七级英语下册:Module 1 Unit 2 They’re going to the opera外研.ppt

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《七级英语下册:Module 1 Unit 2 They’re going to the opera外研.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七级英语下册:Module 1 Unit 2 They’re going to the opera外研.ppt(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit2They regoingtotheopera gostudyseehavelivetakegetrunswimStopshopsitlie going studying seeing having living taking getting running swimming 1 动词 ing2 以不发音的e结尾 去e再加ing3 以重读闭音节结尾 双写最后字母再加ing4 特殊 现在分词的构成 lying sitting shopping stopping getup Whatisshedoing Sheisgettingup goingtoschool havingalesson

2、doinghousework havingbreakfast sleeping Whatisshedoing Sheis Look Theyarerunning Listen Someoneissinginginthenextroom 3 TheGreensarewatchingafootballmatchnow 现在进行时表示现在 说话瞬间正在进行或发生的动作 构成 助动词am is are 动词ing形式表示现在进行时的时间状语有 look listen now atthemoment atthismoment havinglunch havingdinner goingtoschool

3、startinglessons doinghousework gettingup havingabreak havingbreakfast goinghome 6 10 6 35 7 05 7 45 11 20 12 15 16 50 17 00 15 10 It s Sheis ing doinghomework goingtobed 18 00 20 25 It s Sheis ing 现在进行时否定句和疑问句 否定句在助动词isamare后 not Damingisnotreadingabook 2 Myfatheriscookingnow Myfatherisnotcookingnow

4、 3 Theyarehavingdinner Theyarenothavingdinner 1 Damingisreadingabook 1 Damingisreadingabook IsDamingreadingabook 2 Myfatheriscookingnow Isyourfathercookingnow 3 Theyareeatingsomeapples Aretheyeatinganyapples 一般疑问句把助动词isamare提前 some改为any my our改为your I we改为you Task1 Enjoythegame Whatisthepigdoingnow

5、Picture1 Picture3 Picture2 Whataretheydoingnow Picture4 Picture5 Picture6 Task2 Enjoytalking Whatis are Is Are Theyareplayingtheguitar SheisteachingEnglish Heisdrawing Theyaredancing Heisdriving Sheishaving eatingastrawberry Heisswimming Theyaresitting Theyarelying ThePresentContinuousTense 现在进行时 Ta

6、sk4 Practicemakesperfect 1 动词 ing2 以不发音的e结尾 去e再加ing3 以重读闭音节结尾 双写再加ing4 特殊变化 Tipsforyou Thegirls buy hotdogs Daming have anicecream Tony talk onhiscellphone TonyandTim lie onthegrass BettyandAnn look atpostcards Betty carry abag Lingling shop购物 inthemall Thewomen sit there I write now arebuying ishav

7、ing istalking arelying arelooking iscarrying isshopping aresitting amwriting carn 小汽车puton穿上thingn 事情 东西leavev 离开workn v 工作athome在家pubn 酒馆restaurantn 饭馆operan 歌剧balletn 芭蕾舞sleepn v 睡觉washv 洗 洗涤dressn v 衣服 穿衣服 putting leaving working sleeping washing dressing startn v 开始middayn 正午hotdog热狗coffeen 咖啡se

8、ev 探望 看见greetingn 问候 致意atthemoment现在 此时lookat看 soonadv 立刻 不久loven v 爱 热爱 starting seeing looking loving 翻译下列词组 aplacetomeetfriendsandhaveadrinkmusicanddancingaplacetohavedinnergoingtoaplaceinacarorbus5 musicandsinging6 putonyourclothes 喝饮料 和朋友聚会的地方听音乐和跳舞吃晚饭的地方有车和公共汽车回家的地方有音乐和唱歌穿上你的衣服 pub ballet rest

9、aurant drive opera dress InLondonit s5 00p m andpeopleare Theyaren t Nowit s1 00a m inBeijing Peoplearesleeping Theyaren thavingdinner leavingworkandgoinghome InMoscowit s8 00 Peopleare Theyaren t watchingaballet InLosAngelesit s9 00 Peopleare Peoplearen t LosAngeles InNewYorkit s12 00 Peopleare Peo

10、plearen t gettingdressed Check thetruesentences 1InLondona peoplearen tleavingwork b peoplearegoinghome 2InMoscowa peoplearen tgoingtotheopera b peoplearehavingdinner 3InBeijinga peoplearegettingdressed b peoplearesleeping 4InLosAngelesa peopleareworking b peoplearegettingup5 InNewYorka peoplearewor

11、kingb peoplearehavinglunch Atthismoment indifferentplacesoftheworldpeoplearedoingdifferentthings 在这一刻 世界上不同的地方的人们在做着不同的事情 different 名复 不同的 2 They rewaitingforbusesandrunningfortrains 他们等公共汽车或赶火车 3 Somearehavingafternoonteaathomeorwalkingtopubsandhavingadrink 有些人在家喝下午茶或去俱乐部喝点饮料 4 Somearegoingtotheope

12、raorwatchingaballet 有些人正去歌剧院或芭蕾 5 Peoplearen tgettingup washingorgettingdressed 人们不是在起床 漱洗或穿衣服 Differentpeoplehavedifferent A habitB habitsC thing2 I myfriendsatthemoment A visitB amvisitingC don tvisit3 sheenjoyinghervisit A HasB DoesC Is4 Arethey postcards A buyB buyingC buing5 He apostcard heispl

13、ayingthepiano A doesn twritingB iswritingC isn twriting U3 完成下列句子1 让我们喝点东西吧 Let shaveadrink 2 去歌剧院 怎么样 Whataboutgoingtotheopera 3 你想走路去酒吧吗 Wouldyouliketowalktothepub 4 那个小孩在穿鞋子吗 Isthechildputtingontheshoes 5 他们不是在穿衣服 Theyaren tgettingdressed 6 Lucy在吃午饭吗 IsLucyhavinglunch Check thetruesentences 1InLo

14、ndona peoplearen tleavingwork b peoplearegoinghome 2InMoscowa peoplearen tgoingtotheopera b peoplearehavingdinner 3InBeijinga peoplearegettingdressed b peoplearesleeping 4InLosAngelesa peopleareworking b peoplearegettingup5 InNewYorka peopleareworkingb peoplearehavinglunch Readthepostcardandanswerth

15、equestions 1 Whoiswritingthepostcard Betty smumiswritingthepostcard 2 Whoisshesendingitto SheissendingittoBetty 3 Whereisshesendingitto SheissendingittoBeijing China 4 Whatisshedoing SheisvisitingherfriendsinHollywood 5 Whenisshewritingit SheiswritingitonMonday 6 Issh 6 Issheenjoyinghervisit Yes she

16、is SupposeyoucangotooneofthesecitiesWithyourgoodfriends Hello NowI minHangzhou Iamshopping MyfriendChengLongisdrinkingmilkinapub YaoMingismyfriend too Heissleepinginthehotel Readthepostcardandanswerthequestions 1 Whoiswritingthepostcard Betty smumiswritingthepostcard 2 Whoisshesendingitto SheissendingittoBetty 3 Whereisshesendingitto SheissendingittoBeijing China 4 Whatisshedoing SheisvisitingfriendsinHollywood 5 Whenisshewritingit SheiswritingitonMonday 6 Issh 6 Issheenjoyinghervisit Yes sheis


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