Unit 2 Robots知识讲解 被动语态复习1(整理)

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Unit 2 Robots知识讲解 被动语态复习1(整理)_第1页
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Unit 2 Robots知识讲解 被动语态复习1(整理)_第2页
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Unit 2 Robots知识讲解 被动语态复习1(整理)_第3页
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Unit 2 Robots知识讲解 被动语态复习1(整理)_第4页
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Unit 2 Robots知识讲解 被动语态复习1(整理)_第5页
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《Unit 2 Robots知识讲解 被动语态复习1(整理)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 Robots知识讲解 被动语态复习1(整理)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、学海无涯 被动语态复习被动语态复习 1 编稿 牛新阁 审稿 王春霞 概念引入概念引入 主语是动作的发出者 谓语动词用主动语态 主语是动作的承受者 谓语动词用被动 语态 和时态一样 语态也是英语学习和使用中非常重要的一项语法 每年各地高考的题量 都高于其它语法项目 也是语篇的正确理解的基础 更不用说在作文中的恰当应用的重要性 了 此单元我们将复习使用被动语态的注意事项和不定式的被动式的用法 先看下面句子 1 Robots are programmed and controlled by a computer 2 Choose one and be prepared to tell the cla

2、ss about it briefly 3 It was going to be tested out by Larry s wife Claire 4 Claire didn t want the robot in her house especially as her husband would be absent for three weeks but Larry persuaded her that the robot wouldn t harm her or allow her to be harmed 5 Claire thought it was ridiculous to be

3、 offered sympathy by a robot 这些句子中斜体词部分都用了被动语态形式 其中例句 1 2 3 是谓语动词的被动语态 例句 4 5 是不定式的被动语态 例句 1 中 controlled 前省略了 are 例句 2 是并列的两个祈 使句 be prepared to 意为 为做 准备好 用用法讲解法讲解 高清课堂 高清课堂 复习被动语态复习被动语态 一 一 基本用法 以基本用法 以 do 为例 为例 被动语态的被动语态的时态变化时态变化 谓语动词 谓语动词 基本用法 以基本用法 以 do 为例 为例 一般 进行 完成 现在 am is are done am is ar

4、e being done has have been done 过去 was were done was were being done had been done 将来 shall will be done shall will be being done shall will have been done 重点解析 重点解析 1 被动语态的形式从时态上 分成现在 过去 将来 再细分为一般 进行 完成 2 被动语态中 do 永远变成 be done 所有的变化中 done 必须是保留的 而时态是把 be 做相 应的变化而体现的 如 1 am is are doing 是现在进行时 而 am

5、is are being done 是现在进行时的被动语态 2 一般过去时的被动语态就是把 be 变成过去时 was were 3 一般将来时即在 be done 前加了 shall will 4 had been done 中 had 表示时态 be 改成 been 即后面是 been done 记住 记住 把 be 做相对应的变化来改变时态 例句 1 The book was received so eagerly that it was sold out on the first day 这本书得到了公认 第一天就卖光了 一般过去时的被动语态 2 Textbooks are requir

6、ed to come in time 要求课本及时到达 一般现在时的被动语态 3 My sister wants to work in a power plant which is still being built 我妹妹想去那家尚在修建的发电厂工作 现在进行时的被动语态 学海无涯 4 By the end of next May this task will have been finished 到明年五月末为止 这项任务就已经完成了 by the end of 到 末为止 next May 表示 还没有到 所以用将来完成时 will have done 变成被动语态 即 will hav

7、e been done 5 The railway had been completed by the end of last year 这条铁路去年末已经完工了 同样的 by the end of 因为 last year 表示 过去 所以用 过去完成时的被动语态 have 变成了 had 例题 例题 1 After getting lost in a storm a member of the navy team four days later A rescued B was rescued C has rescued D had been rescued 解析 答案 B 先 走丢 然后

8、被救 用一般过去时的被动语态 2 More than a dozen students in that school abroad to study medicine last year A sent B had sent C were sent D had been sent 解析 答案 C 人 是 被送往 而且是 last year 所以用一般过去时被动语态 3 Experiments of this kind in both the U S and Europe well before the Second World War A have conducted B have been c

9、onducted C had conducted D had been conducted 解析 答案 D 因为实验是被做的 排除 A C 在二战之前 做完了 用 had been conducted 表示 过去的过去 4 All visitors to this village with kindness A treat B are treated C are treating D had been treated 解析 答案 B 因为 人们 是 被款待 的 treat 与 visitors 是被动关系 句子中因为 没有时间状语 我们就把它当作一个客观事实 因此答案为 are treated

10、 注意 注意 1 情态动词的被动结构 情态动词 be done The control room may not be entered without permission 非经许可 勿入控制室 2 被动语态的否定形式 把 not 置于第一个助动词 be have 或情态动词后 如 The problem is not going to be discussed at the meeting 这个问题不打算在会上讨论 3 有些相当于及物动词的动词词组 如 动词 介词 动词 副词 等 用于被动结 构时 要看作一个整体 不能分开 介词或副词也不能省略 Such a bad habit should

11、 be got rid of 这样的坏习惯应该戒除 使用被动语态的场合使用被动语态的场合 1 当关注的是事情或事物本身而不是动作的执行者 或者根本不知道动作的执行者时 My car has been moved 我的汽车有人动过 2 动作的执行者很明确时或强调承受者时 If you break the school rules you will be punished 如果你违犯了学校的纪律 你会受惩罚的 3 当动作的执行者是 people 或 one 时 He is believed to have invented the computer 人们都相信他发明了电脑 Advertisemen

12、ts are seen everywhere 广告随处可见 4 为了更好地安排句子 The well known person got on the bus and was immediately recognized by people 学海无涯 那个名人上了公交车 立刻被人们认了出来 只需一个主语 I was shown round the campus by Sean who had entered the school just a year before 肖恩带我参观了校园 他去年刚进这所学校 用定语从句使两个松散的句子变成了复合句 句子更流畅 紧凑 被动语态使用举例被动语态使用举例

13、 被动语态会使句子更顺畅 紧凑 表达更清楚 因此同学们在书面表达中要尝试使用 不断练习 使书面表达的等级得以提高 下面这篇就 公园要不要收门票 给报社的一封 信的范文中 如果不用被动语态 主语就会都用 we people 等 写起来不方便 语言也会 句式单一 不够流畅了 Dear editor I m writing to tell you about the discussion we have had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks Sixty students out of one hundred thi

14、nk that an entrance ticket should not be bought before one enters a park for it is a place for the public to go to when they are free If a ticket must be bought a gate and walls have to be built for a park which will make a city look ugly Forty students out of one hundred think that an entrance fee

15、should be paid before one enters a park but that the price of the ticket should be reasonable Money that is got from ticket selling can be used to pay the gardening workers and buy different kinds of flowers and trees As for myself I really think parks are good places to go to at weekends and on hol

16、idays At the same time we as visitors should pay the entrance fee when we enter a park After all it takes a lot of money to maintain a park in good working order Yours truly Li Hua 被动语态使用的注意要点被动语态使用的注意要点 1 双宾语变被动句双宾语变被动句 有些动词可以有两个宾语 在被动句中 通常用间接宾语 多为人 作主语 如果主 语是直接宾语 多为物 时 要在间接宾语前加上适当的介词 to 或 for 等 Ann wasn t offered the job 安没得到这份工作 The Nobel Prize was awarded to George Soros 这项诺贝尔奖授予乔治 索罗斯了 2 加加 to 还是不加还是不加 to 使役动词 have make 及感官动词 see watch notice hear feel observe 等后面不定式作 宾语补足语时 主动结构中不定式 to 要省略


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