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1、金牌奥赛天天练小学英语三年级超级试卷(二十)姓名 班级 第八阶段 句法日常会话第四十七天 询问与介绍【知识备忘】A. 掌握询问方面的交际甩语:包括询问姓名:whats your name?My name is. Are you.? Yes,I am.询问年龄:How old are you?lm.询问人物:whos that? Its.询问事物: Whats this in English?Its.B. 掌握介绍方面的用语:包括自我介绍:Im .(My name is .)Im in Class 1, Grade 1.等。介绍别人:This is .Hes ten. Hes a student

2、.等等。【能力聚焦】例1 选择正确答案。( ) 1. “王老师,早上好”这句话的英语是 。A. Wang Miss, Good morning.B. Miss Wang, Good morning.C. Good morning, Miss Wang( ) 2. 你想把杰姆介绍给你父亲,说 。A. He is Jim B. It is Jim. C. This is Jim( ) 3. 你想问李红,跟她在一块儿的女孩是谁,怎么说 ?A. Who is Li Hong?B. Li Hong, who is she?C. Li Hong, what is she?解答: 1. C 2. C 3.

3、B题型透视 这道题考查习惯表达及日常会话。高分方略 在多读、多记、多练的基础上,掌握交际用语,同时注意英汉表达习惯的不同。如王老师Miss Wang。英语习惯上把姓放在称呼后面,整个句子也是先说内容,后称呼。【触类旁通】仿做1 从II栏中选择与第I栏句子相对应的对话内容。III( ) 1. How are you?A. How do you do?( ) 2. Good morning.B. Its a book.( ) 3. How do you do?C. Im fine, thanks.( ) 4. Whats your name?D. Good morning.( ) 5. What

4、this?E. My name is Tom.仿做2 选择正确的选项完成对话。Jim: Good afternoon.Tom: .Jim: Whats your name, please?Tom: My name is Tom, ?Jim: Im Jim. ?Tom: Im nine. Are you nine, too?Jim: . Nice to meet you.Tom: .Jim: .Tom: Bye-bye.A. GoodbyeB. Nice to meet you, tooC. No, Im notD. And youE. How old are you FGood afterno

5、on【天天精练】习题1 根据对话内容,补全对话,标号写在横线上。May:Hi,Bob_ ?Bob:Im fine,thank you, and you?May: _Bob:_?May: A catBob:_?May:_.AHow are you B. Yes,it isC. Whats that in English D. Very well,thanksE. Is it your cat习题2 根据图片,选择填空。( ) 1. A. This is David and this is Li Mei B. This is David and that is Li Mei. C. He is David and she is Li Mei.( ) 2. AWhats in your bag? B. Is that your key? C. Whats that in English? D. Whats in your desk?第四十七天 仿做 1:1. C 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. B仿做 2:FDECBA 习题1:ADCEB 习题2:1. A 2. A


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