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1、 高一英语复习21. Some people can still achieve success _ they have lost the ability to use one of their senses. A. as ifB. even ifC. in caseD. now that22. To Pollys puzzle, when she looked around, the tall man in a dark overcoat was nowhere _. A. to seeB. seeingC. to be seenD. being seen23. It is found th

2、at womens sense of smell is better developed than _ of men. A. itB. thisC. oneD. that24. Do remember: you are 30 times more _ to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark! A. likelyB. possibleC. probableD. unlikely25. Language, in a broad sense, is the way _ information is expressed. A. whichB

3、. whyC. thatD. in that26. By the latter half of the 14th century, English _ into widespread use among all classes in England. A. cameB. had come C. was comingD. has come27. At one time there was an organization in France_ some “borrowed words” from English including “weekend” and “e-mail”. A. banned

4、B. banningC. to be bannedD. ban28. In the 1950s the Chinese government _ simplified Chinese characters and now they have widespread use in Chinas mainland. A. has introducedB. was introducedC. would have introducedD. introduced29. People from ancient civilizations built many splendid buildings and o

5、bjects; some of them _, while others remain toady. A. were disappearedB. will disappearC. have disappearedD. are disappearing30. I returned to the cinema to look for my keys, only to find it _, so I left with great disappointment. A. to be closedB. closedC. to closeD. having closed31. We had differe

6、nt students in some classes, so _ was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names. A. itB. thatC. thisD. which32. As teenagers grow, along with some physical changes, there _ many psychological changes. A. cameB. has comeC. comesD. come33. Exercise is something _ can help to make one look

7、good, feel good and be healthy. A. whichB. thatC. /D. as34. Detective Sam Peterson says that theres really no hard evidence _ aliens took Justin. A. ifB. whetherC. thatD. which35. _ is certain, though, is that “the curse of the mummy” remains a riddle to this day. A. ThatB. WhatC. WhichD. It第二节 完形填空

8、(共12小题;每小题1.5分,满分18分。)When waiting with my class for the physics exam, I found my best friend Terry, who was treating me like I didnt 36 during the past two weeks, ignoring (忽略) all my calls and messages.With all the students seated in the exam room, our physics teacher, Mr. Reed, announced the exam

9、. I hated physics and felt it hard to 37 my paper. I was just looking up when a 38 caught my eyes. I could hardly believe it! Terry was reading from her phone on her left knee. Is that how Terry always got good 39 ? I almost raised my hand to tell the teacher, but what would everyone else think of h

10、er? However, it wasnt 40 ! So I nodded to my teacher. He walked 41 down the row of desks. Busy with her phone, Terry didnt even find the teacher had 42 her. She looked up from her phone with a frightened expression. Before she had a chance to explain, the teacher took her 43 and told her to leave. T

11、erry started crying as she walked to the door, looking back over her shoulder at me, sad and ashamed.After the exam, I received a text message from Terry, saying “Im really 44 Ive been avoiding you lately but its been the hardest two weeks of my life. Dad has been in hospital with a heart attack. He

12、 has a(n) 45 today and I am really worried. I know it is stupid, but I was trying to send a text message(短信) to Mum to see how it was going. Then Mr. Reed caught me and thought I was 46 . I wish Id told you everything. I know I shouldnt forget who my friends are. Will you 47 me?” At these words, fro

13、m my deep heart sprang up a burst of guilt along with the belief: Friendship is an honor and a gift, and worth the effort to treasure.36. A. existB. believeC. remainD. wait37. A. hand outB. give upC. throw awayD. concentrate on38. A. mistakeB. movementC. markD. notice39. A. wordsB. preparationsC. gr

14、adesD. questions40. A. clearB. pureC. fairD. simple41. A. silentlyB. nervouslyC. happilyD. bravely42. A. leftB. reachedC. passedD. followed43. A. notebookB. textbookC. dictionaryD. paper44. A. sorryB. angryC. gladD. lucky45.A. matchB. caseC. speechD. operation46. A. learningB. cheatingC. relaxingD.

15、calling47. A. loveB. join C. forgiveD. recognize第三节 补全短文Professor Wang has been doing research on English literature for more than 30 years. He has written over 10 books which 48._ (become) quite popular since the 1990s. Now he is teaching English literature at a famous university. I emailed Professor Wang last week, 49._ (ask) some questions that had puzzled me. To my surprise, he answered me yesterday, saying that he was coming to my school



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