九级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 3 同步授课 外研.ppt

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1、 Module1WondersoftheworldUnit3Languageinuse PartILanguagepractice 1IstheGrandCanyonthegreatestwonderanywhereinthenaturalworld 2ShesingswiththebandCrazyFeet 3We rehavingameeting 4Shewenttoourschool 5Itwasraining 6I vewrittendownsomeideas 7I lldoaninterviewwithBeckyWang 1a Ioftenplaybasketball b I mpl

2、ayingbasketballnow 2a She sgonetotheGreatWall b She sbeentotheGreatWalltwice 3a TheyhadanEnglishclassyesterday b TheywerehavinganEnglishclassatnineo clockyesterdaymorning 1 Explainthedifferenceinmeaningbetweensentencesa andb 4a He sdoinganinterview b He sdoneaninterview 5a We remakingaposteraboutthe

3、GreatWallnow b We llmakeaposteraboutthepyramids TheyallManypeopleTheyTheGreatWallDammingThesunTony isvisitaretalkingwatchedwasrisinghasstartedwillwrite whenhesawtheGrandCanyon thisancientwondereveryyear abouttheschoolmagazineatthemoment about6 700kilometerslong somemusicreviews hishomeworktelevision

4、yesterdayevening 2 Matchthethreepartsofthesentences 3 Completethepassagewiththecorrectformofthewords Thesun go downwhenwe 1 arrive atthebottomofthebuilding I 2 be afraidofheightssoI 3 be alittlenervousaswe 4 wait forthelifttotop Thelift 5 climb fasterandfasteruntilwe 6 reach floorNo88 TheJinMaoBuild

5、inginShanghai 7 be 420 5metershigh wasgoing arrived was was waited climbed reached was ThetallestbuildinginChinaandthefourthtallestbuildingintheworld in2005 Itwasbuiltin1998andit 8 get darkandwedecidedtogobackdownagain It 10 be highupthere butIwasn tafraidwhenI 11 stand atthetop I 12 hope togotoShan

6、ghaiagainnextyear andI msureI 13 want togoupthebuildingagain got was stood hope want PartII Workinpairs 1 you see thepyramids 2 where thepyramids 3 when theEgyptians buildthem 4 what awonderoftheworldin100yearsfromnow 1 you see theJinMaoBuilding 2 howhigh theJinMaoBuilding 3 when itopen 4 what awond

7、eroftheworldin100yearsfromnow StudentA StudentB PartIII Atest Activity5onpage7 Writethesentencesindividually Letustestwhocanfinishitassoonaspossible ShesingswiththebandCrazyFeet DoesshesingwiththebandCrazyFeet Shedoesn tsingwiththebandCrazyFeet PartIV Grammar PartVWondersoftheworld Workinpairs Mt Qo

8、molangma EmpireStateBuilding TheGreatPyramidatGiza g l e b c f i j a d h k PartVI ModuleTask readthenotestopreparetheposteraboutawonderoftheworld PartVII Homework Doexercise page114 Makeaconclusionofthegrammarofthisunit I 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 Howoftenyourmother go shopping 2 Peter go towatchthebasketballm

9、atchifheisfreetomorrow 3 Linda visit theScienceMuseumnextSunday 4 MrHuang teach usEnglishtwoyearsago 5 MrGreen live inBeijingsincehecametoChina doesgo willgo isgoingtovisit taught haslived 课时达标 werewatching doesn train studies hasbeen isplaying 6 TheKings watch TVatthistimelastnight 7 Tonywillcometo

10、mybirthdaypartyifit notrain tomorrow 8 Mycousinisastudentandhe study atamiddleschoolnearby 9 Myfather be toBeijingthreetimesthisyear 10 Listen Who play thepianointhenextroom II 根据汉语提示完成下面的句子 1 Amy 害怕 heights soshewasverynervouswhenshecametothetopofthebuilding 2 I 盼望 visitingtheGreatWallthesedays 3 Themanager 在开会 andcan tansweryourcallnow 4 Whenthesun 落山 itwillgetdark 5 Whenspringcomes youcansee 各种各样 flowersinthatpark 6 TomorrowMr Brownwillbebusyandwon t 能 come wasafraidof amlookingforwardto ishavingameeting goesdown allkindsof beableto Thankyou


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