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1、使女的故事The.Handmaids第二季中英对照剧本第一集跑 跑 快跑啊 Run, run, run! Run, run!侍女的故事前情提要. Previously on The Handmaids Tale.求你别抓走她 求你不要抓走她 Please dont take her! Please dont take her!妈妈 不要 Mommy! No!你们将侍奉宗教领袖 You girls will serve the Leaders of the Faithful和他们不育的妻子们 and their barren wives.你们将为他们受孕 You will bear childr

2、en for them.大主教 可能是他不行 The Commander. Maybe he cant.我在想我们可以试试其他办法 I was thinking maybe we could try another way.沃特福德太太问我的时候 我无法拒绝 抱歉 I couldnt say no when Mrs. Waterford asked me. Im sorry.该死 Fuck!五月天不能再用我了 Mayday cant use me anymore.但你能帮助他们 他们是谁 But you can help them. Who are they?他们在反抗 Theyre figh

3、ting back.被告被指控性别背叛 The accused stand charged with gender treachery.我知道你很惊讶 埃米莉 I know this is a shock for you, Emily.你依然可以生育 You can still have children, of course.今晚 我带你出门 Tonight, Im taking you out.我以为这种地方是被禁止的 I thought these kinds of places were forbidden.很抱歉把你丢在火车站 Im so sorry I left you at th

4、e train!没事 Its okay.我们会想办法救你出去的 Were gonna find a way to get you out of here.这里是基列 没人能跑出去 This is Gilead. No one gets out.别让他们骑在你头上 Do not let them grind you down.你得保持清醒 抗争下去 You keep your fucking shit together. You fight!奥芙瑞德 我可以给你丈夫带个信 Offred, I think I can get a message to your husband.我丈夫死了 My h

5、usbands dead.卢卡斯班科莱 他还活着 Lucas Bankole. Hes alive.要是他们看到我们在一起 我会被送去殖民地 They find us together, Im gonna get sent to the Colonies.你是眼目 他们碰不了你 Youre an Eye. Youre untouchable.上帝回应了我们的祈祷 Hes answered our prayers.宜应称颂 那不是你的 Praised be. It isnt yours.你没资格为人父 因为你不配 You cant father a child, because youre no

6、t worthy.求你了 放我出去 那是我女儿 汉娜 Please, let me out! Thats my daughter! Hannah!只要我的宝宝安全 你女儿就安全 As long as my baby is safe, so is yours.不 No!我想帮五月天 I want to help with Mayday.他们需要你回一趟荡妇俱乐部 They need you to go back to Jezebels.他们想从这拿走包裹 Theyve been trying to get a package out of there.我觉得我是在波士顿 我们身陷囹圄 Im in

7、 Boston, I think. We are prisoners.你必须得把这里发生的一切 You have to tell people公之于众 请不要把我遗忘 whats happening here. Please dont forget me.请不要把我们遗忘 Please dont forget us all.欢迎来到安大略 你在加拿大有家人吗 Welcome to Ontario. Do you have any family in Canada?把安吉拉给我 她叫夏洛特 你这个该死的骗子 Let me have Angela. Her name is Charlotte, y

8、ou lying fuck!任何罪孽都比不上伤害孩子 There is no greatest sin than harming a child.对此项罪行的处罚是石刑处死 The punishment for that crime is death by stoning.莉迪亚嬷嬷 拜托 我们不能这么做 Aunt Lydia, come on. We cant do this.抱歉 莉迪亚嬷嬷 Im sorry, Aunt Lydia.抱歉 莉迪亚嬷嬷 抱歉 莉迪亚嬷嬷 Im sorry, Aunt Lydia. Im sorry, Aunt Lydia.大家都回家 Go home, all

9、 of you!不会就此完事的 There will be consequences.跟他们去吧 相信我 Just go with them. Trust me.你带她去哪 Where are you taking her?怎么回事 Whats going on?不论这是结束 还是新的开始 Whether this is my end or a new beginning我一无所知 I have no way of knowing.所以我站了出来 走进黑暗 And so I step up, into the darkness within.或者光明 Or else the light.我们走

10、 Lets go.安静 Quiet!快走 快走 Move! Move!走 Lets go!快点 我们走 Come on! Lets go!快走 快走 Move, move!把她们弄出来 Get them out of there!上去 上去 Get up, get up!上去 Get up!一切正常 All secure!各就位 To your places.以上帝之手 By his hand.你们要全心全意 You will love the Lord, Thy God敬爱主 你们的上帝 with all your heart.你们应与他同行 敬畏他 You shall walk with

11、Him and fear Him依附他 and cleave unto Him.你们应遵从他 And you shall obey His word以及他在世上的仆人的话语 and the word of His servants here on Earth否则你们将体验他的裁决所带来的痛苦 or you shall feel the pain of His judgment.因为这便是他的爱 For that is His love.把这当成一次教训 Let this be a lesson to you.我们的在天之父 Our Father, who art in heaven.认真的吗

12、Seriously?这他妈是什么鬼 What the actual fuck?好了 另一只脚 谢谢 Okay, other foot. Thank you.不客气 Youre welcome.小香蕉 你感觉怎么样 Hey, how you feelin, banana?我饿了 是吗 那就好 Uh, Im hungry. Yeah? Thats good.我们非常好 We are awesome.好了 再吃两口酸奶 好吗 All right, two more bites of yogurt, okay?芒果呢 我想吃华夫饼 Mango? I want waffles.好了 你再吃两口酸奶 We

13、ll, youre gonna have two more bites of yogurt可别学仙女吃东西 好吗 and I dont want any fairy bites, okay?对了 亲爱的 你会去药房吗 Uh. Oh, hey, honey, are you going to Walgreens?打算去一趟 我得去买泰勒诺 I was going to. I have to get Tylenol.帮我带点除臭剂和电池 好的 Oh, I need some, uh, deodorant and some batteries. Okay.五号电池 Double As.你得帮我签一下

14、续药的表格 And I need you to sign the form for my refilling.只剩一个月的量了 所以. Im on my last month, so.什么 他们还真要看吗 What, they actually asked to see it?是的 有一栏写着丈夫签名 Yup, theres a line for Husband.太荒唐了 Thats ridiculous.其实 我可以不拿药 I mean, I dont have to pick them up.干脆不吃了 You know, at all.你想不做保护措施了 You wanna go off

15、?我不知道 I dont know.我觉得 也许可以 I think, maybe?也许 Maybe?走吧 妈妈 好的 小可爱 Lets go, Mom. Okay, pumpkin.好了 回见 Okay, see you later.走吧 Come on.亲爱的 Honey.别拿药了 不拿了 Dont get em. Dont pick em up.好啊 Okay.太疯狂了 Its crazy.是吗 Yeah?我爱你 I love you.我也爱你 I love you.快走啊 妈妈 不错啊 Lets go, Mom. Not bad.好了 我得走了 Okay, I have to go.真的吗 真的 Really? Yes.闭上眼睛 Close your eyes.偷窥狂 好了 我们走了 Peeping Tom. Yeah.


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