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1、代词*你能分清楚吗?人称代词 主格 (在句子中作主语) _ 宾格 (放在动词、介词后作宾语)_物主代词 形容词性 (不能单独使用,后必须加名词)_ 名词性(在一定语境中单独使用,相当于形容词性物主代词+名词) _反身代词 _*你需要关注的考点热点1. 与“两者”有关的不定代词 both (两者都) 后接复数名词及动词;neither(两者都不)后接单数名词及动词;either (两者中的任一) 后接单数名词及动词2与“三者或三者以上”有关的不定代词 all none 3. it one that 细细体会下面句子:1)-How nice your watch looks! Where did

2、you get it?- I got it on the internet.-Really? Id like to get one on the internet, too.2) The population in China is much larger than that in USA.你的总结: it 指_;one 指_; that 指_4. none no one nobody none 指人或物,强调数字概念,常用在of 结构中;no one, nobody 用来指人。试比较:1) -How many of you will go there by boat?-None.2) -Wh

3、o will go there by boat? - Nobody. /No one.3) Nobody / No one remembered my birthday. None of my friends remembered my birthday.5. every eachevery adj. 侧重于指三者或以上中的“每个、个个”,含全体之意,不能单独使用;each adj. pron. 常指两者中的“每个”,强调个体,可用在of中。 试体会:They each have an apple. They have an apple each. Each of them has an ap

4、ple.He gave each/every child a present. He gave each of the children a present.He gave the children a present each.6. another other(s) the other(s) another 在原来基础上增加一个,也可接基数词,表“另外几个”,这种用法还可说成 数字 more; the other 指两者中的另一个。体会下面句子:The color of this blouse is too small bright for me. Could you show me ano

5、ther one?The work is too heavy. We need another ten / ten more hours.Old Henry has two children. One is in England, the other is in Australia.the other, other 后可接名词,而 the others, others后面不可再接名词;the other(s) 表示特定范围内除去一部分后剩余的全部,other(s) 则指除去一部分后的另一些,而不是指剩下的全部。体会:We should help others when they are in

6、trouble. 当别人遇到麻烦时,我们应该伸出援助之手。Jim is taller than all the other students in his class. Jim比他班上的其他所有学生都要高。Some people are boating, others are dancing. 一些人在划船,另一些人在跳舞。7. some any 试做下面练习:Could I get you _drinks?Come to me for help if you meet _ problem.Jim is taller than _ other student in his class.除了so

7、me/ any的常规用法,你的总结 _8. 有关反身代词1)在句中的位置 John is too young to take care of himself. (放动词或介词后作宾语) He told me the news himself. He himself told me the news. (用以强调时,表“亲自、独自”)2)不可作定语 如不可说 myself picture 而要说 my own picture*考点关注( )1. Excuse me. I want to buy some milk. Where can I find a supermarket?-Oh, I kn

8、ow _ not far from my home.A. it B. one C. that D. this( )2. Make sure youve got the tickets and guidebooks and _ ready before you leave.A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing( )3.-Which of the two T-shirts will you take? - Ill take _, one for my brother, the other for myself. A. either B.

9、 neither C. all D. both( )4. A latest China Daily, please! -Only one copy left. Would you like to have _, sir? A. it B. one C. his D. that( )5.Who will send you to the new school, your mom or your dad?- _. Ill go there alone.A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. None( )6. We dont have enough people to do

10、the work. -Sorry. There are no _ people here. A. more B. another C. other D. others( )7. The doctor advised Elsa strongly that she should take a good rest, but _ didnt help. A. she B. it C. this D. he( )8. May I have a glass of beer, Mum? -Beer? Sorry, theres _ left, but would you like some juice instead? A. something B. nothing C. no one D. none( )9. I cant go sightseeing with you today because I have too much work. How about _ day?A. the other B. another C. other D. one( )10. -Help _ to some fish. It tastes wonderful. -OK. Thanks. A. you B. yourself C. yours D. your你的整理 _3


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