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1、词汇过关测试题1. 单词汉译英1. 实验,试验 2. 广口瓶,罐子 3. upside4. pour 5. 正确的,恰当的 6. scientific 7. 方法,办法 8. raincoat 9. 力量,迫使10.pressure 11. conclude 12. holder13.shallow 14. lighter 15.n.火柴 v.相称;相配16. examine 17. oxygen 18.telesope19.solar 20.adv. 当然,确定 21. 除非,如果不22. 两倍的,双倍的 23. mystery 24. biology25.butterfly 26.mygr

2、ate 27. 奇异的,了不起的pletely 29.grandchild 30.female31.milkweed 32.chemical 33.puzzling34.DNA 35.blueprint 36. 一般的,普通的plex 38.twin 39. 重复,复述,背诵40.pattern 41.identify 42.related43.孙子,外孙 44.孙女,外孙女 45. 指示,说明46.affect 47. 建议,提议,暗示 48. 发展49.移动电话 50. 发现,发觉2.短语汉译英1 把翻转,倒过来 2 涌出 3 科学方法4 把拿开 5 做实验 6 用光,用完7 由组成 8

3、五分之一 9 太阳系10 在夜间,在晚上 11 即使,纵然 12 出现,出版,发表13 值得做某事 14 属于 15 引起某人的注意16 产卵 17 砍伐 18 (两者)都19 对感兴趣 20 一般而言,通常 21 除之外 22 与相关 23 数十亿计的,大量 24 不但而且 25 使翻转 26 向上推 27 向下按28 原地,在适当的位置29 日常生活 3.句型汉译英1 让蜡烛燃烧2-3分钟。2 当蜡烛停止燃烧时,它已经用光了空气中的所有氧气。3 星星在晚上出来。4 我认为你不能找到一个除非你有更大的望远镜。5 它值得一试,即使我不能找到行星。6 关于蝴蝶的事实已经引起了他的注意。7 除了一

4、些双胞胎,每个生物有它自己独特的。从你的中,科学家不但能鉴别你,而且能鉴别与你相关的人。4.词型转换1.correct (副词) 2. science (形容词) 3. match (复数) 4.suggest (名词) 5. develop (名词) 6. wet (比较级)7.possible (反义词) 8. shallow (反义词) 9. light (过去式)10.teach (过去式) 5.用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Thats called the method.(science) 2. Danny closes his eyes .(tight) 3. Yesterday

5、he bought some .(match) 4. Im sorry to have kept you for me.(wait) 5. Maybe well find other things.(amaze) 6. As many as 230 butterflies spend the winter.(millions) 7. This is both and interesting for many scientists.(puzzle) 8. All these things are influenced by your DNA before you are born.(strong

6、) 9. Your DNA has billions of that explain why you are the way you are.(instruction) 10. The experiment you did sounds .(interest)6.根据汉语完成单词,使句子完整1. What kinds of have you done in science class?(实验) 2. They didnt realize their mistake we told them.(直到) 3. I dont think you can find one you have a big

7、ger telescope.(除非) 4. Our classroom is the size of yours.(双倍的) 5. The facts about the butterfly have been drawing his .(注意) 6. They can cover some trees almost .(完全地) 7. Building a living thing is far than building a house .(复杂的) 8. It takes of years for nature to change the DNA in living things.(百万

8、) 9. Some health problems can be by problems in your DNA.(引起) 10.Science affects our lives.(日常的)7.根据汉语提示完成句子1.让我们做实验,好吗? Lets do , we? 2. 让蜡烛燃烧两到三分钟。 Let the candle burn for . 3. 当蜡烛停止燃烧时,它用光了空气中的所有氧气。 When the candle stops , it has all the oxygen in the air. 4. 在我们班大约三分之二的学生来自城市。 In our class about

9、 of the students from the city. 5. 星星在晚上出现。 The stars . 6. 这本书非常值得阅读。 This book . 7. 关于Tom的英语成绩已经引起了他父母的注意。The grade about Toms English has been his .8.除了一些拼写错误之外你的家庭作业很好。Your homework is quite good a few spelling mistakes.9. 财富与幸福有关吗? Is wealth happiness?10. 一般来说,女人比男人寿命更长。 ,women live longer than men.3



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