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1、1. Please _your voice if you have any questions to ask the chairman. A. rise B. raise C. lift D. enlarge2. Owen obviously had no _of doing any work that day, although it was only a week before the English Test.A. ambition B. Desire C. intention D. wish3. The National Gallery in London has more visit

2、ors than _any other because of its free admission.A. practically B. really C. actually D. completely4. On that bitterly cold winter night, few people walked along the _ narrow streets.A. lonely B. neglected C. deserted D. isolated5. Mr. Johnson had a terrible cold and could not stop _.A. yawning B.

3、sighing C. sneezing D. spitting6. The chairman asked the members to _ their votes for or against the proposal.A. cast B. throw C. bid D. offer7. She was barred from the golf club for refusing to _with the request.A. conform B. adhere C. abide D. comply8. She always _the smell of fresh bread with her

4、 aunt, who loved baking.A. associated B. connected C. attributed D. contributed9. Even when the strike was over, and the wages dispute had been _, it took several weeks for the country to get cleaned up completely.A. settled B. evened C. calmed D. relieved10. She was paid by the hour, and she manage

5、d to keep her family with her pitiful_.A. salary B. wages C. stipend D. payment11. Tony was in plain clothes, watching for a _character at London Airport all night.A. suspicious B. suspect C. susceptible D. doubtful12. At first she thought he was joking. It took Jason twenty minutes to convince her

6、that he was _.A. earnest B. real C. genuine D. serious13. You may even become a head waiter eventually. If you have the right sort of _and are not afraid of hard work.A. nature B. personality C. temper D. character14. After taking office, Chinas Prime Minister, Zhu Rongji, tried his best to promote

7、the new _policies.A. economic B. economical C. economy D. economics15. Before moving to another city, Amy _of the house and the furniture.A. disposed B. discarded C. discharged D. distributed16. Amy Taylor was _both as a drama critic and as a poet.A. subtle B. progressive C. eminent D. plausible17.

8、He was very much interested in the work of charities, and made a regular _to them.A. dedication B. fellowship C. hospitality D. contribution18. The temperature _greatly; the days were very hot, the nights very cold.A. changed B. altered C. varied D. reflected19. Recently there has been a great _ for

9、 small cars that consume little gas.A. request B. want C. demand D. claim20. It is not profitable to provide bus service in districts where the population is widely _.A. divided B. separated C. spaced D. scattered21. It was necessary to _the factory building as the company was doing more and more bu

10、siness.A. extend B. increase C. lengthen D. grow22. If I look the other way, I can see the mouth of the river, wild and _, and the sea beyond.A. grand B. inspired C. fierce D. splendid23. The relationship between dream life and waking life has been studied _.A. originally B. intensively C. extremely

11、 D. properly24. Before the invention of refrigeration, the _of fish and meat was a thorny problem.A. keeping B. maintaining C. protection D. preservation25. During their first teacher training year, the students often visited local schools for the _of lessons.A. investigation B. observationC. inspec

12、tion D. observance26. Ill be very glad that you agree to_ this matter.A. look up B. look for C. look over D. look into27. As there was a power cut in the hospital, the surgeon had to _the operation.A. call for B. call off C. call on D. call out28. From ancient times, the valley of the Nile has been

13、made _by the river floods.A. famous B. deserted C. attractive D. fertile29. The manager made a farseeing decision _what she had said.A. in the light of B. in the course ofC. in favor of D. in the face of30. Each household _five pounds of meat every month.A. availed B. allocatedC. was endowed with D.

14、 was entitled to31. All the information we have collected in relation to that case _very little.A. comes up to B. makes up forC. stands up for D. adds up to32. The manager was pleased with increased _from the factory.A. outcome B. output C. outset D. outlet33. The curtains were put up only months ag

15、o, but they have _badly. A. shaded B. faded C. fainted D. withered34. If you find that chair too hard, Ill bring you a _.A. pillow B. mat . comforter D. cushion35. Fred doesnt like white coffee, nor does he like to put cream on his strawberries, because he prefers them _.A. plain B. simple C. natural D. ordinary36. As Mr. Best was passing the bookstore, he tho


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