八级英语上册 Unit 11 Could you please clean your room素材 人教新目标.doc

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1、2011-2012学年初中英语八年级上册(人教新目标)素材(含教案和练习) Unit 11 Could you please clean your room?一、学习目标:f1、知识目标:掌握本讲的单词、短语、句型和语法。2、能力目标:能够用英语谈论未来自己理想的职业及实现的方法和途径。3、情感目标:学会合理安排自己的业余生活,思考自己的理想,并为理想而努力。二、重点、难点:重点:单词borrow, invite, feed, mine;短语do the dishes, make ones/the bed, work on;句型1. Could you please take out the

2、trash?2. I hate to do chores. 3. Thanks for taking care of my dog. 难点:borrow, lend, keep的用法区别;形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词的用法区别。三、知能提升:(一)重点单词单词学习 borrow【用法】borrow意为:借,借入,借用。表示主语从别人那里借来东西(借入),常与from连用。【例句】1. May I borrow your book? 2. You can borrow the book from the library. 【考查点】辨析:borrow, lend, keeplend指把东西借

3、给别人(借出),常用结构为lend sb. sth.,相当于lend sth. to sb.。He often lends me some money. = He often lends some money to me. keep 用于表示借用时间的长短,可以和表示时间段的时间状语及how long等连用。How long may I keep the book? 【易错点】混淆三者的用法【考题链接】Bob, may I your MP4?Sure. But youd better not it to others.A. lend; lend B. lend; borrow C. borro

4、w; borrow D. borrow; lend答案:D解题思路:borrow和lend均意为“借”,但borrow对主语而言是“借入”;lend对主语而言是“借出”。由题意“Bob,我可以借一下你的MP4吗?”“当然可以,但你最好不要借给别人”可知前者为“借入”,后者为“借出”。 invite【用法】invite用作及物动词,意为“邀请,恳请”。常用搭配有:invite sb. to do sth. 意为“邀请某人做某事”;invite sb. to some place意为“邀请某人到某处”;invite sb. for sth. 意为“为某事邀请某人”。invitation 是invi

5、te的名词形式,意为“邀请,邀请书”。【例句】1. May I invite you to have dinner with me? 2. Jane invited all her friends to the party. 3. I want to invite you for a drink. 【考查点】invite的不同搭配【易错点】没有识记结构【考题链接】They her to the party, so she was very happy. A. invite B. invited C. will invite D. are inviting 答案:B解题思路:so为并列连词,故前

6、后两句的时态应一致。 feed【用法1】feed sb. /sth. 意为“喂养,饲养,为提供食品”。【例句】Did you feed the dog? 【用法2】feed sth. to意为“用某物喂”。【例句】Mary often feeds fish to her cat. 【用法3】feed on 意为“(动物)以为食(物)”。【例句】Some animals feed on grass. 【考查点】feed 不同的用法【易错点】没有识记结构【考题链接】The cows are grass. A. feeding B. feeding on C. feeding with D. fee

7、d on答案:B解题思路:feed用作不及物动词时,意为“(牛、马、羊等)吃”,常与on连用,所以排除A、C。该句是现在进行时,be后应接动词feed的现在分词feeding,因此本题选B,意思是“母牛正在吃草。” mine 【用法】mine是I 的所有格,意为“我的(东西)”。是一个名词性物主代词,具有名词的功能。相当于“my+名词”,用mine时,其后不出现名词。【例句】1. Thats your coat. Mine (=My coat) is here. 2. Your idea is different from mine (=my idea) . 【考查点】形容词性物主代词与名词性

8、物主代词 数人称种类单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs汉语我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、它)们的【易错点】将二者混淆记忆口诀(一):物主代词分两类,形容词性、名词性。形容词性作定语,后面须把名词用。名词性,单独用,主语宾表它都行。记忆口诀(二):物主代词分两家,形、名词性各一霸;his, its 无变化,my, mine 记牢它;其余变形规律化,形容(词性)后面加尾巴(-s)。【考题链接】Is this your

9、 history book?No, is in my schoolbag. Perhaps its .A. his; Li Pings B. mine; Li Ping C. mine; Li Pings 答案:C解题思路:mine在此相当于my history book;Li Pings 表示Li Pings history book。即学即练1. May I borrow your pen, please? (同义句转化)Could you your pen me, please? 2. I invited him our school last year. A. to visit B.

10、visited C. visiting D. visits 3. Sonia, is this your dictionary?Oh, no, its not . Ask Li Lei. He is looking for .A. me; hers B. mine; him C. my; her D. mine; his 4. 别忘了给它喂食。Dont forget it. (二)重点短语短语学习 do the dishes【用法】do the dishes意为“洗餐具”。当dish以复数形式出现时,统指餐桌上的各种餐具,如杯、盘、碟等。【例句】Look! The girl is doing

11、the dishes in the kitchen. 【考查点】do the laundry, do chores与make ones/the bed【易错点】混淆动词do与make 【考题链接】My mother can cook dishes well. But I can not. So I always .A. cook dishes B. clean clothes C. make meals D. do the dishes答案:D解题思路:由“妈妈烧菜烧得好。我不会烧菜。”可知,我只能“洗餐具”。 work on【用法】意思是“从事,忙于,着手开始”,其翻译要根据所接的宾语而定。

12、on是介词,后接名词、代词或动词的ing形式作宾语。【例句】1. He is working on a new book. 他正在写一本新书。2. My bike is broken, so I have to work on it. 我的自行车坏了,所以我得修一下(它)。【考查点】短语本身【易错点】介词on【考题链接】Im still working the problem, but I think I can work it soon.A. on; on B. on; out C. out; at D. at; at 答案:B解题思路:work on 意为“从事,忙于”,on 为介词;wo

13、rk out意为“计算出,解决”,out为副词。即学即练1. Tina, I supper but you the dishes. OK?Sure.A. make; do B. do; make C. make; make D. do; do 2. 五年前他开始从事英语教学工作。He English teaching five years ago. (三)重点句型句型学习 Could you please take out the trash?could可用来表示请求、提出礼貌的要求或请求许可。【用法1】提出礼貌的要求。Could you please do? 表示请求帮助,意为“请你(做)好

14、吗?”其否定形式为Could you please not do? 在回答Could you please do? 这一问句时,答语可以是Certainly./Of course./With pleasure./No problem ./ Yes, sure./ Sorry, I cant, I have to/Im afraid not. 【例句】1. Could you please pass me the book on the desk? Of course. 2. Could you give me a bottle of orange juice? Sure. Here you are. 【用法2】表示请求许可。Could I do? 意为“我可以做吗?”用这一句型表


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