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1、Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater【课题】Grammer Focus【三维目标】 1.会读、会说、会写本节课的的单词 2.掌握形容词和副词的最高级用法。3.理解并熟练应用形容词和副词的最高级。【学习重难点】:1.掌握形容词和副词的最高级的构成规律。2.掌握形容词和副词的最高级的不规则变化。【自主学习】:任务一:写出下列形容词和副词的比较级和最高级。(自学课本114页) 1.good /well 2.bad / badly 3.many / much 4. little 5.far or 【合作探究】Group work: 1.定义:形容词的最高级用于 以上的

2、人或物的比较,意为“最”。2.形容词最高级的标志词:eg: Tom is the tallest student in our class.汤姆是我们班最高的学生。(1)形容词最高级前通常要加 eg:He is our best teacher.他是我们最好的老师。【注意】形容词最高级前面若有 等修饰时,不用定冠词the.eg: The Changjiang River is the first longest river in China.长江是我国的第一大长河。形容词最高级前若有序数词限定时,the应放在 之前。eg: She is the youngest in our class.她是

3、我们班上年龄最小的。He is the tallest of all the students.他是所有学生中最高的。(2)形容词最高级常与介词 或 引导的短语连用,与in连用意为“在内”,表示“在某范围内”,不一定是同类;与of连用表示“属性”,介词后的名词或代词与句中的主语是同一类人或物,意为“在某同类中”。3.含形容词最高级的句式:形容词最高级的基本结构:主语+谓语+ + +比较范围。形容词最高级常出现在以下句型中:eg:Who is the youngest, Mary, Tina or Anna?玛丽、蒂娜和安娜,谁年龄最小?(1)Who/Which,A,B or C?在选择疑问句中

4、,如果有 供选择,且有 连接时,要用形容词最高级。eg: This is one of the most interesting stories.这是最有趣的故事之一。(2)one of the+形容词最高级+ ,表示在众多当中“最之一”。 4.形容词最高级的意义也可以用比较级形式表达。常见的有:eg: Wang Ming is taller than any other student in our class.王明是我们班个子最高的。(1)形容词比较级+than+ + eg: Bill is older than the other boys in his class.比尔是他班上年龄最大

5、的男孩。(2)形容词比较级+than+ + 单元同步语法强化训练.根据句意,用括号内所给形容词或副词的适当形式填空。1. I have many foreign friends. Vera is _ (outgoing) one of them.2.Who has_ (heavy) backpack, Li Weiwei, Zhang Yin,Zhou Xinyu or Zhao Yuchang?3.Who do you think is_ (funny) actor, Pan Changjiang, Zhao Benshan or Chen Peisi?4.The school has _(

6、little) students in Kunming. There are only 43 students in the school.5.Which girl speaks English_ (well),Liu Fang or Cheng Yao?6.Yang Hao and his twin brother look the same, but Yang Hao is _(heavy).7.Which city has_ (nice) weather in China, Beijing, Hangzhou, Xian or Kunming?8.Its much _(cold) in

7、December than in November in Dali.9.Eliza and Mary began to learn Chinese at the same time,but Eliza speaks Chinese _(well) now.10.We know China has _(many) people in the world.把下列句子改为同义句,每空一词。11.My ruler is shorter than Jims. Jims ruler is_ _mine.12.Mike doesnt do as well as Tom. Mike _ _ than Tom.13.Bill is the tallest boy in his class. Bill is _ than_ _boy in his class.14. Eliza was born in 1990. Li Fei was born in 1990,too.Eliza is _ _ _ Li Fei.15.This question is easier than that one.This question isnt _ _ _that one.2


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