江苏连云港岗埠中学八级英语期末复习 短语 牛津.doc

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1、江苏省连云港市岗埠中学八年级英语下学期期末复习 短语 牛津版1 从那时起since then2 同某人一起玩play with sb3 在过去的三年里over the past three years4 不同时期的运输 transport at different times5 采访某人interview sb = have an interview with sb6 和某人结婚get/be married to sb7 搬出/进/到 move out of. /into / to8 在过去in the past9 目前at present10 在城镇的南部in the southern pa

2、rt of town11 事实上in fact12 在城镇的中心in the centre of town13 把.变成turn/changeinto14 搬家move house15 打牌play cards16 下中国象棋 play Chinese chess17 水污染water pollution18 在某些方面in some ways19 开放的空间open space20 感到一点寂寞feel a bit lonely21 有时,时不时from time to time22 把废物倾倒在河里dump the waste into the river23 采取行动减少污染take a

3、ction to reduce the pollution24 把它扔掉throw it away25 对非常了解某人know . very well26 投入使用/服务be in use /service27 我见过的最好的模型the best model I have ever seen28 怀念某人/某物miss sb / sth29 想起某人/某物think of sb / sth30 收到来信hear from=get/receive a letter from31 听说hear about / of32 像以前一样经常as often as before33 一个自然景点a pla

4、ce of natural beauty34 最近的照片the recent photo35 中国的发展the development of China36 变化很大change a lot37 独自地on ones own38 有同样的感觉have the same feeling39 喜欢与聊天enjoy chatting with40 把.借给某人lend sth to sb / lend sb sth41 星光镇的变化changes to Starlight Town42 新鲜的空气fresh air43 不再no longer / no more44 过去常常做某事used to d

5、o sth45 查字典look it up in the dictionary46 带来许多优势bring many advantages47 引发许多问题cause many problem48 迷路lose one way = get lost49 在展览on exhibition / show 50 在周末at weekends1快点;加油come on 2把某物带在某人身边bring/take sth. with sb.3去徒步旅行go hiking 4去滑雪go skiing5看美丽的风景see the beautiful view6拍照take photos7一整天the whol

6、e day8一个著名的室内主题公园a famous indoor theme park9傍晚(下午的晚些时候)later in the afternoon10即使(引导让步状语从句)even though = even if11去旅行go on a trip去日本旅行go on a trip to Japan去度假go on holiday去日本度假go to Japan for a holiday12如些以至于.so that. / such. that为了;以便.so that13一家快餐店a fast-food restaurant14凯蒂猫小屋Hello Kittys house15凯

7、蒂猫苹果派Hello Kitty apple pie16鼓掌clap ones hands17忍不住做某事cant stop doing sth.18变得兴奋get excited19从.里跳出来jump out of 20A与B很相配A match well with B21向某人招手wave to sb.22随着音乐跳舞dance to the music23跳舞跳得很优美dance beautifully24东京市中心the city centre of Tokyo25把某物给某人看show sth. to sb. = show sb. sth.26加入某人一起join sb.加入某人一

8、起做某事join sb. in (doing) sth.27 (人排成的)队伍the line of people28在计算机房in the computer room全球网/环球信息网the World Wide Web29一.就.(引导时间状从)as soon as .尽可能快(时间快)as soon as sb. can = as soon as possible30去天津的一次旅行a trip to Tianjin31一张天津地图a map of Tianjin32寻找look for = search for33在那时(常用于过去进行时中)at that time 34查明;找出fi

9、nd out35操作电脑work on the computer36迷路get lost = lose ones way37在春节期间during the Spring Festival在游行过程中during the parade38一年到头all year round = the whole year39去的飞机票the air tickets to 40去观光go sightseeing41开始做某事start/begin to do sth. = start/begin doing sth.42我们去日本旅行的那一天the day of our trip to Japan43在我们旅行

10、的第二天on the second day of our trip44一次快乐的经历a happy experience45有趣而又特殊的事(物)something interesting and special46使你的文章更有趣make your article more interesting47从(客人手里)拿走(香蕉) take (bananas) from (the visitors)48在最后一段in the last paragraph49seem(好像) 的用法seem + adj. (系表) seem to do sth. It seems that + 从句50世界之窗W

11、indow of the World1我不知道I have no idea. = I dont know.2更换频道change the channel 3查找/搜索信息search for information4文字处理(技能)word processing (skills)5编写电脑程序write computer programs6绘画和设计draw and design7发送和接电子邮件send and receive e-mails8面世、出来、(花)开come out9孩子们最欢迎的游戏childrens favourite game10在同时at the same time11

12、打开/开闭(电器)turn on/off调高/调低(音量)turn up/down12主要人物(主角)main character13躺在草地上lie on the grass14入睡(无意识)fall asleep入睡(有意识)go/get to sleep15做了个奇怪的梦have a strange dream16获得足够的分数earn enough points17将带到某地去carry off to sw.18扮演角色play the role of19花费某人时间做某事take sb. some time to do sth.20测试你的英语知识test the knowledge

13、 of English21在市场on/at the market22卖完/被卖完sell out /be sold out23与某事/某人有关联be related to sth./sb24一套光盘a set of CD-ROMs25存储信息store information26用来做某事use for doing sth. = use to do sth.被用来做某事be used for doing sth. =be used to do sth.27被用来做某事be used to do sth. =be used for doing sth.习惯于做某事be used to doing

14、 sth.(过去)曾经做某事used to do sth.28把.保存在硬盘上keep on the hard disk29出现在屏幕上appear on the screen30将A连接到B上connect A to B将A与B连接起来connect A with B31需要很多记忆(存储)空间need a lot of memory32重新始启动电脑restart the computer33总共10个问题a total of ten questions 34对有好处;适合于be good for35向(某人)求助ask (sb.) for help36做一些练习题do some exer

15、cises 37在北极in the Arctic38点击图标click on the icon双击自动运行图标double click (on) the “auto-run” icon39听某人做某事listen to sb. do sth.听某人正在做某事listen to sb. doing sth.40在屏幕上on the screen41举行一次作文比赛hold a writing competition 42计算机的不同用途different uses of computers43八小时内环球(旅行)around the world in eight hours44听起来很有趣sound interesting45一张世界地图a map of the world = a world map46以.为开始start with = b



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