福建厦门集美区八级英语期中测试 人教新目标.doc

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1、2012-2013学年集美第二片区八年级下期中考试英 语 试 卷 (满分:150分; 考试时间: 120分钟)注意事项:本试卷分为两大部分,第一部分(1-60小题)为选择题,请考生将答案用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡上;第二部分为非选择题,请考生用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔书写在答题卡上。第一部分(选择题)(一)听力测试(每小题1.5分,共30分).听句子,选择符合内容情景的图片。(听两遍) .听简短对话,然后挑选最佳答案回答所听到的问题.(听两遍)( )6. A. In a zoo.B. In a bookstore.C. In a barber shop.( )7. A. A teacher.B. A

2、 volunteer.C. A student.( )8. A. Hes mad at Mary.B. He lost his bike.C. He fought with Mary.( )9. A. There will be fewer cars.B. There will be more pollution. C. The city will be cleaner.( )10. A. She watched TV.B. She did her homework. C. She helped her brother do the homework. 听一篇较长对话和一篇短文,然后选择正确答

3、案作答11-15小题. (听两遍)Text A( )11. Why didnt Davy answer the phone ? A. He was having an interview.B. He didnt hear it.C. He didnt want to answer it.( )12. What does the boss think of Davy?A. Successful.B. Hard-working and clever.C. Outgoing and calm.Text B( )13. Where did Jenny go on Saturday morning? A

4、. A shopping mall.B.A barber shop.C. A restaurant.( )14. When did Jenny go to exchange the dress? A. On Sunday morning.B. On Sunday afternoon.C. On Sunday evening.( )15. Why wont Jenny go to the restaurant again? A. Because the food is expensive.B. Because its not clean. C. Because the service is no

5、t good. .听一篇短文, 完成表格,每空一词. (听三遍) The earthquake happened in JapanWhat hes doingWhere he isHow he feelsPeterWorking on the computerIn his 61 NervousAlan 62 At his apartmentStevenWalkingIn the street 63 Bob 64 for thingsIn the supermarketWorriedWhen did the earthquake happen in Japan? On 65 11th. ( 二

6、)基础知识与运用(每小题1.5分,共30分).选择填空:从A, B, C中,选出一个最佳答案完成句子.( )16. He found _ important to learn English well. A. thatB. itsC. it ( )17. Lana is pushy. There is no _ that she will change her decision.A. adviceB. jobC. chance ( )18. There is _ milk here, but there are quite _ glasses A. little;a few B. few,a

7、few C. little;a little ( )19. Some scientists think that it may take _ years to make robots look like people A. hundreds of B. two hundreds of C. two hundreds ( )20. I have no money. He doesnt have any money, _. A. too B. also C. either ( )21. You should_ that bad habit.A. get out B. get on C. get o

8、ver( )22. If it _ tomorrow, we will not have the meeting.A. rain B. will rain C. rains( )23. We _TV when the telephone rang.A. watched B. were watching C. are watching( )24. The policeman told the boys _in the street.A. dont play B. didnt play C. not to play ( )25. If you bring snacks to the party,

9、the teachers will _. A. take it away B. take them away C. take away it ()26. She saw a man _ into the room just now. A. went B. go C. to go( )27. The old man has a really hard time _ in the countryside. A. living B. to live C. lives .完形填空:从A, B, C,中,选择一个最佳答案, 使短文意思完整.I like movies best. Last week, I

10、 saw a movie called I, Robot. It tells us a story about the future with robots. It is the year of 2035 and people can see robots everywhere. Robots can help people do a lot of things, like looking 28 _ the old people or babies, washing, cooking, cleaning or taking dogs for a 29 . Robots do everythin

11、g people ask them to do. But a policeman 30 Spooner doesnt like robots. Because he thinks that people can live well 31 robots. One day a scientist kills himself(自杀). He leaves a robot. Some time later, Spooner finds 32 wrong with the robots in the world. A 33 robots have their own thoughts and want

12、to control(控制) the people. If the robots succeed, it will be very 34 for people. Susan is another scientist working on robots. Finally, Susan and Spooner decide 35 together to fight against these robots. At last, they succeed. People control the robots again. I think the movie is very interesting. I

13、f you have interest in it, why not go and see it?( ) 28. A. at B. after C. up ( ) 29. A. wash B. rest C. walk ( ) 30. A. called B. call C. calls( ) 31. A. and B. with C. without( ) 32. A. nothing B. anything C. something( ) 33. A. little B. lot of C. lots of( ) 34. A. dangerous B. helpful C. great( ) 35. A. to work B. working C. work(三)阅读理解 (每小题2分,共50分). 阅读下面五篇短文,根据文章的内容选择最佳答案作答36-60题.ATwenty years ago almost all nurses were wo



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