丛林大反攻3 Open Season中英剧本

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1、丛林大反攻3 Open Season中英剧本我吼 出游的好日子 Woo hoo! One day to guys trip.布哥 与其闲着 Hey Boog! When are you gonna bring your fine self down here不如帮我们修修一下房子 to fix up our habitat, huh?等我帮赖利弄好大坝再说 Just as soon as I finish helping Riley with the dam.好啦 小事一桩 There we go.明天出游准备好了吗 肯定会非常棒的 You all set for tomorrow? its

2、gonna be awesome!不行 布哥 我要建这个大坝 所以出游是去不了啦 Sorry Boog! I gotta build this dam. No guys trip for me.什么 不去出游 你疯了吗 What? No guys trip? No guys trip? Have you lost your mind?但是我得完成这个先 不然葛莱蒂会灭了我 I gotta finish this or OGrady will tear my eye.好吧 你就干吧 Yeah. Thats okay, its cool.你以为自己是谁 简直是浪费口舌 Well think abo

3、ut you while were making this and talking trash.终于看见你了 小布哥 看看你能接多少 Im not sure that you can fit in there, jerky!难说哦 估计全都能接住吧 Hey, I dont know, maybe the whole batch?好吧 孩子们 上 Alright you troops! Let them fly!有需要尽管叫我 Hey, you need anything else, just let me know.明天我们可得早点出发哦 We gotta get on the road br

4、ight and early tomorrow, baby.那个事情 我需要解释一下 Uh, about that, Boog. Ive got a wee problem.孩子们在 我没办法采松果 With all the new kids, Im not done collecting my nuts.信不信由你 我真的更愿和你出游 Believe me, lad. Id rather be skittling with you.跟他们在一起太无聊了 Than getting my minds with these boffin goons.好吧 Yeah, right.伊恩 要出游吗 A

5、nt! Guys trip?不行 我得照看孩子 No cant do, bugger! I got too many. responsibilities.好吧 没关系 你们呢 No problem. Birdie?去不了 好吧 Sorry Boog. Great.赛奇 丹尼 我猜你也不去吧 Surfs, Danny? Let me guess.我们可以 突然又去不了了 Uh. _ we cannot go suddenly.嗯哼 我懂 Thats what I thought.不去没关系 还好有艾利奥特 Thats okay. At least Ive got Elliot.他不会让我失望 一

6、直都是 He wont let me down. Itll be like old times.是我的好搭档 噢 Me and he. The original partners.嘘 别出声 咕咕 Sshh. _ Quiet. Koo! Kookoo!吉塞拉 吉塞莉 我在找你们老爸呢 嘘 Giselllal Gesalital I was just looking for your dad. Sshhh.兔子战 太好了 Rabbit fight, huh?算上我 你们小弟呢 Yeah, count me in. Wheres your little bro?呆这儿你们永远都找不到我 Youll

7、 never find me here.好吧 让我想想藏哪儿 Alright, lets see. Where to hide?就藏X号这儿 Ahhh _ X marks the spot!啊哈 逮到你啦 Got you! Gotcha!你们输了 哈哈 Youre out!下次摔好点 You gotta work on the landing.老爹 太好玩了 真的太好玩了 reat game, dad. Yeah, great game, you guys.你们太棒了 要是你们妈妈问起的话 That was awesome. Alright, when your mother asks.就说我

8、没能防住野猪 Youll say I lost for protecting you from a wild boar.还有雪貂 And a sidekick ferret.妈会把你腿给打断的 谁让你们用兔子打我的 Moms gonna kill you. I was attacked by a ferret.才不是呢 爸爸 不要再教弟弟说谎了 No, you werent. Dad. Stop telling Elvis to lie.妈妈说你不该教我们撒谎 Mom says youre not supposed to do that.那可不是说谎 我说的是反话 That wasnt a l

9、ie? It was uh. It was a reverse!其实我是想说 哦 兄弟 快帮我一把 A stretch of a nonactual. Boog. Buddy, back me up here.你还是实话实说吧 纸是包不住火的 ust tell the truth. its the only way to roll.对这就是我想说的 Exactly what I was saying.在学校老师不是有教不要理陌生人吗 And stay in school.And dont talk to strangers.And never run with scissors.伙计 要带孩子

10、们去钓鱼吗 So Boogster, you wanna take the kids fishing?艾利奥特 其实 我是想来陪我出 Actually, Elliot. Im kinda getting ready for guys.猜我想到了什么 I see where youre going with this.到教获胜技巧的时候了 Its time to teach survival skills.我在想 抓起一个球 I was hoping to Grab a baseball.艾利奥特 或者刺 或者折纸 Well I. Acupuncture? Origami?艾利奥特 瑜伽 相扑

11、豆荚 Elliot Elliot Yoga? Sumo wrestling?Pods. What happened to pods, right?告诉你 管他什么东西 只管抓起来 I tell you what. Just take them. Do whatever you want.我只想和你商量下出游的事情 哦 是的 Im trying to get ready for guys trip! Oh yeah!所以你铁定要去 当然 这怎么能错过呢 So are you definitely going? How could I miss it?我就知道你靠谱 艾利奥特 Yeah, I kn

12、ew I could count on you. Elliot!别忘了告诉布哥你不能陪他出游 Remember to tell Boog that you cant go on guys trip.对啦 我得照顾小孩 I meant to say I have to babysit the kids.因为她要回娘家 Cos Giselles going to see her mother.没关系 别担心 Thats okay, E. Dont sweat it.成家了就得承担责任 有时你不得不取消 Youve got family obligations. And sometimes, you

13、ve got to cancel.有时 你是说一直吧 Sometimes? Dont you mean always?这件事你知道多久了 两周了 How long have you known about this? Two weeks两周了 得了吧 Two weeks? Oh, just forget it.我竟然还跑过来问你 布哥 I dont know why I even bother. Boog!他会熬过去的 就像他以前 Oh, hell get over it. Just like he did when I canceled the fishing trip.想必兔子战事玩不了了

14、 那是肯定的 I guess rabbit fights over. Pretty much.妈妈 我被雪貂打了 Mother! I was attacked by a ferret!我想玩具熊现在都比艾利奥特对我好 I guess me and Elliot. We werent as tight as I thought we were.喂 你不会取消和我的出游吧 Oh hey. Youre not gonna cancel on me too, are you?咱们熊就应该呆一起 呵呵 Cos bears gotta stick together.我很乐意带你一起 丁叩曼 You kno

15、w what I like about you, dinkleman?我需要你时你从来没抛弃过我 Youre always there when I need you.别担心 明天我们会一路顺风的 And dont worry. Were gonna have a blast tomorrow.我们要享受史无前例的出游 等着瞧吧 This will be the best guys trip, ever. Youll see!艾利奥特 孩子们要一日三餐 日落前必须上床睡觉 Elliot. Three meals a day. And everyone in bed by sunset.我知道 I know.还有 等布哥回来一定要向他道歉 好吗 And make sure to apologise to Boog when he gets back. Okay为什么要道歉 哇 For what?为你两周前就应该做的 For some things you said yesterday.却拖到昨天的行为道


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