江苏连云港东海七级英语下册Unit4FindingyourwayGrammar新牛津 1.ppt

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1、Unit4Findingyourway Grammar Learningaims 1 ToUsearticles a anandthe inthephrasesandsentencescorrectly 正确地在句子和短语中运用a an和the 2 Touseprepositionsofplacecorrectlytodescribewherethingsorpeopleare 正确运用地点介词描写人或物的位置 GuideOne 1 Lookandcompletethesentences 1 1 Thereis onTeachers desk bookisMissYin s anEnglish

2、book The 2 Thereis inthepicture pandalikestoeatbamboo agiantpanda The 3 Thereis inthepicture elephantisverystrong anelephant The Oh thereisababyelephant MillieandDanielaretalkingabouttheanimalsinthezoo Completetheirconversationwitha anorthe GuideTwo 7 1 FinishtheexerciseonPage47 2 Correctyouranswers

3、accordingtotherightanswers aaThetheanaaanthethe 3 Discussyourmistakesingroups CompleteMillieandDaniel sconversationwitha anorthe Millie Let sgotothePandaHousefirst Daniel Hereweare Icansee 1 pandathere It slyingonthegrass Millie Howcute Ireallylovepandas Look There s 2 babypanda It ssosmall Daniel Y

4、es 3 babypandadoesn tlooklikeitsmother Millie Nowlet sgotoseesomelions Daniel Are 4 lionsin 5 openarea Millie No theyaren t They rein 6 verybigcage Daniel Isee Halfanhourlater Daniel Millie here s 7 bridge Whatcanyouseeacrossit Millie Oh 8 elephantisstandingoverthere Daniel Let sgoacross 9 bridgeand

5、see 10 elephant a a The the an a a an the the 冠词 不定冠词 a an 定冠词 the 辅音音素之前 元音音素之前 泛指某人或某物 指特定的人或物 GuideThree 1 Completethefollowsentences 2 1 我有一件重要的事情要告诉你 Ihave totellyou 2 她是一名乐于助人的学生 Sheis 3 完成家庭作业花费我一小时 Ittakesme tofinishmyhomework animportantthing ahelpfulstudent anhour Doyouknowhowtouseaoran a用

6、于辅音前 an用于元音前特殊 anhour ausefulbooka an称不定冠词 用来表示 一 的意思 但不强调数的观念 只说明名词为不特定者 即不具体说明是何人何物 一般用于可数名词单数前 指人或事物的某一种类 2 Translatethefollowingsentences 3 1 她会弹钢琴 Shecan 2 咱们去动物园吧 Let sgoto 3 他居住在莫斯科市中心 Helivesin Moscow 4 太阳是圆的 iscircle 5 我居住在九楼 Iliveon floor 6 最大的饭店是Eddie的最爱 restaurantisEddie sfavourite playt

7、hepiano thezoo thecentreof Thesun theninth Thebiggest 定冠词the的用法 用在表示乐器的名词前 用于习惯用语中 指世上独一无二的事物 用于序数词和最高级前 GuideFour 1 FindouttheprepositionsofplacesinPartB 2 在PartBonPage48中找出所有的地点介词 infrontofbehindinsideoutsideaboveonoverunderbelowbesidenexttobetweeninamongat Usethecorrectprepositionsofplacetodescri

8、bewherethingsorpeoplearoundyouare 运用正确的地点介词去描述你周围的人或物 1 ChenKunsits ZhouYubao ZhouYubaosits ChenKun 2 ZhangYinsits LiuLiping ChenWeimeng 3 Theclockis ourclassroom 4 Theflowerbasketis LiWenfei 5 Weare theclassroomnow 6 LiJiajiasits thewindow 7 Thereisabridge theriver 8 Aplaneisflying myhead Sandygoestotheparkeveryweekend Lookatthepicturebelowandcompleteherdescriptionwiththecorrectprepositionsofplace 2 FinishtheexerciseonPage48 3 3 Correctyouranswersaccordingtotherightanswers in onBeside NexttoonInfrontofinunderBetweenon


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