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1、反义疑问句原则【篇一:反义疑问句原则】一、含 be(is, are, was, were) 动词的反意疑问句其句型是:句型 1:主语 + be+ 其它,isn t(aren t, wasn t, weren t)+ 主语 ?句型 2:主语 + be not+ 其它,is(are, was, were) + 主语?注意: there be 句型例句: there is an old picture on the wall, isn t there?yes, there is. no, there isn t.二、行为动词的一般现在时的反意疑问句其句型是:句型1:主语+动词原形+其它,dont i

2、(you, we, they)?句型2:主语+ don t+动词原形+其它,do i(you, we, they)?句型3:主语+动词第三人称单数+其它,doesn t he(she, it)? 句型4:主语+ doesn t+动词原形+其它,does he(she, it)?三、行为动词的一般过去时的反意疑问句其句型是:句型1:主语+动词过去式+其它,didn t主语?句型2:主语+didn t动词原形+其它,did +主语?四、一般将来时的反意疑问句其句型是:句型1:主语+will+动词原形+其它,won t+主语?句型2:主语+ won t + 动词原形+其它,will +主语?注意:

3、there be 句型的一般将来时例句: there will be a basketball match tomorrow, won t there?yes, there will. no, there won t.五、现在完成时的反意疑问句其句型是:句型1:主语+have+动词过去分词+其它,haven t+主语?句型2:主语+ haven t +动词过去分词+其它,have +主语?句型3:主语+has+动词过去分词+其它,hasn t主语?句型4:主语+ hasn t +动词过去分词+其它,has +主语?六、现在完成进行时的反意疑问句其句型是:句型1:主语+have been+动词现

4、在分词+其它,haven t+ 主语 ?句型2:主语+ haven t been +动词现在分词+其它,have +主语? 句型3:主语+has been +动词现在分词+其它,hasn t主语? 句型4:主语+ hasn t been +动词现在分词+其它,has +主语?七、含有情态动词的反意疑问句其句型是:句型 1: 主语+情态动词 +动词原形 +其它 ,情态动词否定形 式+主语?句型 2: 主语+情态动词否定形式 +动词原形 +其它 ,情态动词 +主语? 注意: you must go home now, needn t you?yes, i must. no, i needn t.

5、值得注意的是有时英语的谓语动词并不用否定式(即没加上not ) ,而是用上了 “never, little, few, hardly, nothing, nobody等词”,这时该陈述句也属于否定句 ,因此 ,反意疑问句的后半部分应用肯定疑问式 . 例句: you have never been to beijing, have you?yes, i have. no, i haven t.【篇二:反义疑问句原则】反意疑问句是英文中常见的一种句型,它提出情况或看法,询问对 方同意与否,被广泛应用于英语口语。反意疑问句通常由两部分构 成:前一部分用陈述句的形式( statement ),后一部分

6、是一个附着 在前一部分上的简短问句 (也叫 tagquestion) 。所附简短问句中的主语和谓语与陈述句的保持一致,而 且两部分的时态要一致。反意疑问句有四种类型:(1)肯定陈述 +否定简短问句;( 2 )否定陈述 +肯定简短问句;( 3)肯定陈述 +肯 定简短问句;( 4)否定陈述 +否定简短问句。其中,前两种运用最 为广泛。除此之外,反意疑问句还有 “祈使句 +简短问句 ”的形式,这 种用法通常用于减弱祈使语气。如 :carry this parcel for me, can you? 给我拿一下包,好吗? 反意疑问句的构成有以下几点特殊情况须注意:1当陈述句的主语是 everyone,

7、everybody, someone, somebody 时,简短问句中的主语通常用 they 。如果陈述句的主语是非人称的复合词,如 everything, something, anything, 则简短问句中相应的人称代词是单数的中性 词 it 。例如 :somebody borrowed my coatyesterday, didn t they?nobody came, did they?everyone thinks they re the center of the universe, dontthey?nothing can stop us now, can it?2当陈述句是

8、表示存在的句子时,简短问句用there 作形式主语。例如: thereisn t a book on the table, is there?there s somethingwrong, isn t there?there won t be any trouble, willthere?3如果陈述句中包含有如下的否定或半否定词, 如 seldom, hardly, never,rarely,little, few, nowhere,he?the rules are invariable, aren t they?he seldom pays more attention to his pro

9、nunciation, does he? he hardly knows anything about computer, does he?tom has little knowledge of how to spend money, does he?4. 陈述句中是i am时,简短问句则用 aren t。例如:i am anexcellent english speaker, aren t i?i am late, aren t i?5. 陈述句中是非限定人称代词one 时,正式文体中,简短问句的主 语为 one ,而非正式文体中用 you 。例如 : onemust be honest,

10、mustn t one?6. 含有宾语从句的主从复合句的反意疑问句中,简短问句一般反映 主句中主、谓之间的关系。但如果主句是 i think, isuppose, i believe, i suspect, i imagine 等时,则简短问句反映的 是 that 从句中主语与谓语之间的关系。例如: they agreed that the united states shouldn t make a war on iraq,didn t they?i suppose (that) he is serious, isn t he?注意:否定词移位的情况,如:i don t suppose (t

11、hat) he is serious, is he?7. 如果陈述句的谓语动词是have ( 当 “拥有”讲时), 简短问句可用 have 形式或用 do 形式。例如:you have a nice house, haven t/don t you?但如果陈述句是否定形式时,简短问句中动词的选择则由陈述句中 的动词形式而定。例如: he hasn t a house of his own, has he?he doesn t have a house of his own, does he? 如果陈述句中的动词 have 表示 “经历,遭受,得到,吃 ”的意思时,则简短问句中的动词用 do 的

12、形式。例如: you often have headaches, dont you?8当陈述句的动词是 ought to 时,英国英语中简短问句用 ought , 而美国英语中则用 should 。9陈述句中的动词是 used to 时,简短问句可用 used 的形式或 did 的形式。例如 :the smiths used to live in the countryside, usedn t / didntthey?he didn t use/used to tell lies, did he?10. 陈述句中动词为n eed nt寸,简短问句通常用 n eed。例如:you needn

13、t do it if you don t want to, need you?you needn thave told him the news, need you?11. 陈述句中 must 后动词的类属和寸态不同,反意疑问句也不同。 例如 :the food must be good, isn t it?you must have read the book last month, didnt you?you must see the doctor, needntyou? ( must 表必要性,故用 neednt) you mustn t do that again, must you?

14、(must 表示 “不可以 ”)12. 当陈述部分是一祈使句寸,简短问句则通常为won t you, wouldyou, can you, can t you, could you 等,使语气婉转、客气。如果 陈述部分的祈使句中含有第一人称寸,如 let s do something, 则简短问句为 shall we? 例如: do sit down, won t you?shut up, can you?在否定的祈使句后, 只能用 will you 。例如 :dont forget, will you?篇三:反义疑问句原则】反义疑问句陈述部分用降调,问句部分可升可降。提问者对陈述部 分把握较大时,问句部分用降调;反之用升调。无向左转 | 向右转



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