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1、 1 5 一 句子翻译 1 我害怕问问题 因为我的发音不好 2 你怎样为考试而学习的 3 我通过制作单词卡片来学习 4 你的阅读量越大 你的阅读速度就能提髙得越快 5 即使你某样东西学得很好 但是如果你不用它 你也会忘掉的 二 语法填空 Last year I like my English class Every class was like a bad dream The teacher speak too quickly But I was afraid ask questions because my pronunciation was very bad So I just hide

2、behind my textbook and never said anything Then one day I watched an English movie call Toy Story I fall in love with this exciting and funny movie So then I began to watch other English movies as well Although I could not understand everything the characters said their body language and the express

3、ion on their faces helped me to get the meaning I also realized I could get the meaning by listen for just the key words My pronunciation also improved by listening to the interesting conversations in English movies I discovered that listen to something you are interested in is the secret to languag

4、e learning I also learned useful sentence like It s a piece of cake or It serves you right I did not understand these sentences at first But because I wanted to understand the story I looked them up in a dictionary Now I really enjoy my English class I want to learn new words and more grammar Then I

5、 can have a better understand of English movies 一 翻译句子一 翻译句子 1 I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation 2 How do you study for a test 3 I study by making word cards 4 The more you read the faster you ll be 5 Even if you learn something well you will forget unless you use it 二 语

6、法填空二 语法填空 Keys didn t like spoke to ask hid called fell expressions listening listening sentences understanding 2 5 英语英语组组 Part one 名词名词 可数名词单复数规则变化 可数名词单复数规则变化 构成方法 举例 在词尾加 s 词尾为 e 只加 s desk desks dog dogs 以 s x sh ch 等结尾的名词之后加 es class classes box boxes sandwich sandwiches watch watches 如词尾为 f 或 f

7、e 则一般变为 ves knife knives leaf leaves 以辅音 y 结尾的名词 变 y 为 i 再加 es family families city cities 以 o 结尾的 有生命的 名词 加 es tomato tomatoes potato potatoes 备注 字母 数字 引语或缩略 词 语的复数形式是在其后加 s 或 s 不规则变化不规则变化 名词复数的特殊形式 如 man men woman women foot feet tooth teeth goose geese 单复数形式相同 如 Chinese Swiss Japanese sheep cattl

8、e deer fish 合成名词 只将其主体词变为复数形式 中瑞日不变英法 a 变 e 其余 s 加后面 以上句中包含了我们常见某国人变复数的单词 Part two 冠词冠词 概念 冠词置于名词之前 说明名词所表示的人或事物的一种虚词 它不能离开名词而单独 存在 分类 冠词有两种 一种是定冠词 the 一种是不定冠词 a an 定冠词用法定冠词用法 1 特指某 些 人或某 些 事物 如 The book on the desk is a story book 特指桌上的那本书 2 指说话人与听话人都知道彼此所熟悉的人或事物 如 Let s meet at the bus station 双方都

9、知道的那个汽车站 3 复述特指上文提过的人或事物 如 What s this It s a schoolbag The schoolbag is Liu Tao s 4 表示世界上独一无二的事物 如 the sun 太阳 the moon 月亮 the sky 天空 5 在序数词 形容词最高级前 如 Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China 6 与单数名词连用表示一类事物 或与形容词或分词连用 表示一类人或某种事物的特征 或品质 如 the dollar 美元 the fox 狐狸 the living 生者 the rich 富人 the

10、unknown 未知世界 the good the beautiful and the true 真善美 7 用在表示方位 年代 或西洋乐器的名词之前 3 5 组组 She can play the piano 她会弹钢琴 on the left 在左边 in the east 在东方 in the 1980s 注意 但是乐器名词表示具体的器物 或表示课程时 不加 the He bought a piano last month 他上个月买了一架钢琴 She taught piano in the school 她在学校里教钢琴 8 用在姓氏的复数名词之前 表示一家人或夫妻俩 谓语动词要用复数

11、 如 the Greens 格林一家人 或格林夫妇 1 At the end of the volleyball match our school won by 3 1 A members B group C team D fans 2 When I hurriedly got to the airport the lady at the window told me that there were no left on that plane A places B seats C space D room 3 British people eat a lot and they are usua

12、lly cooked in different ways A chicken B beef C fish D potatoes 4 Of all the vegetables I like best A potatoes B eggs C milk D apples 5 Helen has lovely pet dog dog is clever enough to bring her newspapers every evening A a A B the The C a The D the A 6 Tina are you going to play chess on School Day

13、 Yes and I ll also play violin that afternoon A the the B the C the D 7 This summer I m going to visit Great Wall A a B an C the D 8 Greens are preparing for the coming Thanksgiving Day A B A C the D The KEYS CBDACCCC 小试牛刀小试牛刀 4 5 组组 Unit 1 n 教科书 课本 n 交谈 谈话 adv 大声地 出声地 n 发音 读音 n 句子 adj 有耐心的 n 病人 n 表达 方式 表示 v 发现 发觉 n 秘密 秘诀 adj 秘密的 保密的 爱上 与 相爱 n 语法 v 重复 重做 n 笔记 记录 v 注意 指出 n 朋友 伙伴 n 模式 方式 n 物理 物理学 n 化学 n 搭档 同伴 v 发音 v 增加 增长 n 速度 n 能力 才能 n 大脑 adj 活跃的 积极的 n 注意 关注 注意 关注 v 使 连接 与 有联系 把 和 连接或联系起来 adv 一夜之间 在夜间 v n 回顾 复习 n 知识 学问 adv 明智地 聪明地



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