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1、七年级英语周周练13一、单项选择( )1.Give me _.A. two meats B. two kiloes of meat C. two kilos of meat D. two kilos of meats( )2.There is _ milk in the fridge. Please buy some on your way home.A.much B.many C.little D.few( )3. Im thirsty. Can I have_ juice, Tommy?A. little B. a little C. few D. a few ( )4. Yesterda

2、y I borrowed a useful book from her. I want to _ today.A. give him it B. give it him C. give him to it D. give it to him( )5. Mr. Song is nice _ us. He often says a healthy lifestyle is good _ us.A. to; to B. for; for C. to; for D. for; to( )6. There are twenty _ in our school.A.woman teacher B.woma

3、n teachers C.women teachers D.women teacher( )7. Fish is _food because it is good for your _.A. health, health B. healthy, healthy C. healthy, health D. health, healthy( )8. - Would you like some more bread? - _.A. Im not hungry B. No,thanks. Im full. C. No, eating. D. Yes, you are.( )9. My brother

4、reads English with his friends _.A. whole the afternoon B. the whole afternoonC. on the afternoon D. the all afternoon( )10. Everybody _ every day.A. needs to exercise B. needs exercise C. need to exercise D. need exercising( )11. I like apples _ bananas, but I dont like oranges _ pears.A. and, or B

5、. and, and C. or, or D. or and( )12. How _ kilos of meat _ there on the table?A. much,is B. many, is C, many ,are D. much,are( )13. Two glasses of water _ over there.A. is B. am C. are D. be( )14. My dad often _, but my mother never takes any _.A. exercise, exercise B. exercises, exercises C. exerci

6、ses, exercise D. exercise, exercises( )15.Its good for me_ .A. eat fruit B. eating fruit C. to eat fruit D. eatting fruit二、根据所给首字母或汉语写出句中所缺单词。1. Eating too many sweets is bad for our _(牙齿). 2. Please put some _(糖) in my coffee.3. I like _(汉堡),but I dont like_(胡萝卜). 4. Do you like eating _ (土豆)or _(西

7、红柿)?5. Daniel often eats h_, (汉堡包)but they are not good for him 6. Do you like fruit and v_ (蔬菜)7.How many _(sheep) are there on the hill.8. We have three m_ a day, breakfast, lunch and supper. 9. As a dancer,I need to keep f_10. She thinks h_ comes first.三翻译句子1.我计划每天跑步半小时。2.你早饭通常吃什么?一个鸡蛋和一些牛奶。3.吃太多

8、零食会使你发胖。4.如果你想要健康,你需要改变你的生活方式。5.学好英语对我来说很重要。6.我想要5袋盐和几瓶果汁。四完型填空Every morning a rich man found a poor man sitting on a park bench(凳). The poor man always _1_there, looked at the big _2_in which the rich man lived. One day the rich man got out of his car and said to the poor man ,“Excuse me ,but I jus

9、t want to know _3_you sit here and look at my hotel_4_”.“Sir,”said the poor man ,“I am a failure. I have no money ,no family ,no home .I sleep on this bench ,and every night I dream(梦想)that one day Ill sleep in that hotel .” The rich man said ,“Tonight your dream will_5_. I will pay for the _6_room

10、in that hotel for you_7_a whole night.” A few days later, the rich man _8_the poor mans room to ask him if he was enjoying_9_.To his_10_, he found that the man had moved out of the hotel , back to his_11_. When the rich man asked why, the poor man said ,“You see, _12_Im down here sleeping on my benc

11、h, I dream Im up there, in that big hotel .Its a _13_dream .But when I was _14_ there ,I dreamed I was back to this cold bench. It was a terrible dream, and I _15_ get any sleep at all.”( ) 1. A. sat B. stood C. slept D. jumped( ) 2. A. car B. room C. hotel D. house( ) 3. A. when B. how C. what D. w

12、hy( ) 4. A. yesterday morning B. every morning C. last night D. every night( ) 5. A. come back B. come out C. come over D. come true( ) 6. A. good B. well C. better D. best( ) 7. A. for B. to C. with D. in( ) 8. A. went passed B. broke into C. went past D. ran through ( ) 9. A. them B. itself C. him D. himself( ) 10. A. joke B. happiness C. sadness D. surprise( ) 11. A. house B. corner C. bench D. work( ) 12. A. if B. when C. after D. as soon as( ) 13. A. sad B. wonderful C. quick D. slow( ) 14. A. out B. even C. up


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