全效学习九级英语全册 Unit 1 How do you study for a test第四课时Section B 3a4 阅读课课时练习 人教新目标.doc

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1、Unit 1 How do you study for a test?第四课时Section B 3a-4 阅读课课型 一背记本节课单词31.以后;随后(词组)2.认识到;了解v.3.重要.;要紧;有关系v.4.没关系。(句子)5.害怕的;犯愁的;adj.6.害怕做某事(词组)7.嘲笑;取笑(词组)8.完整的;完全的;adj.9.秘诀;诀窍n.10.学习者n.11.做笔记;做记录(词组)12.学期n.13.使感动;使印象深刻v.14.困难;苦恼;n.15.快地;迅速地adv.一. 背记本节课词组16.首先17.开始18.说地快19.以后;随后20.没关系。(句子)21.害怕在班上发言22.嘲笑

2、;取笑23.看英语语言电视24.密码之一25.成为一名好的语言学习者26.记笔记27.记许多语法笔记28.喜欢学习英语29.印象深刻30.困难做某事31.造完整的句子困难32.许多听力练习三适当的词填空1.First of all, it wasnt easy for me _(understand) the teacher when she talked.2.To begin with, she spoke too _(quick), and I _(not can) understand every word.3.I was also afraid _(speak) in class, b

3、ecause I thought my classmates might_(laugh at) me.4.I couldnt always make complete sentences, _(too).5.I think that _(do) lots of listening practice is one of the _(secret) of _(become) a good language learner.6.So I decided _(take) lots of grammar notes in every class.7.Its _(amaze) how much this

4、helped.8.My teacher is very_(impress).9.She had trouble _(make) complete sentences.10. I have learned English for about ten years and I _ ( real )like it.1. My teacher says that it can improve my _ ( write ) skills.2. We find it very difficult _ ( learn ) English well.3. Throw the food away, it smel

5、ls _ ( good ).四读Section B-3a 判断正误;The writer found learning English difficult because( ) 1. the teachers pronunciation was poor.( )2. people always laughed at her when she spoke.( )3. he had trouble making complete sentences.( )4.English grammar was difficult. Her English improved when she started.(

6、 )5. going out with English-speaking friends.( )6. lots of listening practice.( )7. using grammar in original sentences.五用括号内所给词的正确形式填空: How do you learn best? This week we 1)_(ask) students at New Star High School about the 2)_(good) ways to learn more English. Many said they learnt by using Englis

7、h. Some students had more specific 3)_ (suggest). Lillian Li, for example, said the best way 4)_ (learn) new words was by reading English magazines. She said that 5)_ (memorize) the words of pop songs a little. When we asked about 6)_ (study) grammar, she said, “I never study grammar, Its too boring

8、.” Wei Ming feels differently. Hes 7)_ (be) learning English for six years and really loves it. He thinks studying grammar is a great way to learn a language. He also thinks that watching English movies isnt a bad way because he can watch the actors say the words. Sometimes, however, he finds watchi

9、ng movies frustrating because the people speak too 8)_ (quick)Liu Chang said that joining the English club at school was the best way to improve her English. Students get lots of practice and they also have 9)_ (funny) She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all. “We get 10)_ (excite) about something and then end up speaking in Chinese,” she said.


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