六年级英语 分类复习 专项训练(无答案)(通用)

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《六年级英语 分类复习 专项训练(无答案)(通用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级英语 分类复习 专项训练(无答案)(通用)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、六年级英语 分类复习 专项训练(无答案)一、 选出下列单词与其他三项不属于同一类的一项。1( ) A. water B. tea C. juice D. ice cream 2. ( ) A. whale B. dolphin C. pig D. shark3. ( ) A . Chinese cabbage B. bread C. chicken D. French fries4. ( ) A . teacher B. driver C. farmer D. baby5. ( ) A. Paris B. London C. New York D. Tokyo6. ( ) A. beef B.

2、 lamb C. meat D. chicken7. ( ) A. mango B. apple C. pear D. grape8. ( ) A. tomato B. lemon C. pea D. bean9. ( ) A. window B. wall C. flower D. door10. ( ) A. nurse B. air hostess C. hospital D. hairdresser 二、翻译下列词语并把所给单词组成新的单词 。1钥匙_ + 木板 _= _ ( )2. 脚 _ + 球 _ = _ ( )3. 床 _ + 房间_ = _ ( )4. 牙齿_ + 刷子_=

3、_ ( )5. 太阳_ + 眼镜 _ = _ ( )6. 房子_ + 妻子 _ = _ ( )7. 牛奶_ + 男人 _ = _ ( )8. 黑色_ + 木板 _ = _ ( )9. 家 _ + 工作 _ = _ ( )10.努力地_+ 工作_= _ ( )三、从下列选项中选出最佳答案。1. ( ) She _ fishing with her sister every Sunday. A. is going B. shall go C. go D. goes2. ( ) -Can you type this letter ? -_ . A. No , you cant B. Yes , yo

4、u must C. No , you mustnt D .Yes , your can3. ( ) -What are you doing now? -_. A. I making a bookcase . B. I am making a bookcase C. I am makeing a bookcase D. I am making to bookcase4. ( ) My mother is _ the _table . A. dusting , dress B. dust , dress C. dusting , dressing D dust ,dressing5. ( ) The children_their_. A. is doing , homework B. are doing, homeworks C.are do , homework D .are doing , homework 6. ( ) -_ are walking along the banks of the river . A.May and I B. I and May C.May and me D. Me and May7. ( ) People _the building . A. are coming out off B. are


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