江苏连云港新浦中学八级英语上册8A Unit 4 Wild animals Reading 2教学案 牛津.doc

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1、江苏省连云港市新浦中学八年级英语上册8A Unit 4 Wild animals Reading 2教学案(无答案) 牛津版你知道下面的单词吗?1. It is a heavy wild animal with thick fur and sharp claws. It can walk upward. (直立) 2. It jumps with its baby in its pocket. You can see it in Australia. _.3. It lives in China. Its favourite food is bamboo. _4. It is a sea an

2、imal and looks like a large fish. It is very clever and often plays some games for us in the park. _5. It is the king of the animal world. It has black stripes on its body. _6. It is a small animal with a long thick tail and red, grey or black fur. It eats nuts and lives in tress. _预习书本,写出正确的单词。1. A

3、 baby panda is only 100 _ (克) at birth, do you know?2. Giant pandas love to eat _(竹子) _(竹笋) and leaves.3. _(杀死) the birds is not right.4. Some _(猎人) kill pandas for their _(皮毛)5. Maybe someday these animals will be _(无处) to be found.6. Can you answer the _(以下的) questions?7. Doing eye exercise is goo

4、d for _(保护) our eyes.8. They are building more _(保护区) for wild animals.9. Its our turn to take some _(行动) to help the animals.10. His parents often _(鼓励) him to be more active in everything.11. A bear has long and _(厚的) hair on its body.12. I had a call just now. After that , I _(继续) to eat my lunch

5、.13. A reserve is a _(特别的) areas for wild animals.14. _(令人难过的是), farmers cut down trees and _(森林).选词组, 并用正确的形式填空。look after oneself, at the very beginning, survive in the wild, only ten months old, for up to fourteen hours a day, for the first time, in danger, on ones own, take the following actions

6、, have nowhere to live1. His parents died when he was ten years old. He had to _.2. We should _ to make our English better.3. Its not easy for the baby panda _ if it gets lost in the forest.4. After the earthquake, millions of people _. We should try our best to help them.5. Remember to do your home

7、work_, boys and girls.6. The boss made the workers work very hard. They had to work _.7. The little boy sang for the class _. He was too nervous to know what to do.8. A lot of animals and plants are _. We should do something to help.9. The baby was _. It could eat nothing but drink milk.10. Their te

8、acher went to Australia _ of the year.【巩固案】翻译句子1. 八个月之后,我的妹妹长成了一个健康的小宝宝,她不再经常哭了。 _, my little sister _ a healthy baby and she _often cry _.2. 对于父母来说,鼓励孩子努力学习是很重要的。_ parents _their children _.3. 很久以前,猎人们捕捉动物只为了他们的肉。 Long, long ago, hunters _ animals just _.4. 汤姆五岁时第一次来中国。 When Tom was 5, he _to China

9、 _.5. 我们需要采取措施保护处于危险中的动物。 We need to _6. 如果人们继续开发新的耕地(take the land),野生动物将没有足够的食物和空间。 If people continue _, wild animals _.7. 熊猫妈妈一次只能生一到两个宝宝。 Mother pandas _ at one time.8. 熊长着黑色或棕色的皮毛、锋利的爪子。 Bears have _ and _.9. 如果熊猫没有足够的竹笋和竹叶吃,它们会死。 If giant pandas _, they _10. 熊猫在危险之中,我们应该尽力保护它们。 Our giant pandas are _. We _.11. 将来我们要为熊猫建立更多的保护区。 We _giant pandas.2


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