人教版七年级下册英语 Unit 1 Section B 2a—2c (共20张PPT)

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1、Unit1Canyouplaytheguitar SectionB2a 2c Hello I mPeter Iliketoplaybasketball IcanspeakEnglishandIcanalsoplaysoccer Hi I mMaHuan Icanplayping pongandchess Iliketotalkandplaygameswithpeople Myname sAlan I mintheschoolmusicclub Icanplaytheguitarandthepiano Icansinganddance WhatcanPeterdo HecanspeakEngli

2、shandplaysoccer 2 CanMaHuanplayping pongandchess Yes shecan 3 DoesPeterliketoplaygameswithpeople No hedoesn t 4 Whoisintheschoolmusicclub Whatcanhedo Alan Hecanplaytheguitarandthepiano Hecanalsosinganddance liketodosth likedoingsthalso 用于肯定句的句中too 用于肯定句的句末 前面加逗号 1 2 用英语帮助开展体育运动 招聘音乐教师 Peter Alan MaH

3、uan ReadandMatch 帮助老人 2b A HelpforOldPeople B MusicTeacherWanted C HelpwithSportsinEnglish 1 WhatcanAlandoifhewantstohelpteachmusic HecancallMrs Millerat555 3721 2 Whoarethesportsfor Wherearethesports English speakingstudents AttheStudents SportsCenter 3 Canoldpeopleattheoldpeople shometellstories Y

4、es theycan 4 Ifyouwanttohelpoldpeople whatnumbercanyoucall 689 7729 5 IfyouwanttohelpwithsportsforEnglish speakingstudents whocanyoucall Mr Brown 6 Whendoestheschoolneedpeopletohelpteachmusic Ontheweekend Weneedhelpattheoldpeople shome AreyoufreeinJuly Areyougoodwitholdpeople Canyoutalktothemandplay

5、gameswiththem Theycantellyoustories andyoucanmakefriendswiththem Itisinterestingandfun Pleasecallusat689 7729today A begoodwithsb sth善于应付 的 对 有办法的talkto withsb和 交谈tellsbsth告诉某人某事 MaHuan Areyoubusyafterschool No CanyouspeakEnglish Yes ThenweneedyoutohelpwithsportsforEnglish speakingstudents Itisrelax

6、ingandeasy PleasecometotheStudents SportsCenter CallMr Brownat293 7742 C need需要 实义动词needsth need sb todosthhelp 帮助 动词help sb withsth在某方面帮助 某人 helpsb to dosth帮助某人做某事English speakingadj 说英语的 我们需要你帮助说英语的学生开展体育活动 Peter Canyouplaythepianoortheviolin Doyouhavetimeontheweekend Theschoolneedshelptoteachmusi

7、c Itisnotdifficult PleasecallMrs Millerat555 3721 B play the 乐器or 或者 也不 用于否定句和疑问句中help在此处是名词 Alan Iliketotalkandplaygameswithpeople 1 people 集合名词 表示复数 作主语时谓语动词用复数 2 Iliketalkingandplayinggameswithpeople to Iamintheschoolmusicclub Icansinganddance too Icanalsosinganddance 主语 be动词 表语 IcanspeakEnglisha

8、ndIcanalsoplaysoccer also 也 副词adv 1 Ialsoliketoplaytennis 2 Heisalsoastudent 3 Mybrothercanalsoplaychess 4 IlikeEnglish too Weneedhelpattheoldpeople shome 老人之家1 Hisfamilyisbig 2 Hisfamilyareallhappy 3 Thereisabedinthehouse 4 Hishomeisnearourschool AreyoufreeinJuly IamfreeinJuly free空闲的bebusydoingsth

9、 bebusywithsth 忙于做某事Areyoubusyafterschool No be动词 形容词作表语 busy繁忙的 Areyougoodwitholdpeople Iamgoodwitholdpeople begoodwith 善于应付 的 对 有办法的 getonwellwith Sheisgoodwithherfriends Shegetsonwellwithherfriends begoodat doingsth 擅长于做 begoodforsb 对 有好处begoodtosb 对 好begoodwithsb 善于应付某人 对某人有办法at for to with均为介词1

10、 Davidisgoodatswimming 2 Myparentsaregoodtome 3 Milkisgoodforourhealth N 1 Canyoutalktothemandplaygameswiththem 2 Theycantellyoustoriesandyoucanmakefriends tellsb sth makefriendswithsb 与某人交朋友Ilikemakingfriends Iwanttomakefriendswithyou ThenweneedyoutohelpwithsportsforEnglish speakingstudents 1 need

11、需要 实义动词1 need 名词 代词宾格形式 动词不定式 to 动词原形 Ineedyourhelp Heneedsme Youneedtohavesomewater 2 need后接动词ing形式时 表示被动意思 主语为物 Theroomneedscleaning 2 需要 情态动词 后接动词原形 多用于疑问句和否定句 Youneedn tcometoday Theschoolneedshelptoteachmusic teach 教 讲授 单三形式为teachesteachsth 教某事teachsb sth 教某人某事teachsb todosth 教某人做某事Ms Shenteach

12、esEnglishinourschool Ms ShenteachesusEnglish Myfatherteachesmetoplaythedrums help sb withsth 在某方面给予 某人 帮助 后接名词或名词短语Pleasehelpmewithmygeography helpwithsports在体育活动方面给予帮助English speaking 合成词 说英语的 TherearemanyEnglish speakingstudentsnow 假如你是Alan 想参加体育俱乐部 请根据表格中的内容 介绍一下你的情况 兴趣爱好以及能力 不少于60词 MusiciansWant

13、edforSchoolMusicFestival用于标题中 常用于招聘 求购或求租广告中Doyoulikemusic Canyousinganddance Canyouplaythepianoortheviolin Canyouplaytheguitarorthedrums Thenyoucanbeinourschoolmusicfestival PleasecallMr Zhangat622 6033 一 按要求写出下列单词或短语说英语 弹吉他 象棋俱乐部 下象棋 英语俱乐部 音乐俱乐部 美术俱乐部 游泳俱乐部 参加 speakEnglish playtheguitar chessclub

14、playchess Englishclub musicclub artclub swimmingclub join 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 二 单选题1 Canyou English A speakB talkC sayD tell2 Canhe basketball A playB playsC playingD 3 Mybrotherwant thechessclub A joinB tojoinC joinsD jointo4 Marycanplaychess shecan tswim A andB orC butD so5 Hisbrotherplays pianoeveryday A B aC anD the A A B C D A Canyou 唱歌 B Yes I Canyou 游泳 A No Iwanttojoin 象棋俱乐部 B Idon tlike 象棋 A Whatclubdoyouwantto B Iwanttojoin 游泳俱乐部 三 补全对话 sing can swim thechessclub chess join theswimmingclub Makeasurvey thengiveareport Homework Thanksforlistening ByeBye



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