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1、新视野大学英语第二版第二册第二单元(New horizons, College English, Second Edition, second book, second unit)Nikolai Petrovich Anikin是不吓人,我想象他会。尼克莱彼得罗维奇安尼金一点都不像我想象的那么吓人。不,这肯定不是我父亲送我去见的前苏联教练。不,他不可能是我父亲特地送我来见的那位前苏联教练。但尼古莱的时候,彼得罗维奇和所有的。可他的确是尼克莱彼得罗维奇安尼金本人。他邀请我进去,坐在沙发上,拍着他旁边的毯子,让我坐在他旁边。他请我进门,在沙发上坐下,又拍了拍身边的垫子,让我坐在他旁边。我在他面前很



4、赛成绩缩短了。分钟。”“我的朋友问我:“尼古莱,你是怎么做到的?”我回答说:“你去看电影,你参加舞会,你和女孩子出去,但我在练习,练习,练习。”“朋友们问我:“尼克莱,How did you do that? I replied, you go to the movies, dance, date with girls, and Ive been training, training and training.Here the story usually ended but on, one occasion, which we later learned was his th wedding

5、anniversary, he stood proudly in a worn woolen sweater and smiled and whispered, And I tell you, I am years old before I ever kiss a girl She was the woman I! Later marryThe story usually ends here. But once we later learned was his wedding anniversary, he wore an old sweater, stood proudly smiled a

6、nd said softly: I tell you, but in the year before the first kiss a girl. She later married me.Romantic, and, otherwise, Nikolai, knew, love.Whether he knows romance or not, Nikolai knows what love is.His, consistent, good, humor, quiet, gratitude, perceptivity, and, sincerity, set, Olympic, standar

7、d, for, love, that, I, continue, to, reach, for, even, though, an, my, skiing, days, are, over.With consistent humor, silent gratitude, a keen sense and a genuine attitude, he sets an Olympic standard for love. Even after I finished my skiing career, I was still trying to reach that standard.Still,

8、he, never, babied, me.But he never spoiled me.One, February, day, I, had, a, massive, headache, and, felt, fatigued, quite, etc.One day in February, my head ached and I felt very tired.I came upon him in a clearing, and after approximately minutes of striding into the cold breeze over the white powd

9、er to catch him, I fussed, Oh, Nikolai, I feel like I am going to dieI met him on an empty field, and in the snow in the cold wind for about fifteen minutes, I caught up with him and said, Hey, Nikolai, I feel like Im going to die.When, you, are, a, years, old, everybody, dies, he, said, indifferent

10、, to, my, pain., But, now, he, continued, firmly., Now, must, be, ski, hundred, ski, ski.If you live to be one hundred, everyone will die, he said with a determined, unmoved voice, but now you must be slippery, slippery, and slippery.And, on, skis, I, did, what, he, said.On skis, I do as he says.On,

11、 other, matters, though, I, was, rebelliousBut in other things, I will fight against himOnce, he, packed, of, US, into, a, Finnish, bachelors, tiny, home, for, a, low-budget, camp., skiIn a skiing camp that was not well funded, he pushed ten of us into a bachelors Finland style house.We, awoke, the,

12、 first, to, find, Nikolai, making, and, then, made, quick, work, with, our, spoons, while, breakfast, sitting, on, makeshift, chairs, around, morning, a, table., tiny, cardThe first day we woke up to find Nikolai cooking breakfast. Then we sit on makeshift chairs around the little table, with a spoo

13、n soon after breakfast.When, we, were, finished, Nikolai, stacked, the, sticky, bowls, in, front, of, my, sole, female, teammate, and, me, asserting,Now, girls of the dishes!吃完后, 尼克莱把摞起来的油腻腻的碗向我和我唯一的另一个女队友前一推, 武断地说: 女孩子们, 现在去洗碗吧!I threw my napkin on the floor and swore at him, ask the damn boys! Thi

14、s is unfair. He never asked this of me again, nor did he take much notice of my outburst.我把餐巾往地上一扔, 向他骂道: 让该死的男孩子们去洗吧! 这不公平! 他没再让我去洗碗, 也没对我的大发脾气显得太在意.He saved his passion for skiing.他只在滑雪时才显露出强烈的情感.When coaching, he would sing out his instructions keeping rhythm with our stride: yes, yes, one two th

15、ree, one two three.训练的时候, 他会岁着我们迈步的节奏大声发出指令: 对, 就这样, 一二三, 一二三.The dear lady friend of my grandfather, after viewing a copy of the video of me training with Nikolai, asked, does he also teach dance?我祖父的一个好朋友一位上了年纪的女士看了尼克莱带我训练的录像带后问道: 他也教舞蹈吗?In training, I worked without rest to correct mistakes that Nikolai pointed out and I asked after each pass if it was better.在训练时, 我一刻不停地纠正着尼克莱指出的错误.每完成一个动作, 我都会问他自己是否有了进步.Yes, it s okay. But the faster knee down, the better. 是的,


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