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1、2019 年高考一轮复习语法综合训练(十九)一语法填空A 篇【2019 届内蒙古包头市九中高三下学期第二次考试】The Silk Road is in the fact a relatively recent term. These ancient roads had no particular name until in the mid-nineteenth century, Baron Ferdinand von Richthofen 41(name) the trade and communication network the Silk Road. Since then the ter

2、m 42 (accept) globally.In the nineteenth century, a new type if travelers stepped onto the Silk Road: archeologists and geographers, enthusiastic explorers who were eager 43 (look) for adventure. Researchers who came from many countries traveled through the Taklamakan Desert, 44 is now in Xinjiang,

3、to explore ancient sites along the Silk Road, 45 (lead) to many discoveries and studies, and most of all, a renewed interest46. the history of these routes.Today, many historic 47 (build) and monuments still stand, marking the passage of the Silk Road through hotels ports and cities. Whats more, the

4、 long-standing legacy(遗产)of this remarkable network is reflected in 48 large number of cultures, languages, customs and religious that have developed for many years along these routes. The passage of merchants and travelers of many 49 (difference) nationalities resulted not only in commercial exchan

5、ge but in a widespread and continual process of cultural interaction, 50 (obvious), it has becoming a driving force in the formation(形成)of diverse societies.【解析】 本文考查的社会知识类。本文主要讲述了丝绸之路是在 19 世纪由男爵费迪南冯李希霍芬命名的,后来全世界都接受了这个名字。丝绸之路不仅促进了商业的发展和交流,而且促进了广泛而持续的文化交流,成为多 无社会的驱动力。41. named考查谓语动词的时态。句意:丝绸之路实际上是一个相

6、对较新的术语。直到十九世纪中旬,这些古老的道路才有特殊的名称,男爵费迪南冯李希霍芬给这条贸易和通信网络的路命名为丝绸之路。分析句子可知, 给这条路起名(name)是在过去,故用一般过去时。42. has been accepted考查固定句式。Since then(从那以后),是现在完成时时态的标志,而名词 the term(术语)是被接受,本句中要用现在完成时的被动语态,故用 has been accepted。43. to look 考查固定搭配。句意:在十九世纪,如果游客踏上丝绸之路的一个新的类型就是热衷于探险的考古学家和地理学家。be eager to do sth 为固定搭配,意为“

7、渴望做某事”,故本小题要填 to look。44. which考查定语句。句意:来自许多国家的研究者们穿过塔克拉玛干大沙漠,即现在的新疆。分析manycountries traveled through the Taklamakan Desert, 4 is now in Xinjiang,可知,本句是定语从句,第 1 页Taklamakan Desert 是先行词,在从句中作主语,塔克拉玛干大沙漠是地名,故用 which。45. leading考查非谓语。分析.,.the Silk Road, 5 (lead) to many discoveries and studies 可知,本句是的

8、lead to(导致,引起,导致)修饰 the Silk Road,二者是主动关系,因此要用动词的 ing 形式。故填 leading。46. in考查固定搭配。句意:最重要的是,人们对这些路线的历史有了新的兴趣。interest in 为“在. 的兴趣”,故本小题填 in。47. buildings考查名词。句意:今天,许多历史悠久的建筑和纪念碑依然挺立。根据本小题前有形容词 historic,可知形容词修饰的是名词。根据句意可知是建筑物,故填 buildings 。48a考查固定搭配。a large number of为固定搭配,意为“许多,大量”,故填 a49. different 考查

9、形容词作定语。句意:许多不同国籍的商人和旅行者的出现,不仅促成了商业交流,而且还促进了广泛而持续的文化交流。本小题是修饰名词 nationalities(国籍),修饰名词要用形容词形式,而 difference 是名词,故用其形容词 different。50. Obviously 考查副词作状语。句意:很明显,它已经成为形成多元社会的驱动力。根据句意可知本句中obvious在句子中做状语。英语中一般用副词形式作状语修饰整个句子,所以要用其副词形式 obviously。B 篇【2019 届宁夏回族自治区银川一中高三考前适应性训练】I am looking at an old friend of

10、mine.He has been one of my best41(friend )for almost 12 years. He has blessed my life with his loyalty, kindness, 42(wise) and love since the day when I first met him. 43doesnt matter to me that he has four legs instead of two, fur instead of clothes, and barks at me instead of talking to me.As I wa

11、tch my friend sleeping44the sun, I cant help45(think) of all the goodness he has brought into my life. He has been with me every day through good and bad times. He has always been my protector. He has always reminded me that I am loved and showed me how 46(love)others at the same time.My friend has

12、aged far 47(quickly)than me and had more and more health problems over the years.I am not sure how long we will be together before he 48(pass)away from this world.This 49(wonder)dog has helped me understand that you dont have to be perfect to be loved and50poor health and old age might affect the bo

13、dy but they dont have to decrease the spirit.【解析】本文是一篇抒情文。本文讲述了作者与其动物朋友的深厚情谊以及他从这个动物朋友身上得到的感语。41考查名词单复数。句意为:近 12 年来,他是我最好的朋友之一。“one of最高级名词复数”表示“最的之一”,由于有 one of 修饰,其后的名词应用复数形式。故填 friends。42. 考查词性转换。句意为:从我第一次见到他的那一天起,他就以他的忠诚、善良、智慧和爱心赐福于我的第 2 页生活。设空处前后的 loyalty, kindness,love 都是名词,与设空处共同作 with 的宾语,因此

14、,设空处也应用名词。故填 wisdom。43. 考查代词。句意为:对我来说,他有四条腿而不是两条腿,他有皮毛而不是衣服,他对着我吠叫,而不是和我说话,这没关系。 It doesnt matter to shthat为固定句型,其中 that 引主语从句,It 为形式主语,故填 It。44. 考查介词。句意为:当我看着我的朋友在阳光下睡觉时,我不禁想起他给我的生活带来的所有好处。 in the sun 为固定短语,意为“在阳光下”。故填 in。45. 考查非谓语动词。句意为:当我看着我的朋友在阳光下睡觉时,我不禁想起他给我的生活带来的所有好处。 canthelp doingsth为固定搭配,意为

15、“禁不住做某事”。故填 thinking。46. 考查非谓语动词。句意为:他总是提醒我,我是被人爱的,并同时告诉我如何去爱别人。showedme 后接宾语,为“疑问词不定式”结构。故填 tolove。47. 考查副词的比较等级。句意为:我的朋友比我老得快得多,而且这些年来他的健康问题也越来越多。根据 空后的 than 可知,此处含有比较意义,应用比较级。quickly 的比较级为 more quickly。48. 考查动词的时态。句意为:我不确定在他离开这个世界之前我们还会在一起多久。before 引导时间状语从句,主句为将来时,表示将来的动作,从句应用一般现在时表将来;从句的主语为第三人称单数 he,故填 passes.49. 考查词性转换。修饰名词 dog,应用形容词。故填 wonderful。50. 考查宾语从句。分析句子结构可知,understand 后有两个宾语从句,设空处为第二个宾语从句的引导词, 从句中不缺主谓宾等成分且意义完整,设空处只在句中起连接作用。故填 that 并且不能省略。C 篇【四川省双流中学 2019 届高三考前第一次模拟考试】Parkour(跑酷)is a sport which trains people to deal with any physical obstacles in their path. It is not a compe


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