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1、湖北建始县 2017 高考英语完形填空一轮选练(2016 高考模拟选编)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的选项中选出最佳选项。体裁:记叙文话题:微笑的力量词数:300时间:18(2015陕西二模)Many years ago,Norman Cousins was diagnosed(诊断) with cancer.He was givensix months to live.His 1of recovery was one in 500.He could see that the worry,low spirits and 2in his life contributed to,or

2、perhapshelped cause,his disease.He wondered,“ 3illness can be caused by negativity,can wellnessbe 4by being positive?”He decided to make 5on himself.He knew that 6was one of the most positive activities.He rented all the funny movieshe 7find.He read funny stories.He asked his friends to call him whe

3、never they said,heardor did something 8His pain was so great that he could not 9He found laughing for 10 minutes relieved(减轻 ) the 10for several hours so he could sleep.He fully 11from his illness and livedanother 20 happy, 12and productive years.He believed that the love of his family and friends a

4、nd laughing contributed to his recovery.Some people think laughing is a waste of 13They say it is something to enjoy only at times. 14,laughing is necessary and very important to our wellbeing and aliveness.If werenot well,laughing helps us get 15;if we are well,laughing helps us 16that way.Scientif

5、ic studies have shown that laughter has a curative(有疗效的) 17on the body,the mind and the emotions.So,if you like laughing, 18it medical advice to do it as often as you can.If you dont like laughing,then take your medicinelaughing anyway.Use 19makes you laughmovies,records,books,cartoons,jokes,etc.Giv

6、e yourself permission to laugh whenever anything funny strikes you.People around you may think youre 20 ,but sooner or later theyll join in even if they dont know what youre laughing about.Some diseases may be contagious(感染的),but none is as contagious as the curelaughter.【语篇解读】 本文通过 Norman Cousins 康

7、复的实例告诉我们,笑是一副良药,它能让人摆脱烦恼,摆脱疾病。1A.chanceBexperienceCdreamDtest1答案A依据文中的“He was given six months to live”可知,Norman Cousins 康复的几率是五百分之一。2A.happinessBangerClazinessDhardworking答案B本句中的“and”说明该空所填的词与“worry”“low spirits”意思相近,且都是表示情感类的词,因此选 anger。3A.WhetherBWhereCIfDUntil答案C依据下文中的“can wellness be 4by being

8、positive”可知,这里是条件状语从句, 因此用 if 引导。4A.stoppedBmissedCmeasuredDcreated答案D健康可以由积极乐观创造(created)。 5A.an experimentBan expressionCa decisionDa survey答案A因为这仅仅是 Norman Cousins 的想法,因此他想在自己身上做试验(an experiment)。 6A.talkingBshowingCrestingDlaughing答案D由下文中的“He found laughing for 10 minutes relieved(减轻)the 10for s

9、everal hours so he could sleep”可知,这里指的是笑(laughing)。7A.mustBcouldCshouldDmight答案B由下文中的“He read funny stories”可知,他租了所有他能够(could)找到的喜剧电影。 8A.hardBfunnyCeasyDsuccessful答案B由上文中的“all the funny movies”和“He read funny stories”可知,这里指一些滑稽的事情。9A.workBeatCsleepDwalk答案C由下文中的“relieved(减轻)the 10for several hours s

10、o he could sleep”可知,这里指疼痛使他难以入眠。10A.energyBstressCpainDweight答案C他发现笑十分钟可减轻疼痛(pain)数小时,于是他就可以睡着了。 11A.rescuedBrecovered2CescapedDlearned答案B依据下文中的“lived another 20 happy, 12and productive years”和“laughingcontributed to his recovery”可知,他康复了。 12A.painfulBstrugglingCcarefulDhealthy答案D他从疾病中完全康复了,又过了快乐、健康和

11、生命力旺盛的 20 年。healthy“健康的”,符合语境。13A.moneyBstrengthCfameDtime答案D由下文中的“They say it is something to enjoy only at times”可知,有些人认为笑是浪费时间。14A.In factBIn caseCIn timeDIn short答案A事实上(In fact),笑对我们的健康和活力是必要和非常重要的。 15A.goodBillCwellDenergetic答案C依据句中的“If were not well”可知,此处应用 well,表示“健康的”。 16A.stayBleaveCdropDch

12、ange答案A如果我们健康,笑帮助我们保持下去。stay 在本句中是系动词,表示“保持某种状态”。 17A.pressureBquestionCadviceDeffect答案D科学研究表明,笑对身体、心智与情感有医疗效果。have an effect on 是固定短语,表示“对有影响/作用”。18A.ignoreBrefuseCconsiderDreceive答案C如果你喜欢笑,把它当作医学建议,尽可能经常地笑吧。consider sth(to be)名词/形容词表示“认为是”。19A.howeverBwhatever CwhicheverDwhenever答案B使用任何令你发笑的东西,比如电

13、影、唱片、书籍、漫画、笑话等。该空所填词既在主句中 作 Use 的宾语,又在从句中作主语,故选 whatever。20A.wonderfulBstrange CfriendlyDwrong3答案B你周围的人可能认为你是奇怪的(strange),但是迟早他们会加入你,即使他们不知道你在笑什么。完形填空解题技巧近年来的高考完形填空越来越注重考查考生通过对上下文的理解来选择正确答案,要求考生在掌握文章主旨大意的基础上,正确理解上下文语境和逻辑关系,准确把握词汇在语篇层面的意义。因此,考生在 解题时一定要注意通览全文、抓准主旨、透析文意、理清逻辑。一、解题步骤根据完形填空的题型特点及答题要求,解题时应

14、注意以下基本原则和解题步骤:1. 注意并认真分析文章首句,它是了解全文大意的窗口。做完形填空题需要联想,而第一句就如同联 想的翅膀,要有效地利用它,因此要尽量从第一句捕捉更多的信息。2. 答题前,要通读全文,而不要急于逐一作出选择。完形填空考查考生对文章的整体理解,因此解题时千万不要只拘泥于空格所在的句子,尤其是开篇的前几空;也不要在没有弄懂文意的时候依次逐一填空。 第一遍阅读时,对于那些较明显的答案,可以作出同步选择,而那些一时还不能确定的选项,待读完一遍并明确大意后再回头做,就可以做到心中有数,从而尽可能地提高答题的准确率。3. 通读全文并掌握文章大意后,再回头逐个选出正确答案。此时要处处紧扣主旨大意,并明确作者的 主观态度,紧密联系上下文,让选择的答案符合主题思想和前后逻辑关系。4. 得出全部答案后,要求再通读全文,校对答案。这时要一气呵成,对短文的大意和情节形成一个整 体明白的概念,以便查出错误,及时改正。二、解题技巧在具体解答完形填空题时,我们还可以采用一些


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