江苏锡滨湖区中学九级英语上册9A Unit 3 GrammarMain task学案 牛津.doc

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1、9A Unit 3 Grammar-Main task学案词组:(1)have no courage to share with my friends my worries 1. 没有勇气与朋友分享我的忧虑(2) tell you the truth 2.跟你说实话 true(形)truly(副词)- truth(名词)(3) quarrel with sb/ argue with sb about sth 3.为某事与某人吵架/与某人争论某事 (4) spare some time for sb 4.匀点时间给某人 (5) care only about marks 5.只关心分数 (6)

2、leave sb alone=leave sb by oneself 6.让某人独自呆着 (7) be left alone 7.被单独留下 (8) let your parents see your progress 8.让你的家长看到你的进步 (9) make progress/ make great progress 9.取得进步/取得很大进步 (10)find a quiet place to study 10.找一个安静的地方学习 (11)turn down/up; turn on/off the TV 11.调低/调高/打开/关上电视 (12)turn it off 12.把它关掉

3、 (13) make/ let/ have/ see/ hear/ sb. do sth. 13.使/让某人/看见/听见某人做某事 sb be made/ let/ seen/ heard to do sth. 被动形式 (14) notice sb do sth/doing sth 14.注意某人经常/正在做某事句子:(15) Its good to hand in homework on time. 15. 按时上交作业是好的。=To hand in homework on time is good. (16) My purpose is to help you solve your pr

4、oblem. 16.我的目的是帮助你解决问题。 (17) The boy promises not to be late for school again. 17.这个男孩答应再不上学迟到。 (18) My parents do not allow me to go out after 6 p.m. 18.我父母不允许我晚上6点以后出去。 (19) Mr Wu is always the last to leave. 19.吴老师总是最后一个离开。 (20) She ran fast to catch the first bus. 20.她跑得很快为了赶上第一班车。 (21) The litt

5、le baby has grown up to be a beautiful girl. 21.那个婴儿已经长成个漂亮的姑娘。 (22) They do not seem to notice that I have tried my best. 22.他们似乎不注意我已经尽力了。 自助检测 (选择)课题:9A U3 Grammar2词组: (1) get help from youth workers 1.从青年辅导员那里得到帮助句子: (2)Paul knows who to talk to for help. 2.Paul知道和谁谈话获得帮助 (3) Sandy wants to know

6、 where to ask for advice. Sandy 3.想知道去哪里征求建议。 (4) Millie doesnt know how to solve her problem. Millie 4.不知道怎么解决问题。 (5) I have plenty of homework to finish. 5.有大量作业要完成 (6) Work hard and you will have success. 6.努力工作,你就会获得成功。 (7) She seldom chat with her friends, does she? 7.她很少和她朋友闲聊,是吗? (8) What a g

7、ood time we had yesterday! 8.昨天我们玩得多开心啊! (9) Dont give up, will you? 9.不要放弃,好吗? (10) I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies 10. 我几乎没时间弄我的爱好。(11) Thanks for your valuable suggestions. 11.多些你的宝贵建议(12)Thank sb for sth/ doing sth= Thanks for doing sth 12.感谢某人某事、做某事自助检测 按要求改写句子 1.There is some milk

8、in the bottle.(否定句) 2.You must be kind to the elderly.(祈使句) 3.You mustnt play with fire.(祈使句) 4.I think he will come.(否定句) 5.You dislike this kind of books, _?(反意疑问句)6.Be quiet, _?(反意疑问句)7.Millie hardly has any spare time for her hobbies, _?(反意疑问句)巩固练习(完成句子)课题:9A U3 Integrated skills 词组:(1)the top s

9、tudent in her class 1 她班级的尖子生(2) call her a bookworm 2 叫她书虫 (3) pay no attention to those students who laugh at you 3 不要在意那些嘲笑你的人 (4) be proud of your schoolwork 4 以你的功课为豪 (5) talk to your best friend when feeling sad 5 当感到难过时, 与你的好朋友交谈句子:(6) I study hard and I always do well in exams. 6 我努力学习并总是考试表

10、现好。 (7) Sue seems much happier than before. 7 Sue似乎比以前更快乐 (8) My penfriend hasnt replied to my last three letters. 8 我的笔友没有回复我上次的三封信。 (9) Im afraid she doesnt want to write to me any more. 9 恐怕她再也不给我写信了。 (10) Maybe I shouldnt worry too much. 10也许我不该担心太多。 (11) Thanks for giving me your advice. 11感谢给我

11、你的建议。 (12) Thats what friends are for. 12那就是交朋友的目的自助检测 1 我努力学习,在考试中总是取得好成绩I_and I always _ exams.2 我的笔友没有回复我最近的三封电子邮件。My penfriend _ my last three e-mails.3这就是交朋友的目的嘛。Thats_ friends_. . 4不要在意那些嘲笑你的学生, 应以你的功课而自豪。Pay _those students who _you and_your schoolwork.巩固练习Do you have a problem? (同义句) =_ you _ a problem?2. _ (eat) too much _ (make) you unhealthy.3. I hate _ _ (与争吵) my close friend. 4. Be quick to _ the homework and then _ the leaflets. (与hand 相关的词组)5. We should _ _ _ _the language and the science



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