A admit B accept C consider D realize 25 A but B for C or D so 26 A calm B considerate C upset D helpful 27 A place B t



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