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1、模拟试题(一)一、选择填空 Vocabulary and structureA)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出下列各题的最佳答案。( ) Whos _ baby in the picture? Is _ you? A. a; it B. the; she C. a; this D. the; it( ) - Whats this? - Its _. A. a pencil of Mary B. a Marys pencil C. a pencil of Marys D. Marys a pencil( ) - Is this pencil box _? -No. It looks like _

2、, but its _. A. yours; mine; his B. his; him; her C. mine; your; hers D. its; it; mine( ) Mr Dennis is from _, but he isnt _. He is _. A. English; English; American B. Japan; Japanese; an English C. America; American; an Englishman D. England; English; America( ) This _ van is my grandpas favourite.

3、 A. Japanese old big B. big old Japanese C. old big Japanese D. big Japanese old( ) _ students in the school bus? A. The all are B. Are the all C. Are all the D. All the are( ) _ have the same name -Young Pioneers. A. You, he and I B. I you and he C. He, you and I D. You, I and he( ) I want a dress

4、_. A. like this one B. look that C. like this it D. look me ( ) Does the man _ red work _ this shop? A. in; on B. at; in C. in; in D. on; at( ) Mrs Wilson is not very well, _ she works hard. A. or B. but C. and D. too( ) Let _ the tree green. A. me colour B. we put C. us to like D. him give( ) Here

5、are your pants. _, please. A. Put on it B. Put it on C. Put on them D. Put them on( ) -_ you see the peaches on the tree? -_, I can. A. Can not; Yes B. Can not; No C. Cant; yes D. Cant; No( ) -Mary, where is your homework? -_. I forgot it. A. Hurry up B. This way, please C. Oh, dear D. Over there( )

6、 -_? -No, Amy isnt here. A. Who isnt here B. Is Amy here C. Where is Amy D. Can Amy be hereB)为下列句子或对话选择最佳的排列顺序(大小写不计)( ) go to we the same in Beijing school (.) A. B. C. D. ( ) in France are(Are) your grandfather grandmother and (?) A. B. C. D. ( ) the one Emilys mother a red coat is (Is) in (?) A.

7、B. C. D. ( ) Not bad, thanks. And you? Very well. How are the children? Hi, Jessie! Its me, David. How are you? They are fine. Hello, 163045. A. B. C. D. ( ) Can I help you, then? Oh, no. He is not in. Excuse me, where is Mr Black? I think he is at home. Thank you. But I must go now. A. B. C. D. 二、阅

8、读理解 Reading comprehension(A)In a small village, there is a teacher, a doctor, a driver and a policeman. They are all good friends. What are their names? One is Mike, one is Jack, one is Tom and the other is John. Mikes, Jacks and Toms children are classmates. John has not any children. He teaches hi

9、s friends children at school. Mike has many hens, and he gives the driver and the doctor eggs. Jacks house next to the doctors house. The doctors is behind Jacks.( ) The four people live in a small _. A. factory B. school C. village D. park( ) The four people are _. A. teachers B. doctors C. policem

10、an D. good friends( ) John _. A. has only one child B. is a driver C. has many hens D. is a teacher( ) Mike is a _. A. teacher B. doctor C. driver D. policeman( ) Which is right? A. Jacks house is behind the doctors. B. Only John has no children. C. Johns and Jacks children are in the same school. D

11、. Jack gives his friends eggs.(B)Look at the buses. Four buses are here. They are all Chinese. Li Mings buses is No. 70 and Wang Yans bus is No.64. Zhang Jies bus is No. 10. What number is Jims bus? Look, here comes his bus. Its No. 38. Tom doesnt take a bus, he rides a bike.( ) There are _ buses here. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4( ) They are all _ buses. A. Chinese B. Japanese


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