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1、江苏省扬州梅苑双语学校2013-2014学年八年级英语第八次周练试题 一、单项选择: 成绩 ( )1. The temperature is usually zero and it is often .A. under; snow B. down; snowy C. under; snow D. below; snowy( )2. She put up a shelf his bed.A. on B. over C. above D. upon( )3. When I see Mrs. Zhang every time, she is always busy the students home

2、wok.A. correct B. correcting C. to correct D. corrects ( )4. After hearing what the teacher said, Jims face red.A. became B. got C. turned D.grew( )5. I saw a cat jumping a chair.A. over B. on C. through D. above( )6. Today it is , please be careful not to fall down.A. cloudyB. windy C. foggy D. icy

3、( )7. The station is a place, I want to leave soon.A. noise B. noisey C. noisy D. noisily( )8. Its reported that the temperature will above zero next week.A. keep B. rise C. stay D. drop( )9. - ice cream would you like? - A big bowl.A. How many B. How much C. How many bowl of D. How much bowl of( )1

4、0. fine weather it is today!A. How B. What a C. What an D. What( )11. I didnt notice you were a new shirt today.A. putting on B. wearing C. dressing D. dressed( )12. Be careful! Dont the tree, Jim!A. fall over B. fall down C. fall off D. fall( )13. You had better the medicine your children at home,

5、otherwise its very dangerous to them.A. put; away B. to put; away C. to hide; from D. hide; from( )14. The cakes in the restaurant , so they well.A. are tasted better; are sold B. are tasted well; sell C. taste terrible; are sold D. taste nice; sell( )15. Star rhymes with .A. guitar B. near C. hair

6、D. wear二、完型填空:road11theanswers.Maybeyou12akindofmapofthemainroadsinmaths13_youfindyourway.Explore(探究)whatliesinmaths,and14tofindthemainroads.Theywill15youtotheanswer.Ifyoucanfindthe“map”,themathsproblemswillbeeasilyworkedout.( )1.A.aregoingtovisit B.oncevisitedC.havenevervisitedD.haveevervisit( )2.A

7、.answersB.shows C.meets D.tells( )3.A.beginB.like C.learn D.refuse( )4.A.cleverB.clear C.strangeD.wrong( )5.A.someoneB.BostonC.themD.it( )6.A.ifB.thoughC.whetherD.since( )7.A.helpsB.givesC.passesD.shows( )8.A.notB.noC.someD.much( )9.A.ofB.toC.inDaround( )10.A.thoughtoverB.heardaboutC.writtendownDtal

8、kedwith( )11.A.withB.forC.ofDto( )12.A.needtohaveB.dontneedCneedntD.inneedof( )13.A.helpB.tohelpC.helpsDhelpwith( )14.A.tryyourbestB.takeyourplaceC.lookupDwalkon( )15.A.keepB.sendC.leadD.ask三、阅读理解:A Thestudentswerehavingtheirchemistry (化学)class.MissLiwastellingthechildrenwhatwaterwaslike.Afterthat,s

9、heaskedherstudents,“Whatswater?” NoonespokeforafewminutesMissLiaskedagain,” Whydontyouanswermyquestion?DidntItellyouwhatwaterislike?”Justthenaboyputuphishandandsaid, “MissLi,youtoldusthatwaterhasnocolourandnosmellButwheretofindsuchkindofwater? Thewaterintheriverbehindmyhouseisalwaysblackandithasabad

10、smell.” Mostofthechildrenagreedwithhim. “Imsorry, children.” saidtheteacher, “Ourwaterisgettingdirtieranddirtier. Thatsaproblem.( )1Thestudentswerehavingtheir_classAEnglishBChineseCchemistryDmaths( )2MissLiwastellingthechildrenwhat_waslikeAwaterBairCearthDweather( )3Aboysaid, “Thewaterintheriverbehi

11、ndmyhouseisalways_”AwhiteBblackCcleanDclear( )4Mostofthechildren_theboyAagreedwithBwrotetoCheardfromDsentfor( )5Thewaterintheriverhascolourandsmellbecauseitisgetting_AmoreandmoreBlessandlessCcleanerandcleanerDdirtieranddirtierB The Arts Cinema is open 7 days a week, showing lots of American and fore

12、ign films. Next week it will show an Australian film called “Midnight Meeting”. It is set in Sydney in the 1960s. You can see that film from Monday to Thursday. I t will be on twice a day at 6:30 and 9:10 in the evenings. The film lasts two hours and fifteen minutes. Tickets are $ 4, but there is a special student ticket at $2.50 for all the films. Please bring your student card if you want the cheaper ticket.The nearest car park to the cinema is in Hamlet Street. Its just five minut


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