九级英语第一学期月考卷 人教新目标.doc

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1、2011年第一学期九年级英语月考卷(一)听力部分 (共25分)一、听力(本题有15小题,共计25分,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分)第一节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。1.What does Dans mother do?A. B. C. 2.How does the boy improve his listening?A. B. C. 3.What is Mary interested in now?A. B. C. 4.Where may the man take his son to swim?A. B. C. 5.Which is not expe

2、nsive in Paris?A. B. C.第二节:听长对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。听下面一段较长的对话,回答6、7两小题。对话读两遍。6. What did the girl do last night?A. She played the computer games. B. She watched the video on the computer.C. She wrote her composition.7. When did she go to bed?A. She didnt go to bed. B. At 12 oclock. C. After 12 oclo

3、ck听下面一段较长的对话,回答8、9、10三小题。对话读两遍。8. Who is going to No.1 Middle School?A. Peter. B. Linda. C. Helen.9. Which high school do Lindas parents think is the best in their city?A. No.1 Middle School. B. No.2 Middle School. C. We dont know.10. Why doesnt Linda want to go to No. 2 Middle School?A. It is too f

4、ar from her home.B. The students there are very excellent.C. The teachers there are not experienced.第三节:听独白,完成信息记录表。NoticeName of the activity: 11Place: 12 Time: 13 Topic: 14 Speaker: 15 11. A. An English talkB.An English partyC. An English show12. A.On the playground B.In the classroom C. In the li

5、brary13. A. At 2:00 p.m.B. At 5:00 p.m.C. At 7:00 p.m.14. A. How to use the computer B. How to learn English well C. How to be an English teacher15. A. A boy from No. 20 Middle SchoolB. A girl from school libraryC. Miss Zhang from No. 20 Middle School (二)笔试部分 (共95分)二、单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共计10分)16. -Ho

6、w do you study math for a test, Paul? - more exercises. A. With doingB. For doing C. By doing D. To do17. - Heres my little cat. Please _ it carefully while Im away. - OK. I will.A. look after B. look up C. look for D. look at18. Did you find _ very interesting to play volleyball?A. this B. that C.

7、it D. its19. - _watching English-language TV to practice listening? - Good idea. I think it helps.A. Why not B. What about C. How D. Shall we20. - Did you use to study in NO. 14 Middle School? - Yes, I _.A. used B. did C. used to do D. used to be21. - Jim enjoys listening to pop music. -_ .A. So doe

8、s Helen. B. Also is Helen C. Helen likes also D. So Helen does22. Something is wrong with my PDA.I will have it _. A. repair B. repairing C. to repair D. repaired23. I think teenagers should _ drive. They are not serious enough.A. be allowed to B. not be allowed to C. allow to D. not allow to24. He

9、doesnt do his homework _, though he has _. A. enough carefully,enough time B. enough careful, time enoughC. careful enough, enough time D. carefully enough, enough time25. -Thank you for helping me a lot.-_.A. Never mindB. You are welcomeC. It doesnt matter.D. No problem三、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)Wh

10、o is the greatest teacher in Chinese history? You cant think of anyone else when you 26 people say Confucius(孔子) words: All study but no thinking makes people confused. All thinking 27 no study makes people lazy.Confucius knows almost 28 about people, and he is known by everyone. His life is not the

11、 29 , but his thoughts that has 30 the whole world for the longest time. Not only he is the greatest 31 ,but also is the greatest teacher. He had about 3,000 32 . For more than 2,000 years, Confucius ideas have been in peoples everyday lives. Even they have gone 33 into east and south Asia, people c

12、an still hear 34 today.Why are his ideas so 35 ? Because they are helpful in everyday life. Confucius most 36 ideas are kindness and good manners. Confucius said young people should look after the old 37 . People should give up thinking of themselves and work 38 others. As a great teacher, Confucius

13、 said all should go to school 39 they could and wanted to learn. Confucius popular words are “A kind person should 40 others” and be strict with yourself, but be kind to others. Kindness and honesty are the best values(品质)of the world today. 26A. knowB. thinkC. believeD. hear27A. andB. butC. orD. so

14、28A. everythingB. somethingC. nothingD. anything29A. longestB. bestC. shortestD. hardest30A. improvedB. inventedC. introducedD. influenced31A. teacherB. writerC. thinkerD. scientist32A. studentsB. friendsC. workersD. soldiers33A. farB. backC. aheadD. near34A. itB. themC. usD. her35A. interestingB. popularC. specialD. strange36A. uselessB. terribleC. importantD. creative37A. carefullyB. rudelyC. carelessly


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