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1、Unit6OutdoorfunGrammarSimplepasttense II 一般过去时标志词 yesterdaythedaybeforeyesterdaylastweektheotherdaythreehoursagooneSundaymorningthismorningIn1994 一般过去时 thesimplepasttense 1 I be bornin2000 2 We take alotofphotoslastmonth 3 Tom put thebooksinthebagandlefttheclassroom 4 I see aUFOintheskylastnight 5 W

2、e be athomeyesterday 6 Thestudents have aChineselessonjustnow 7 We eat somebaoziforbreakfastthismorning 8 She buy abookthedaybeforeyesterday 9 Ourclassmates visit HuangqiaoParklastweekend 10 He inShanghaithreeyearsago butnowhe inTaixing live Task 1用所给词的适当形式填空 was took put saw were had ate bought vis

3、ited lived lives 一般过去时的一般疑问句及否定句 Simplepasttense was were did Studyingaims学习目标 1 Toknowthestructureofthesimplepasttense 掌握一般过去时态的几种句型结构2 Tolearnhowtomakenegativesentencescorrectly 掌握一般过去时态否定句式 3 Tolearnhowtousethesimplepasttensetoaskandanswerquestions 掌握一般过去时态一般疑问句及其回答 Aliceoutsideonesunnyday was Sh

4、eathomeonesunnyday wasn t Theyinthefield were Theyontheplayground weren t be be WasAlicesurprisedattherabbit Yes shewas WasAliceangryattherabbit No shewasn t be amisare waswere 肯定式 主语 was were 否定式 主语 wasnot wasn t werenot weren t 一般疑问式 Was Were 主语 Yes 主语 was were No 主语 wasnot wasn t werenot weren t

5、Task1 Simplepasttenseoftheverb tobe Thestudentswereintheclassroom Thestudentswerenotontheplayground Therewasabirdinthetree Wasthereabirdinthetree Yes therewas No therewasn t Practise Mary be athomeyesterday She benot atschool 2 Theboy be inthelibrarynow Buthe be intheclassroomjustnow becausehehadanC

6、hineselesson 3 We benot inBeijinglastweek We be athome 4 KittyandI benot happybecausewedidn thavebreakfast was wasn t is was weren t were weren t 1 Onesunnyday Alicesatbyariverwithhersister 2 Alicedidnotwanttolettherabbitgetaway 3 Didyouhearanythingunusualinthepark Task2 Readandthink 行为动词的一般过去时的肯定句式

7、 否定句式和一般疑问句式如何构成 肯定句式 否定句式 一般疑问句式 主语 动词的过去式 Weheardasound 主语 did not 动词原形 Wedidnot didn thearasound Did 主语 动词原形 Didyouhearasound Yes wedid No wedidn t MyfatherandIwentfishingyesterday MyfatherandIgoboatingyesterday didn t Theyplayedbasketball Theydidn tplayfootball Didtheyplaybasketball Yes theydid

8、Didtheyplayfootball No theydidn t 1 Lucydidherhomeworkathome 改否定句 Lucy herhomeworkathome 2 Hefoundsomemeatinthefridge 变一般疑问句 he meatinthefridge didn tdo Did 句型转换 findany Millieiswritingaboutwhatsheandherfriendsdidlastweekend Helphercompleteherarticlewiththecorrectformsoftheverbsinthebox dogohaveplay

9、practisereadstayvisit Exercises YesterdaywasSunday I 1 theparkand 2 agoodtime Simondidnot 3 football He 4 playingvolleyballwithhisfriend Kittylikesshopping She 5 someshoppingwithhermumyesterdayafternoon Danieldidnot 6 outyesterday He 7 athomeand 8 somebooks practised did go stayed read visited had p

10、lay SandyisaskingSimonabouthiscampingtripwithhisfamily Completetheirconversationwiththecorrectformsoftheverbsinbrackets Sandy 1 youandyourfamily go campinglastweek Simon No we 2 We 3 go campinglastmonth Did go didn t went Sandy 4 be itinteresting Simon Yes it 5 Sandy What 6 you do there Simon We 7 p

11、ut upourtentnearalake MycousinAnnieandI 8 be veryhappy Wealso 9 row aboatonthelake Was was did do put were rowed Sandy 10 you stay outsideallnight Simon Yes we 11 Thecampingtrip 12 be reallywonderful Did stay did was SampleconversationA WhatdidyoudolastSunday B Iplayedfootballwith lastSunday Didyoup

12、layfootballlastSunday A Yes Idid No Ididn t B WhatdidyoudolastSunday A Iwenttothecinema wentswimming visitedmygrandparents Fillintheblanks 1 Herfather read anewspaperlastnight 2 you visit yourrelativeslastSpringFestival 3 he fly akiteonSunday Yes he read Didvisit Didfly did Let spractice 4 What she

13、find inthegardenlastmorning She find abeautifulbutterfly 5 It be Ben sbirthdaylastFriday6 Weall have agoodtimelastnight 7 He jump highonlastSportsDay did found find was had jumped 1 Shestayedthereforaweek 对划线部分提问 she there 2 Therewassomeorangeinthecup 变一般疑问句 there orangeinthecup Howlongdid Was stay any Homework 1 Complete 课课练 4thperiod 2 Finishexercisesontest4 Thankyou


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