小学英语 英语故事(名人故事)大卫贝克汉姆小传

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1、大卫贝克汉姆小传The English soccer player hasnt had the greatest of years. His career couldnt compete in a fourth World Cup after injury. And then coach Fabio Capello called time on his international career. Lets look back on the highs and lows.这位英格兰球员的光辉岁月已一去不复返先是因伤无缘他职业生涯的第四个世界杯,接着教练法比奥卡佩罗又宣布将不再让他参加国际赛事。就

2、让我们一起来回顾大卫贝克汉姆那跌宕起伏的过往岁月吧。Fanatic狂热球迷David Robert Joseph Beckham was born on May 2nd, 1975, and is a lifelong Manchester United supporter. As a boy, he attended the Bobby Charlton Soccer School (Charlton is a Manchester United legend) and dreamed of emulating his hero Bryan Robson and wearing the fa

3、mous No.7 shirt one day.大卫罗伯特约瑟夫贝克汉姆生于1975年5月2日,一直都是曼彻斯特联队(译者注:下称“曼联”)的支持者。孩童时代,他就进入了博比查尔顿足球学校(查尔顿是曼联史上的一位传奇巨星),梦想着有朝一日也能成为像他的偶像布莱恩罗布森那样的人物,穿上那件著名的7号球衣。Slick and Sharp锋芒初露Beckham signed a Youth Training Scheme contract in 1991 with his beloved United. The boy wonder announced his arrival on the socc

4、er scene in August 1996 by scoring a spectacular goal from inside his own half on the opening day of the season. Beckham was voted Young Player of the Year for 1996-97, scoring an impressive eight goals in 40 appearances.1991年,贝克汉姆与他所钟爱的曼联签订了青年培训计划合同。在1996年8月的赛季揭幕战上,贝克汉姆在本方半场起脚远射踢进不可思议的一球,从此这位足球神童开始

5、在绿茵场上崭露头角。19961997赛季中,贝克汉姆战绩斐然:共出场40次,进球八个。他因此被票选为该赛季最佳新人。Hip to Be Square圆月弯刀Beckham scored his first goal for England during the 1998 World Cup in France vs. Colombia. He had somewhat surprisingly been left out of Englands two prior games in the tournament, and the outpouring of joy after he nette

6、d one of his trademark free kicks was clear for all to see. As he proceeded to thrust his hips, the nations women swooned.在1998年法国世界杯英格兰队对战哥伦比亚队的比赛中,贝克汉姆踢入了自己在国家队的首个进球。在英格兰之前的两场比赛中,他出人意料地没有被派上场,因此在射入他那记招牌式的任意球后(译者注:人称圆月弯刀),他的欣喜若狂让全场观众都看在眼里。当他继而前后狂扭臀部时,英国的女人们全都被迷得神魂颠倒。Argy-bargy众矢之的The undoubted low

7、point of Beckhams playing career came when he received his first-ever red card in 1998, for flicking his leg out at Argentinas Diego Simeone during Englands World Cup knockout game. Then England was eliminated on penalty kicks. Beckham escaped the intense media scrutiny back home in Englandthe Daily

8、 Mirror printed a dartboard with a picture of him centered on the bulls-eyeby going to New York to be with his Spice Girl fiance Victoria Adams.1998年世界杯英格兰队与阿根廷队的那场淘汰赛上,贝克汉姆突然抬腿轻轻绊倒了阿根廷队的迭戈西蒙尼,吃到了自己的第一张红牌,这无疑使他的职业生涯跌入低谷。而英格兰队也在随后的点球大战中被淘汰出局。为躲避英国国内媒体铺天盖地的责难当时每日镜报刊出了一幅以他的照片为靶心的镖靶图贝克汉姆远走纽约,投奔其未婚妻“辣妹”组

9、合的成员维多利亚亚当斯。Posh and Becks郎才女貌The U.K.s most famous couple got married at Luttrellstown Castle in Ireland on July 4th, 1999. The couples son Brooklyn, then four months old, was the ring bearer. The media were kept away from the ceremony, as the Beckhams had an exclusive deal with OK! magazine, but t

10、he tabloids still managed to show them sitting on golden thrones. Its believed that 437 people were employed to staff the reception, which was estimated to have cost the best part of $1 million.1999年7月4日,这对英国最出名的夫妻在爱尔兰的路特尔斯顿城堡举行了婚礼,而婚礼的男花童是两人当时才四个月大的儿子布鲁克林。由于贝克汉姆夫妇已同OK!杂志达成了由他们独家报道婚礼的协议,其他媒体都被拒之门外,不

11、过一些小报还是设法登出了两人坐在金色“宝座”上的照片。这场婚礼花费达100万美元,据说夫妻俩雇来招待宾客的侍者就达437人,估计这是这场婚礼的绝大部分开销所在。Heart Break Again再次落败A few months before the 2002 World Cup in Japan and South Korea, Beckham was injured during a Champions League match. Suddenly all England fans became medical experts, and The Sun newspaper even aske

12、d people to place their hands on a front page depicting his injury, in a spiritual attempt to heal him. It must have worked, as he battled back to fitness and scored the winner in a group game against Argentina. Sadly for Beckham and England, they would be eliminated in the quarterfinals against the

13、 eventual champion Brazil.就在2002年韩日世界杯开赛前几个月,贝克汉姆在欧洲冠军杯联赛的一场比赛中负伤。一时间,全英国的球迷都成了医学专家。太阳报甚至号召人们把手放在报道贝克汉姆受伤消息的报纸头版上,试图通过意念来治愈他。这招肯定起作用了,不久贝克汉姆就伤愈回归,还在世界杯小组赛阶段对阵阿根廷的比赛中攻入制胜球。不过贝克汉姆和英格兰队的伤心事还在后面,他们将在四分之一决赛中输给最终夺冠的巴西队。Real-ity Bites转会皇马In the summer of 2020, Beckham signed with the Spanish giant Real Mad

14、rid. The midfielders career got off to a dream start when he scored in his debut, but trophies didnt come easily over his four-year period, with only a solitary league title and a cup to his and the teams name.2020年夏天,贝克汉姆签约西班牙足球豪门皇家马德里。贝克汉姆转会后的首场比赛就有进球,这位中场球员为自己的职业生涯开创了一个新的良好开端。但胜利并没有接踵而至,在随后四年的皇马岁

15、月里,他随球队只获得了一个西班牙甲级联赛冠军和一个西班牙超级杯冠军。History in the Making创造历史Back in the international scene, Beckham created history when he scored against Ecuador in the 2020 World Cup: it made him the first-ever English player to score in three separate World Cups, But yet again, the team was eliminated in the qua

16、rterfinal, this time courtesy of Portugal and those oh-so-cruel penalty kicks.回到国际赛场上的贝克汉姆书写了一项新的历史。在2020年世界杯对战厄瓜多尔的比赛中,他又打入进球,成为首位在三届世界杯上都有进球的英格兰球员。然而旧幕重演,英格兰队又一次止步于八强,这一次是败给了葡萄牙队,又输在了残酷无比的点球大战上。Coming to America进军美国Quite simply, it was one of the most stunning transfers in the history of the sport: Beckhams move in 2020 to the Los Angeles Galaxy put Major League Soccer on t



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