Unit 3 A taste of English humour- Learning about Language同步学案(整理)

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《Unit 3 A taste of English humour- Learning about Language同步学案(整理)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 A taste of English humour- Learning about Language同步学案(整理)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、学海无涯 Period Two Learning about Language v ing 作定语 表语和宾补作定语 表语和宾补 一 v ing 作定语 1 动名词作定语常表示所修饰的名词的用途 常位于所修饰的名词之前 可以转换成 for 的结构 a sleeping bag a bag for sleeping 睡袋 a writing desk a desk for writing 写字台 a washing machine a machine for washing 洗衣机 a walking stick a stick for walking 拐杖 2 动名词与现在分词作定语的区别 动

2、名词作定语表示所修饰名词的功能 用途 现在分词作定语表示性质 特征 状态或 动作 可以转换成定语从句 The man standing there will sing us a song 站在那儿的那个男人将为我们唱一首歌 现在分词 Do you know the dancing girl 你认识这个跳舞的女孩吗 现在分词 Nobody can stop the running horse 没有人能阻止那匹奔跑的马 现在分词 They are swimming in the swimming pool 他们正在游泳池里游泳 第二个 swimming 为动名词 二 v ing 作表语 Her j

3、ob is teaching 她从事教学工作 Mary is translating a book 玛丽在翻译一本书 1 动名词作表语表示一般性 经常性的动作 His job is teaching English 他的工作是教英语 2 动名词与现在分词作表语的区别 动名词作表语表示主语的内容 可以把主语和表语交换 而现在分词作表语说明主语的 性质 特征 此时主语和表语不可以交换位置 She is washing the dishes 她正在洗餐具 Teaching is my job 教学是我的工作 三 v ing 作宾语补足语 1 动名词不作宾补 而现在分词可以作宾补 现在分词作宾语补足语

4、主要用在某些动词如 see hear notice watch keep find get have feel 等后 与一个名词或代词构成复合宾语 这时 v ing 形式和句子的宾语之间存在着 逻辑上的主谓关系 并且 v ing 表示宾语正在进行的动作 2 v ing 和不定式作宾语补足语的区别 在 see hear feel watch notice 等感官动词后 既可以用动词的 ing 形式构成复合宾 语 也可以用不定式构成复合宾语 两者之间存在着一定的区别 即 现在分词表示动作正 在进行 而不定式表示动作发生了 即动作的全过程结束了 注意 在 see hear feel watch no

5、tice 等感官动词后 跟省 to 的不定式作宾补 但在 被动语态中 应再加上 to 学海无涯 单词拼写 1 This is a special 特殊的 day in the history of our country 2 Some species 种类 of animals have become extinct because they could not adapt to a changing environment 3 The comedian performed for our entertainment 娱乐 4 Honesty 诚实 is the best policy 5 T

6、he falling leaves inspired 激起 her with sadness 6 He drank a mouthful 一口 of wine from each glass 7 They were undoubtedly the most outstanding couple in the field of physics all over the world 8 At last they overcame 战胜 all the Latin tribes in Italy 9 I wish I had this chance of coming into a fortune

7、10 Have you a particular reason for choosing the book 词语填空 boil chew swing slide knock into entertain whisper direct star in overcome 1 It is not an easy job to direct a large bank 乐队 2 He knocked into a chair in the dark which hurt his knee badly 3 Chewing the food slowly is a good habit of taking

8、a meal 4 After 8 years of hard fighting the Chinese people overcame the Japanese invaders in the end 5 Children like to slide sliding down the slope 斜坡 6 When we visited our old friend he entertained us with music 7 The actor starring in The Gold Rush is Chaplin 8 The ship began to swing at sea and

9、some of the passengers began to feel seasick 9 I did not dare to speak aloud or even whisper to Alison what was in my mind 10 Some vegetables can t be boiled long which can make them not delicious 把下列句子译成汉语 并写出其中非谓语动词的功能 1 Tell the children playing there not to make so much noise 叫在那边玩的孩子别弄出那么多的噪音 p

10、laying there 作定语修饰 children 2 We need someone to help with our work 我们需要有人帮我们做这项工作 to help with our work 作定语修饰 someone 3 The father s task is to help his son find a good job 那位父亲的任务是帮他儿子找到一份好工作 to help his son find a good job 作表语 4 It is surprising to discover so many ancient Chinese coins in Austra

11、lia 在 澳 大 利 亚 发 现 那 么 多 中 国 古 硬 币 真 令 人 吃 惊 surprising作 表 语 to discover so many ancient Chinese coins in Australia 是真正的主语 it 是形式主语 5 A well kept secret is one that you never tell anyone 一个保守得很好的秘密是一个你从来也不告诉任何人的秘密 well kept 作定语修饰 secret 6 I noticed them forcing the door open with a hammer 我注意到他们正在用锤子

12、敲开门 forcing the door open with a hammer作 them的宾补 7 Did you see a boy pass here just now 刚才你看到有一个男孩从这里经过了吗 pass here 作 a boy 的宾补 8 I could hear the couple whispering to each other during the first part of the play 我能听到那一对夫妻在演出第一幕时相互低声说话 whispering to each other 作 the couple 的宾补 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 We hear

13、d them quarrelling quarrel about money after the concert they looked very angry 2 The villagers saw the fire burning burn brightly in the distance When they hurried there they found some houses burned burn to the ground already 学海无涯 3 I didn t see anyone take take away your paper It might have been

14、flown by the wind 4 During the days to come come we ll make good preparations for the sports meeting 5 The woman looking look at her map is a relative of my mother 6 Einstein was one of the greatest scientist respected respect by the people 7 Doing nothing is doing do ill 8 To do that would be to cu

15、t cut the foot to fit the shoe 9 We were all very surprised surprise at the news I found it very surprising surprise 10 He gave us an inspiring inspire speech We were all inspired inspire 完成句子 1 My friend is good at playing on words 说俏皮话 which usually makes people laugh a lot 2 Usually he is serious

16、 but at times sometimes he makes some jokes 有时说些笑话 3 The teacher s praise inspired him greatly 给他以极大的鼓舞 4 As a novelist Lu Yao is famous for his novel Life 以他的小说 人生 而著名 5 He never helps others though he seems to be kind to them 尽管他似乎对他们客气 6 The building facing to the south 朝南的那座大楼 is our library 7 Some stories by Mr Lu Xun were set in the countryside in Zhejiang Province 以浙江 省的农村为背景 8 I don t know how long the meeting will last 这次会议要开多长时间 but I hope it will be as short as possible 单项填空 1 The man


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