山东胶南大场中心中学七级英语下册Unit 7 It’s raining导学案 人教新目标.doc

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1、山东省胶南市大场镇中心中学七年级英语下册Unit 7 Its raining导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版【学习目标】:1. 学习常用天气词汇;rain, windy, cloudy, sunny, snow, weather,2. 学会如何描述天气。 -Hows the weather in ? - Its .【重点难点】: 重点句型:Hows the weather in Beijing? Its sunny. What is / are . doing? 【知识链接】:二:学会描述天气的两种句型1、 _ is the weather in Beijing? 北京的天气怎么样? 2、 _

2、is the weather_ in Beijing?北京的天气怎么样?回答:Its + sunny/cloudy/rainy/snowy/windy英语中有许多名词可以加y这样的后缀变成形容词,如: wind-windy, 与天气有关的形容词构成: 与天气有关的名词+y snow _有雪的 rain _有雨的cloud _多云的storm_暴风雨的wind _刮风的 sun _ 晴朗的根据上述翻译下列句子:1、南京的天气怎么样?_2、多伦多的天气怎么样?_3、How is the weather in Shanghai?_课堂练习一. 单项选择(Choose the best answer

3、for the following sentences)1. ( ) -Who is standing under the tree?- . A. Tom are B. Tom is C. Tom does D. Tom do 4. ( ) What do you do when it ? A. snowing B. snow C. is snowy D. is snow5. ( ) Her mother is . She her students now. A. a teacher, teach B. teacher, teaches C. a teacher, teaching D. a

4、teacher, is teaching6. ( ) Im not a book like this. A. watching B. reading C. looking at D. seeing7. ( ) Its today. I think its going to . A. cloud; rain B. cloudy; raining C. cloudy; rain D. cloudy; rainy8. ( )-How is the weather today? A. cold B. C. hot D. warm 9. ( ) I dont like the _ weather, _.

5、A. cold, too B. cold, also C. sunny, too .D. sunny, either10. ( )Lets go swimming. It great. A. sounds B. sound C. is sounding D. is sound二、选词填空be rain like snow study1. Whats the weather _ in Beijing? -Its sunny.2. Its _ now. Its very cold.3. How _ the weather in Shanghai today? -Its fine.4. What i

6、s Tom doing? -He is _ math.5. Its _ outside now. You need to take an umbrella(雨伞).三、句型转换1. How is the weather in Shanghai? (同义句)_2、It is windy in Qingdao today. (划线提问)_3. He is cooking in the kitchen. (划线提问)_4. He plays soccer every day. (用now 代替everyday)_5.他们正在干什么?_Unit7 Its raining.导学案 第二课时 Sectio

7、n A 2d-3b一、单词和词组1在公园里_2给某人捎口信_3.给某人回电话_4.告诉某人干某事_5此时此刻_6打电话_7没问题_ 8 坏的,糟的_9(he的宾格)_10听起来_二、重点知识:1.学会描述心情的句型A: How is it going? 近来怎么样?How is it going with you? 你近来如何?B:Fine/ Great! 很棒! / Pretty good! 相当好!/ Not bad! 一般!/ Terrible!糟糕!2. 打电话交流套语l 在电话里介绍自己,可以用this 或it ,例如,我是Rick. This is Rick.= It is Ric

8、k. = This is Rick speaking.= It is Rick speaking.= Rick speaking.l 询问对方用that.例如, 你是Rick 吗?_? 你是谁? _?3.Sounds like you are having a good time.听起来你玩得好开心。(省略句) = _ _ _ you are having a good time.那听起来不错。_4. can和 could 两者均表示可以,能不能,用于表达请求。Could 比can 语气上更加委婉、客气。例如:1 要我给他捎个口信吗? _ 2. 你能否告诉他给我回个电话?_ 3你能帮助我吗?_

9、 4你可不可以帮助我?_自我检测一. 单项选择1-Hello, this is Jenny. - _ A. This is Tom. B. Im Tom. C. That is Tom. D. Is that Tom?2. Please call him _ 871210086.A on B. at C. in / D. for 3. Can you take a message _ me?A on B. at C. in / D. for 4 It _ youre having a good time.A. sound good B. sounds good C. sound like D.

10、 sounds like 5. Could you _ him _ call me back?A. want to B. tell to C. let to D. wish to 6She_on the phone_three hours every day.A. talks on B. talk on C. talking on D. talked on 二选择正确答语1. Rick speaking. A. Not much. Im just listening to music.2. Could you help me? B. Yes, it is. 3. Hows it going?

11、C. See you then. 4. Whats the weather like today? D. Yes, Id like to. 5. Is that Jenny? E. Sure. No problem.6Would you want to join me for dinner?F. Not bad. 7What are you doing? G. Its much too hot.8. Lets meet at half past six. H. Hello, its jenny.三翻译下列句子1 近来如何?_2 你能替我捎个口信给他吗?_3 你能否让他给我回个电话?_4 他每天都要打三个小时的电话。_



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