arcsde for oracle配置和调整初步(arcsde for oracle配置和调整初步).doc

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arcsde for oracle配置和调整初步(arcsde for oracle配置和调整初步).doc_第1页
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1、arcsde for oracle配置和调整初步(arcsde for oracle配置和调整初步)arcsde for oracle配置和调整初步【转】一、主要内容影响arcsde性能的因素很多, 但是归根到底包括两个方面, 后台的oracle和arcsde的配置.oracle方面, 不仅包含数据库组件大小定义、存储参数等内容, 还包括oracle实例的初始化参数、oracle统计信息分析等内容.arcsde方面包括dbtune存储参数、空间索引、以及统计信息更新等方面.作为建立在后台数据库系统之上的空间数据库引擎, arcsde的性能很大程度上取决于oracle的性能状况.换句话说, 如果

2、没有良好性能的oracle系统的支持, 就无法建立高效的arcsde数据访问引擎.二、降低oracle磁盘i.典型的oracle安装方便了数据库安装的过程, 但一定不会达到预期的良好性能.没有经过认真配置和调整的oracle系统不会获得满意的效率.在oracle系统中, 磁盘i / o冲突导致了大多数明显的性能上的瓶颈.除了购买更快的磁盘驱动器和附加的网卡外, 问题的解决方法在于平衡文件系统中的磁盘i) 尽可能将其降至最低, 减少进程间i / o等待发生的可能性.合理放置数据库组件的参考原则如果估算好了数据文件的大小, 就可以确定在文件系统中如何放置它们.本段中列举了一些相关的指导, 不必完全

3、照搬, 因为需要考虑自己磁盘驱动器的数目和大小.这些指导原则上按照其重要程度从大到小进行排序.数据库使用一段时间之后, 一种正常的使用模式也就建立了, 访问非常频繁的数据文件需要隔离在单独的磁盘上.分离表和索引每次oracle访问索引来定位到某个记录行时, 它必须同时访问表来取出所指向的行.此时如果表和索引存放在同一个磁盘上时, 磁头就需要在索引和表之间进行移动.尽可能不要把索引和表存储在同一个表空间中.始终将表的数据文件和索引的数据文件分开存放.当表及其索引的数据块位于同一磁盘驱动器时, 这样做可以减少磁头移动的发生.按照活动性放置文件将联机重做日志文件存储在它们自己的磁盘驱动器上.经常进行

4、编辑操作 (inserts, updates, and deletes) 的oracle数据库具有非常活跃的联机重做日志文件.将联机重做日志文件和其他也需要频繁进行i / o操作的数据文件从物理上分离是很重要的.只要有可能, 将日志文件创建在自己单独的磁盘驱动器上, 或者和其他一些相对静态的文件一起存放.在一个经常进行编辑操作的数据库中, 就i / o而言, 联机重做日志文件是最活跃部分.如果无法将它们安排在自己单独的磁盘驱动器上, 就将它们和那些相对i / o操作较少的文件放置在一起.The rollback segment data file must be separated from

5、the redo log file. When the database is edited, the rollback segment is accessed regularly. Try to keep these data files separate from other active files. Doing so improves the efficiency of Oracle transactions.After the index is created, ArcSDE does not use temporary table space if the SORT_AREA_SI

6、ZE parameter is already set to the recommended 512KB. Therefore, if other applications do not use temporary table space, temporary tables can be placed together with other active files.Place system tables, spatial data files, and other active data files together. The access rate to the system table

7、space data dictionary table is relatively low because their data is cached in the shared pool (shared, pool) and cache (buffer).Place the business table and index data files according to the expected I/O access. If you expect a particular data file to have high I/O access, try to place it on your ow

8、n disk drive individually or with other active or moderate data files.Three, ArcSDE storage parametersSimilar to the Oracle system, the typical ArcSDE installation process is very convenient, but it will not achieve the expected good performance. ArcSDE that has not been configured and adjusted will

9、 not achieve satisfactory efficiency.DBTUNE tableAs mentioned earlier, the performance of ArcSDE is largely determined by the efficiency of Oracle, so how can the principles of reducing I/O conflicts and bottlenecks in the previously mentioned Oracle be embodied in the configuration of ArcSDE? How d

10、o you control the storage configuration of ArcSDE tables and indexes in Oracle? We can do this by storing the parameters defined in DBTUNE.ArcSDE reads the stored parameters from the DBTUNT table to define the physical data parameters of the ArcSDE tables and indexes. These storage parameters are gr

11、ouped according to the configuration key. When ArcSDE clients create data objects (tables and indexes), these data objects are assigned configuration keywords.Before ArcSDE, the configuration keyword is stored in a file named dbtune.sde, in the etc directory of ArcSDE. When executing the sdesetupora

12、8* command, ArcSDE uses the dbtune.sde file to initialize the stored parameters. The configuration parameters are read from the dbtune.sde file and then written to the DBTUNE data sheet.It should be noted that ArcSDE has simplified the stored parameters. ArcSDE does not match the same ArcSDE paramet

13、er for each Oracle storage parameter; the ArcSDE storage parameter has evolved to the configuration string, the overall storage configuration of the response table and index.ArcSDE previous version of storage parameters can be automatically converted to new, more simplified version of the ArcSDE sto

14、rage parameters. The storage parameter of ArcSDE preserves all the storage parameters in Oracles CREATE, TABLE, or CREATE INDEX statements.ArcSDE generates the DBTUNE table during installation. If the dbtune.sde file does not exist or is empty, sdesetupora8* creates and generates the DBTUNE table wi

15、th the default configuration keyword (the minimum configuration of ArcSDE).In almost all cases, you need to create tables for the database using the specified storage parameters.2, edit the DBTUNE tableAlthough you can use the SQL statement to edit the contents of the DBTUNE table, such as SQL*Plus,

16、 the Sdedbtune command introduced in ArcSDE provides a convenient way for the ArcSDE administrator to manage and maintain the DBTUNE table. The Sdedbtune command imports or exports between the records in the DBTUNE table and the files in the ArcSDE etc directory.The files that are rolled out can be modified in the text editor (VI) under UNIX, or notepad in Windows NT. In the following e


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