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1、太原五中 2019 2020 学年度第一学期阶段性检测 高三 英语 2019 9 5 第二部分阅读理解 共两节 满分60 分 第一节 共 15 小题 每小题3 分 满分 45 分 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的A B C 和 D 四个选项中 选出最佳选项 A We all want to learn something new every day However most of us get wrapped up in busy distractions throughout the day so that we can never find the time to learn the new s

2、kill we want Luckily there is a better solution Instead of using our time to sit through long lectures we can take advantage of all the amazing websites that can help us learn a new skill in 30 minutes or less Skillshare Topics design software tools photograph cooking Ten dollars per month gets you

3、access to bite sized on demand courses taught by leading experts like Gary Vaynerchuk Guy Kawasaki and more Ryre Topics foreign languages Are you too busy to learn a language Meet Ryre your personal trainer for languages Get unlimited one on one private language lessons with professional teachers ar

4、ound the world Each lesson is just 30 minutes allowing you to fit learning a language into your busy lifestyle You can try it free for 14 days and see for yourself Hackaday Topics life hacks productivity This website delivers tips to make your life better and more productive Just 5 minutes a day is

5、all you need to learn new life hacks to improve your lifestyle 7 min Topics health it is a community initiative 倡议 They will never ask for money 26 donations of your time or items that will help those in need It is an active movement to show care and community spirit to the 27 people of Bristol In e

6、xtremely cold winter lampposts in Bristol are 28 with hats scarves and gloves They can be 29 and taken by those in real need of clothing comfort and warmth One particular scarf 30 the message I am not lost If you are stuck out in the cold please take this to keep 31 It was written by a little girl W

7、hen her mom asked why she wrote that she answered The homeless also have 32 We should respect them This simple sentence 33 the city People started to write 34 sentences when they tied their own scarves on the lampposts since then Gavyn Emery is the man behind it all 35 obviously thousands of people

8、now support it He 36 Keep Bristol Warm in June 2015 He visited Edinburgh earlier that year and was 37 to see so many homeless people in such cold weather So he came back home and started to plan what he could do with the support of Bristol to help through the winter Keep Bristol Warm is now 38 by th

9、e whole city Ellie Cliff a 20 year old Bristol resident even learned to 39 so that she could help more homeless people in her community You will be making a real 40 to the lives of so many people in our great city by doing little things said Ellie 21 A decreasing B rising C turning D reducing 22 A m

10、oment B thought C room D way 23 A standing B hiding C fleeing D trembling 24 A heartfelt B heartbroken C heartwarming D heartless 25 A charity B plan C programme D issue 26 A absolutely B typically C simply D fundamentally 27 A local B homeless C old D infamous 28 A equipped B covered C loaded D tie

11、d 29 A put up B picked up C took up D used up 30 A carried B left C spread D believed 31 A warm B safe C alert D calm 32 A family B sense C dignity D face 33 A circulated B changed C poured D moved 34 A relaxing B similar C simple D common 35 A if B when C though D that 36 A discovered B distributed

12、 C started D raised 37 A confused B shocked C disappointed D amazed 38 A funded B challenged C provided D supported 39 A drive B ride C knit D teach 40 A difference B delight C engagement D effort 第二节 共 10 小题 每小题1 5分 满分 15 分 阅读下面短文 在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式 There was an old man in 1956 After running

13、 a restaurant for several years he retired at the age of 65 and received his first social security check 41 was for 105 as his only income Thinking about the positive feedback he got from those who 42 taste his fried chicken the old man decided that he was not going to settle for a quiet retirement

14、He went from door to door 43 find a partner who could help promote his chicken recipe Needless to say he was met 44 little enthusiasm Then the old man started traveling to different restaurants and 45 cook his fried chicken on the spot for restaurant 46 owner If the owner liked the chicken they woul

15、d make a handshake agreement to sell his chicken For each piece of chicken the restaurant sold he would receive a nickel 五美分 Legend has it that he was turned down 1 009 times 47 his chicken was finally accepted That was the 48 begin of the old man s international fame and financial success story In

16、1976 he 49 rank as the world s second recognizable celebrity The man was Colonel Harland Sanders the founder of fast food restaurant chain Kentucky Fried Chicken KFC Whether you like KFC or not his story is 50 true inspirational It s an example of how perseverance dedication and ambition along with hard work can create success regardless of your age 第四部分写作 共两节 满分35 分 第一节短文改错 共10 小题 每小题1 分 满分 10 分 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文 文中共有 10 处语言错误 每句中最多有两处 每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加 删 除或修改 增加 在缺词处加一个漏字符号 并在其下面


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